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Member postings for JA

Here is a list of all the postings JA has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Raspberry Pi 5
28/09/2023 12:33:53

It could almost compete with my twelve year old lap top.


Thread: London Model Engineering exhibition at Alexandra Palace
28/09/2023 12:29:32

The first model engineering show I went to was in Exmouth. It , a local show, must have made an impression since I have vague memories of it. I was about eight at the time.

I went to a couple at Seymour Hall. I seem to remember these as being slightly chaotic and in two halls 100 yards apart. A couple of stand holders were very rude to me since I had long hair (if only I had now). After thirty years or so I started to revisit shows. One of the first was at the Agricultural Hall in Islington, I think. Then there was Donnington Part race course, a sports centre in the Lee Valley and so on.

I am no longer planning to visit any exhibitions. At present I am not fit enough and I do not know what I would gain from a visit. I make models to keep myself busy.


Thread: ChatGPT - need we worry?
27/09/2023 14:53:32

I know nothing about AI.

This morning the post delivered the latest quarterly magazine of the Newcomen Society. In it is a short article on using ChatGPT to get information on the Tanfield Arch in County Durham. The contributor asks four questions about the structure and the replies are interesting. The last asks for "an instance of the 'scholarly articles'" on the arch. ChatCPT fabricates a reply, just making up a referance.

Interesting, perhaps the contributor made it all up (I don't think so) but we are seeing a re-writing of information.


Thread: Motorcycle General Discussion
24/09/2023 13:07:02
Posted by Diogenes on 24/09/2023 10:33:46:

I've just stumbled across a reference elsewhere that hinted at the passing of Henry Body (of Douglas/Sprint fame) back in the summer - if true it would be sad to think it passed without comment..

In spite of a search I can't find any further information - does anyone know?

Henry Body passed away about a month ago.

My friend in the Douglas Club does not have the full details.


Thread: Steam rocket motorcycle update.
23/09/2023 22:00:36

That is real praise and acknowledgment. Well done.


Thread: A blast from the past
08/09/2023 20:32:36
Posted by Ady1 on 08/09/2023 19:53:06:

You used to see electric irons plugged into lightbulb sockets. Happy days.

I think mine still does. I have not used it for more than 40 years. My elecric blanket was last used in the winter of 1978.


Thread: This made me smile
01/09/2023 16:35:57

Removed because it was too serious.



Edited By JA on 01/09/2023 16:38:10

Thread: Machinery Handbook
31/08/2023 12:00:27
Posted by bernard towers on 31/08/2023 09:15:20:

problem is what's relevant to one may not be to the other!

I do think a good handbook should be more than just a simple reference book. Everything in the book should be presented in a good readable manner so that non-relevant parts can be a good distraction on a cold, wet, miserable day, like today, in the workshop.

Now to read chapter 11 (Piston & Gland Seals) of Tubal Cain's handbook!


Edited By JA on 31/08/2023 12:01:56

Thread: Spam in the Classifieds
30/08/2023 15:04:44

I think some of us, including me, should be careful. Mama Zam is offering black magic revenge spells that work in the UK.devil


Edited By JA on 30/08/2023 15:08:14

Thread: Machinery Handbook
30/08/2023 11:59:24

I have seen copies in my past life but the really useful handbook was Kemps Engineers Year Book. I won a 1974 copy during an office clear out and frequently use it. I also have two copies of Tubal Cain's Model Engineer's Handbook, one in the workshop, the other in the office. They are both interesting books and Tubal Cain does point you in the right direct, pre-internet, if you want further information.


Thread: When boredom overtakes, make something, anything!
29/08/2023 09:20:19


Thank you for those kind comments.


Thread: History of the magazine.
28/08/2023 12:47:20


He is describing to jet engine about 2 years before the first had run. The gas turbine, as we know it, had yet to arrive.



His comments are correct which is not surprising since he knew Whittle (he is mentioned in Whittle's postwar autobiography).


Thread: Another Mystery Object
27/08/2023 11:53:21

Interesting website. The spanner is rather expensive at about £90. I can understand why I have never seen one.


Thread: History of the magazine.
26/08/2023 12:48:49
Posted by Nick Clarke 3 on 26/08/2023 11:13:12:
Posted by JA on 25/08/2023 20:29:45:


Although I have nothing to add, except that Westbury had been the civilian manager of RAF Cranwell's training workshop in the late 1920s and early 30s, but it would help me if you drew up a simple time line, please.


ETW was also at the RAF Apprentice training school at RAF Halton - a brief appreciation and notes on his career appears in ME 3394 Vol 136 1970 with additions in the following issues and into Vol 137

I guess so since the RAF Apprentice Training School moved at Halton from Cranwell in the 1930s. From that time it is worth reading pages 215 and 216 of Westbury's "Model Petrol Engines".


25/08/2023 20:29:45


Although I have nothing to add, except that Westbury had been the civilian manager of RAF Cranwell's training workshop in the late 1920s and early 30s, but it would help me if you drew up a simple time line, please.


Thread: Forum Platform Changes - PLEASE READ
25/08/2023 12:36:13

I have read all the recent postings and am happy with what is going to happen. My major problem is chosing an Avatar.

My question: When is this going to happen?


Thread: OVO Energy not recognising Power of Attorney
24/08/2023 17:55:31

I read Alistair's posting with some amazement and then followed up Googling OVO. Without looking far it appears they have finanicial problems and and very poor customer services. I think this was the same with SSE, who is now a part owner of OVO. Following the trail I had a quick look at the Guardian. Yesterday they had a report almost identical about E.ON harassing a person in final care and ignoring Power of Attorney.

I am about to give Power of Attorney to a couple close relatives.

"There is something rotten in the state of Denmark".


Edited By JA on 24/08/2023 17:56:48

Thread: New dial for my Murday Clack
22/08/2023 12:47:11

I rather like the idea of a Murday Clack.

How is it driven?


Thread: When boredom overtakes, make something, anything!
22/08/2023 10:20:37

I have been following this "topic" with interest. I have to say it has become very bitchy.

Tony has a method of working that gives good results but it is not the way most of the world works. Some companies, even aerospace companies (not in the UK or USA), use a trial make, assemble and then design for manufacture method. The results are not rubbish and it is as quick as the conventional method of design first.


Thread: 24V rectifier for lighting.
21/08/2023 17:43:00

I have occasionally used strobes as a student and later at work. The effect, with the correct light, is very obvious. As for workshop lighting I am not sure. I have never seen a strong strobe effect with incandescent, tungsten, fluorscent and LEDs. Years ago there was an article in the ME where someone had studied the stroboscopic of various lights. Surprisingly he observed the effect with incandescent lights. I feel it is just something that people like to worry about.

Safety wise I would be more worried about machine lights clamped onto milling machine tables, lathes cross slides etc. (shown at the start of this topic). They are always in the way and give far too concentrated a light. Industrially I only every saw them in badly lit workshops. Surely it is far better to floody the area with general lighting (LED strips these days).


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