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Member postings for Tony Pratt 1

Here is a list of all the postings Tony Pratt 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Wera hand-tools
04/10/2023 19:47:04
Posted by Andy Stopford on 04/10/2023 19:22:54:

I think they just assume that large account holders will pay because the person doing the ordering doesn't care what the price is.

A grammar school lab tech friend of mine often complains of teachers doing this sort of thing.

There is a lot of truth in what you say Andy.


Thread: I've borrowed a Anycubic Mega S 3D printer, best CAD program?
04/10/2023 17:46:37

SOD, yes I do want to print engineering and other 'useful' objects.


04/10/2023 09:28:57

Thanks guys, I will give Onshape a go.


Thread: Wera hand-tools
04/10/2023 08:58:02

No they are not that good, price gouging they call it in America, but of course no one has to buy!


Thread: I've borrowed a Anycubic Mega S 3D printer, best CAD program?
03/10/2023 14:57:25

As the title says I've borrowed an Anycubic Mega S 3D printer, and downloaded both Fusion 360 and Freecad, which is the most user friendly CAD program? Interested in personal experiences.


Thread: Best way of moving milling machine
03/10/2023 11:47:42

My similar sized milling M/C was slid into position on flat steel bars, it moved very easily.


Thread: Tramming your mill(/dril) head:A theoretical question-Idea came up
02/10/2023 11:03:55
Posted by Greg Webb 1 on 02/10/2023 10:43:28:

I don't think you can beat the clock on the table, or a known parallel, but again with the minimum of Quill extension.

I totally agree that you can't beat the 'clock on the table ,or a known parallel' method of tramming but I was always taught to have the quill fully extended , thinking about it I don't know why so would be best to have it fully retracted. As an aside our Swiss made Genevoise jig borers were serviced once a year and they checked the quill squareness with a long arm at 90 degrees plus DTI straight onto the table, enough said I think!


Thread: M-DRO help?
01/10/2023 14:49:22
Posted by Bo'sun on 01/10/2023 13:32:29:

Thank you Andries,

I'll give it a try, but it's not what the M-DRO guidelines tell you to do. The problem is, all worked fine previously, but now it's just stopped working. Let's see what Allendale (M-DRO) have to say next week. Fortunately it's still under warranty (just).

Hi Bo'sun, In the UK a suppliers warranty period is irrelevant, UK consumer law states an item should be of reasonable quality and last a reasonable time, just a heads up but I think Allendale are a decent company.


Thread: What is EN58 used for?
01/10/2023 12:23:36

Domestic, dairy and decorative purposes. Can be formed and welded, most widely used grade relatively low cost,  this was from a Google search not my personal experience.


Edited By Tony Pratt 1 on 01/10/2023 12:23:56

Edited By Tony Pratt 1 on 01/10/2023 12:27:36

Thread: M-DRO help?
30/09/2023 10:33:05

Nealeb, yes that is what I do, so what is your problem as your DRO will read zero when your mill spindle is over the part centre line? My DRO is a Knuth make.


Edited By Tony Pratt 1 on 30/09/2023 10:33:37

30/09/2023 10:15:25

My DRO reads zero when I am physically in the middle of the part. PS not the same make as yours


Edited By Tony Pratt 1 on 30/09/2023 10:17:52

Thread: 5 minute cad
28/09/2023 14:34:56

If I recall correctly the Proto Trak mill I worked on would be able to draw this shape and generate the code no problem IF the operator knew what the were doing! No need for a CAM program for this example.


28/09/2023 12:36:40
Posted by JasonB on 28/09/2023 09:27:14:

What FB Group Tony? Sounds like there may be some good tool crash pictures coming

Hobby Machinist Projects is the FB page.


28/09/2023 09:19:13

I saw the original post on FB, this guy needs some serious training.


Thread: Making aPolishing Mop "Tail"
26/09/2023 15:13:02

I used a taper turning attachment when making my ‘tail’, but I recall there is a guy on YouTube who made some freehand.


Thread: Broken toolmakers clamp.
25/09/2023 18:12:46
Posted by duncan webster on 25/09/2023 17:52:50:

It's stronger full stop, EN8 normalised has UTS 35 tsi, heat treated can be as high as 55 tsi. The yield stress also increases. These figures from a United Steel Co handbook which is about 50 years old.

Case hardening won't change the strength much at all as it's s only skin deep (sorry)

So if a higher UTS [ultimate tensile strength] is quoted, will it have a higher resistance to bending, as in Toolmaker clamp usage? I'm not sure but I don't think so. We may be going down a rabbit hole with this one guys.


24/09/2023 14:27:06

File Handle, in my opinion the taper jaws look better and also practically they give better access to 'things' in confined spaces and offer a better view of what you are clamping.


Thread: 9/16 nut help!
24/09/2023 14:23:50

Just Google search 9/16" UNF nuts


24/09/2023 13:32:59

9/16 UNF nuts are readily available in the UK.


Thread: DROs etc
21/09/2023 18:00:43

Martin C, thanks I'm aware of backlash affected DRO's and used one on a jig borer back in the day but doubt these are around now, from memory these were simple table movement indicators without the multitude of useful additional functions on present day DRO's?


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