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Smart meter

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Former Member21/01/2022 13:28:25
1085 forum posts

[This posting has been removed]

Tony Pratt 121/01/2022 13:31:39
2319 forum posts
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I have a fairly new meter & don't want a 'smart' one but I'm sure the suppliers will use this trick more and more to get them installed.


Ady121/01/2022 13:40:46
6137 forum posts
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I just tell them I'm looking at switching supplier

PatJ21/01/2022 13:49:58
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Smart meters became mandatory here a few years ago in my city.

No way to opt-out. If you want power to your house, you get a new meter.

There were some highly publicized "meter fires" supposedly caused by the new meters, but it would seem that the meter readers were probably setting those, since they did not want to get reassigned to more demanding tasks.

No more fires since all the meters have been put in, and no more pesky meter readers coming around the house, and then things disappearing late in the night. Sometimes I think the meter readers were acting as spotters.

They have installed perhaps 1 million meters in my city and surrounding counties, and no problems.

Ditto for the water meters. You want water, you get a smart meter.

They are all tied in via wi-fi to the local utility company.


Edited By PatJ on 21/01/2022 13:50:49

duncan webster21/01/2022 13:56:30
5307 forum posts
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I agreed to have smart meters, but when they came to fit the gas meter they found the mounting bracket was damaged. Supplier maintains it is the distribution company's problem and vice versa. One thing is certain, I'm not paying, they can sort it out between themselves. I now have a dumb gas meter and asmart electric meter which doesn't speak to anything, as the system can't cope with one and not the other. Taking meter readings every month is not exactly onerous, and I know tumble driers use a lot of power, so I still don't see why smart meter is to my advantage 

Edited By duncan webster on 21/01/2022 13:58:34

Ches Green UK21/01/2022 14:07:50
181 forum posts
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I've even had an email confirming the time and date of a meter installation, which I never asked for. I just ignored it.

AFAIK, there are a number of different types of smart meters out there (and software versions?) and most aren't compatible for switching to a new electricity/gas supplier.


DMB21/01/2022 14:10:31
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1. So called smart meters are purely customer choice (govt said)

2. The power companies have no means of enforcement - report them if they try.

3. So you know how much it's costing you. My Father was a civil servant and he said they had a favourite saying - "bullshit baffles brains". Think they're right, consider this; what's in it for you versus what's in it for them? If you want a hot drink, you're going to boil the kettle, never mind the cost.

Not been an EDF customer for months but within their area in Sussex. Cheeky blighters keep sending messages to get smart meter installed.

I told them I don't give a toss what the meter says, I'm still going to put the kettle on when I want.

4. I don't have one and don't want one.

Edited By DMB on 21/01/2022 14:11:35

John Rudd21/01/2022 14:15:39
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Posted by duncan webster on 21/01/2022 13:56:30:

Taking meter readings every month is not exactly onerous, and I know tumble driers use a lot of power, so I still don't see why smart meter is to my advantage…..l

Smart meters in my opinion do not help the consumer more like confuse….,

Its simple, you pay for what you use….If you live in a household lit up like Blackpool illuminations, then be prepared to pay a large bill…..

When I was a child, we were reminded, to close doors behind us and turn off lights on leaving a room….now as a bill payer I can see why…

Alistair Robertson 121/01/2022 14:18:49
154 forum posts
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My experience with smart meters is not positive as the meter had to be replaced in our local museum where I volunteer. The fitter came to install it and said " this meter can't work here there is no radio signal"

He contacted his manager but was told to fit it any way! Well the power company couldn't read the meter and asked us to photograph the meter screen and email it to them. This was OK for about 6 months then we were told that as they could not read the meter remotely they were going to get a company to read the meter every month at a cost of £28.50 a month added to our usually about £20 bill. A word in their ear from our local MP soon produced a letter of apology and we continue to send in photos every month.

duncan webster21/01/2022 14:22:35
5307 forum posts
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Posted by Ches Green UK on 21/01/2022 14:07:50:


AFAIK, there are a number of different types of smart meters out there (and software versions?) and most aren't compatible for switching to a new electricity/gas supplier.


SMETS2 meter can cope with change of supplier, and they are not allowed to fit SMETS1 now..

KWIL21/01/2022 14:24:23
3681 forum posts
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Remember that the Smart meters are the thin end of the wedge. Once you are hooked they can charge variable rates to persuade you to move your heavier loads to when it's cheaper, like overnight.

Keep saying NO.

Henry Brown21/01/2022 14:40:57
618 forum posts
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We don't have terrestrial broadband so I'm guessing we won't get one...

Mark Rand21/01/2022 14:48:15
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The quid pro quo to that is that, if you have solar+battery you can import and export at times that give you the best prices. With at least one supplier (Octopus Energy) you can have your solar+battery system managed by them to automate the process.

The smart meters don't use WiFi or broadband. Grabbed from another site:-

Existing SMETS1 meters are supplier specific and use GSM over existing 900MHz 3G mobile networks (SIM cards).

SMETS2 meters allow the consumer to change supplier and retain full smart meter functionality without needing a change of smart meter.

