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Member postings for Ady1

Here is a list of all the postings Ady1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: I've borrowed a Anycubic Mega S 3D printer, best CAD program?
04/10/2023 19:55:01

You still got your action man stuff?

My brothers inherited mine, many fun hours spent with action man

Thread: Downtime Reading
04/10/2023 19:33:51

I use wiki a lot, reading about anything from Rome (hooligans) to British Battleship development

Interesting snippet the other day

Bismarck sank the Hood and the Prince of Wales disengaged, eventually returning home where they found an unexploded 15 inch shell in her hull which no-one knew about

Thread: Wera hand-tools
04/10/2023 14:10:55

One of the interesting things with this tactic is that when everyone else is sold out and you really need a tool or widget there's only one place left to go...

and it sits there, taunting you...

04/10/2023 13:03:39

Facom Britool tend to be decent

Halfords advanced can be surprisingly durable

Had a goose neck 8mm ratchet for 5-6 years which does all my hexes (lots of conversions as well as originals, tool post stuff etc) and never misses a beat

04/10/2023 09:45:46

I'll see you all on the other side

Now all hold hands, close your eyes, and concentrate very hard...

Thread: Further Adventures with the Sieg KX3 & KX1
03/10/2023 19:44:43


I was just staring at it thinking omg

But 4 hours wasn't so bad, I thought more like 8

Edited By Ady1 on 03/10/2023 19:45:30

03/10/2023 19:17:16

How long did that take to do Jason?

Thread: What defines BILLET …
03/10/2023 09:31:05

"Billet" sounds better than "lump" for sales purposes

Thread: RIP record no 24
02/10/2023 18:27:42

Must have been a wee bit dodgy anyway, it's usually the leadscrew nut that fails in these high pressure scenarios

02/10/2023 12:53:09

...cue JAWS music...

Edited By Ady1 on 02/10/2023 12:56:41

Thread: Dedicated Search Engine
02/10/2023 10:54:39

The new 2024 forum will do everything we ever dreamed about, so not needed

Thread: Britan repetition lathe operation
01/10/2023 19:38:47

You lucky dog, there can't be many nice examples about now.

As with most lathes the "extra bits" are important for doing stuff so make sure you've got every little part possible from your mate

Thread: Help wanted
01/10/2023 19:32:06

The amateurs lathe and various online PDFs and articles will help keep you going

Thread: Upgrading from a Clarke CL300M, where to go?
01/10/2023 11:50:28

That AMABL210D is only 65KG but has a 38mm spindle bore, 40cm between centres

Looks pretty ideal for someone with limited space

30/09/2023 10:22:42

If I was ever to upgrade I would lean towards a big spindle bore

Some of the bigger hobby machines can do 38mm which is seriously useful

Thread: lidl tools 28/09/23
29/09/2023 23:53:19

They had a load of gear in today, all sorts of stuff

There was even a black box plasma cutter/compressor there for £150 with a 5 year warranty

Thread: Another mess
29/09/2023 00:19:40

I've only done locos in CAD but I wouldn't mess with the geometrics

Change one dimension and it's usually a nightmare domino effect

If you can MIG then put a small piece into the error zone and tack weld it in

15 or 16 volts

35 Amps

In and out, don't hang about, about one to two seconds per tack weld

A bit of practice on some scrap first, you can hold the workpiece with a gloved finger

The weld will be quite hard compared to the mild steel so tack sparingly, don't lump them in

Good Luck

Thread: boring 20 mm diameter hole in aluminium
28/09/2023 18:04:56

Once you get close with aluminium you can do a high speed single tooth whirry job for finishing, I've done up to 45mm in steel

Thing is a hobby lathe is much better for boring bigger holes, a hobby mill will struggle unless you get it just right

Thread: Colchester Chipmaster
27/09/2023 19:31:07

If you say what the issue is and expand with a picture or two the guys in here are pretty good


Edited By Ady1 on 27/09/2023 20:05:46

Thread: Wrapping a swept profile around a cylinder in Alibre Atom
27/09/2023 10:22:49

I wouldn't use it for Concorde turbine blades but could be used for writing lettering or any less critical apps

The CAD user would need to decide

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