SMETS2 uses the DCC network, which is accessed via:

  • North of Lincoln: Arqiva FlexNet 412-424MHz LongRangeRadio WAN
  • Central & Southern: on cellular 900MHz O2 2G/3G GPRS and Telefonica 869MHz wireless mesh

Edited By Mark Rand on 21/01/2022 15:03:08

SillyOldDuffer21/01/2022 14:53:07
10668 forum posts
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Posted by KWIL on 21/01/2022 14:24:23:

Remember that the Smart meters are the thin end of the wedge. Once you are hooked they can charge variable rates to persuade you to move your heavier loads to when it's cheaper, like overnight.

Keep saying NO.

The alternative is load-shedding!

I'm happier with Smart Meters now I've seen one in action. My daughter's just moved into a new flat, has a massive mortgage, loads of bills to pay, and is extremely short of money. Controlling her electricity bill is essential, and she's found her Smart Meter very helpful.

Trouble ahead for her and other UK citizens on a tight budget: energy prices are expected to remain high for two years and inflation is rising. It's 4.8% pa when last reported in December, and in the same period the workforce got poorer because wages increased by less than inflation (3.8%).

I agree with KWIL though, Smart Meters aren't of much use to wealthy Boomers like me. As for poor people, let them eat cake...



Gray6221/01/2022 15:21:54
1058 forum posts
16 photos

1. Smart meters are currently not compulsory.

2. Meter brackets are the responsibility of the energy supply company as it is classed as part of the meter installation and is a safety and security component.

3. Smets2 Meters will transfer between suppliers when changing energy provider. Smets1 meters are no longer being installed.

4. Dual band comms hubs are being rolled out shortly to improve connectivity between meters in situations where the current 2.4Ghz HAN signal is blocked by building infrastructure or excessive distance between the electric and gas meter positions.

5. Smart meters currently communicate using SMS over 2G or 3G networks. This will soon become a huge problem for the energy providers as the 2G and 3G networks are to be switched off in the not too distant future. This will require as a minimum, that the comms hub on all current installations be replaced. More disruption to the customer. Can't see this being a 5 minute job.

6. Smart meters are a 'whole installation' monitoring device, no different to the heritage meters (non smart) previously used. Yes the energy provider can see peaks and troughs in usage however, they cannot use this data to force a change in tariff or when you use heavy load devices GDPR rules apply here.

7. If an energy company fits a smart meter and subsequently find that they do not have comms with it, they can not charge the customer to have the meter read. They must rely on customer readings and take readings during the billing year to ensure those readings are valid.

8. A smart meter will NOT 'save you money'

The rollout has cost somewhere in the region of £11 billion so far. Further costs will be incurred before the rollout is complete and the cost is being borne by the consumer whether you have a smart meter or not it will be part of your energy cost.

Anyone want to hazzard a guess as to which industry I have been involved in. I still have dealing with industry professionals through my work and so keep up to date with changes etc.

larry phelan 121/01/2022 15:48:10
1346 forum posts
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We were "advised " some time ago that our Smart Meters would be getting installed "soon", I dont remember being asked did I want one or not.

Seems like they are being fitted, full stop !

PS What would you want to run at night ? Dishwashers, Washing machines ? No way ,highly dangerous to leave these things unattended.

I suppose we could use our lathes, mills, saws ect at night, but I,m not sure the nabours would like it !devil

mgnbuk21/01/2022 16:05:30
1394 forum posts
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What would you want to run at night ?

Charge your electric car on a reduced tariff so it is ready to be used the next day.

Nigel B

JA21/01/2022 16:20:20
1605 forum posts
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To be realistic: In the end are you going to have the option of not having one?

The industry has obviously sold the idea to the government as a good way of controlling power useage. In the end they will get fed-up with us anti-smart meterers and make them mandatory.


SillyOldDuffer21/01/2022 16:39:46
10668 forum posts
2415 photos
Posted by Gray62 on 21/01/2022 15:21:54:

1. Smart meters are currently not compulsory.


True, but hard to avoid if anything changes. Such as moving home, changing supplier or the existing meter reaches end of life.

Also true that Smart Meters don't save money. They provide information that Smart Owners can use to save money.

I think it's only a matter of time before Smart Meters start offering different tariffs. Technically not difficult. The exact method would have to be acceptable to all parties, but I doubt many would object to a meter that told us when electricity was available at less than the agreed rate. A 'cheap now' light would encourage people to use renewable energy whenever it's available rather than expensive energy at any time.

Strong objections to having a Smart Meter will probably vanish as soon as owners of old meters realise they are paying more for their electricity than everyone else!



Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 21/01/2022 16:40:47

Oven Man21/01/2022 17:02:07
204 forum posts
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Given that we do not own the electricity or gas meters we are not really in a position to decide whether we want a smart meter or not. What's not to like about them? I've had one for a year now, granted by itself it won't save you money, but it has provided a wealth of information regarding how much energy I am giving back to the grid from by my solar panels. Based on the information I am seriously considering fitting a diverter to heat the water using the excess energy.


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