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Member postings for Gray62

Here is a list of all the postings Gray62 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

12/06/2022 07:23:58

Login is painfully slow and no access to magazines, just a blank page

Thread: Songs about Engineering
27/02/2022 21:07:44
Posted by Chris Gill on 23/02/2022 16:57:31:

Back in the70's the Teesside Fettlers often sang at the folk club in the Sun Inn, Stockton-on-Tees. They produced two LPs with a number of songs about steel making, mining, and other aspects of life in the area. One of my favourite refrains is from the song "Steelmen" ...

Hammer it, weld it, roll it to and fro,

Cleveland steel is of the best, I'll have you's all to know.

Forge it, cast it, mould it how you like,

Neat as a Geordie hinnie bird and tough as a Yorkshire tyke.

Ah well, the rolling mills and blast furnaces may be gone now but I still have this on the workshop play list.

Ah, that brings back fond memories. As an ex Redcar steelworker the one that has always had the most meaning for me is Ring of Iron.

Thread: Raglan Capstan MKII
21/01/2022 19:36:43

How to post pictures

Thread: Smart meter
21/01/2022 15:21:54

1. Smart meters are currently not compulsory.

2. Meter brackets are the responsibility of the energy supply company as it is classed as part of the meter installation and is a safety and security component.

3. Smets2 Meters will transfer between suppliers when changing energy provider. Smets1 meters are no longer being installed.

4. Dual band comms hubs are being rolled out shortly to improve connectivity between meters in situations where the current 2.4Ghz HAN signal is blocked by building infrastructure or excessive distance between the electric and gas meter positions.

5. Smart meters currently communicate using SMS over 2G or 3G networks. This will soon become a huge problem for the energy providers as the 2G and 3G networks are to be switched off in the not too distant future. This will require as a minimum, that the comms hub on all current installations be replaced. More disruption to the customer. Can't see this being a 5 minute job.

6. Smart meters are a 'whole installation' monitoring device, no different to the heritage meters (non smart) previously used. Yes the energy provider can see peaks and troughs in usage however, they cannot use this data to force a change in tariff or when you use heavy load devices GDPR rules apply here.

7. If an energy company fits a smart meter and subsequently find that they do not have comms with it, they can not charge the customer to have the meter read. They must rely on customer readings and take readings during the billing year to ensure those readings are valid.

8. A smart meter will NOT 'save you money'

The rollout has cost somewhere in the region of £11 billion so far. Further costs will be incurred before the rollout is complete and the cost is being borne by the consumer whether you have a smart meter or not it will be part of your energy cost.

Anyone want to hazzard a guess as to which industry I have been involved in. I still have dealing with industry professionals through my work and so keep up to date with changes etc.

Thread: Speed Camera Flashes?
06/01/2022 18:25:02

Well, I certainly do not think we should be congratulating Martin for sharing when he was blatantly speeding and to a degree bragging about it then questioning whether he had been caught on camera. The fine, points or whatever is totally deserved and I have no sympathy, and to accuse someone of a 'sanctimonious, holier than thou' attitude simply confirms his arrogant attitude. As a professional driver, I see this sort of thing so much throughout the days and weeks. Lack of attention at the wheel, speeding and general ignorance of the rules of the road are major contributors to so many road traffic incidents (they are never an accident! there is always a cause)

I feel strongly about this because as a young man and newly married, I came very close to being killed by similar actions and lack of attention.

As for the Highway code, How many have familiarised themselves with the latest changes that are coming into effect on 29 Jan?

Thread: Parvalux motors
27/11/2021 08:23:21

Without specific details of the motor we can only make assumptions. You talk about running from an inverter so we will assume we are dealing with a 3 phase motor. There will be no need for a NVR switch as this functionality can be programmed into most decent inverters as can speed control and start/stop parameters.

A photo of the motor information plate will be a good starting point.


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
02/10/2021 23:02:11
Posted by Cornish Jack on 25/09/2021 17:18:08:

Not today, but over the last 4 days, worked on the bits below, plus sweat, blood and expletives deleted !!


which left me with this ...img_0203a.jpg

and more elbow grease and the silicone variety ... ended up with this



An unusual design and manufacturer. the shaped work holders rotate individually and accurately match for height - 4 total approx 1/4" thick. Very substantial (heavy) and good for mill or drill.

Anyone else come across this type ?



Yes, I have a pair of vices of a very similar design, mine are branded SEVO 2, bloody heavy but very useful at times, especially as an identical pair. This is one of them,

sevo2 vice-cropped.jpg

Thread: KRV (bridgeport clone) stop removal help!
21/08/2021 22:45:25

The part at the top of the trip rod will look something like this,

reverse trip.jpg

It is the reverse trip toggle. there should be a threaded hole in the end into which you screw a threaded bar to pull the toggle out.

I am missing mine so if you take it out, can you take some measurements and post on here


Thread: I think I'm in love... with a metal bender :-)
20/07/2021 07:51:08
Posted by not done it yet on 20/07/2021 07:22:25:

There is a later type of bed design for these benders. Fabricated and possibly (very) slightly reduced magnetic field.

Also a fresh design for the hinges, making them easily constructed by any competent hobbyist.

I’ve got a pile of bits suitable for making one - but not the copper - and intended starting earlier than now. I might make a start by the end of the year, but that will be dependent on increasing my workshop area, which is not looking good!

Do you have a link for the hinges and the later bed design please?


Thread: Tooling Auction
05/07/2021 09:09:57

Ah, I now see where the credit card details comes in however, it did not ask me for the CVV number but when I try to submit the details, it says my email format is invalid despite there being no email field on the page I am filling in!

05/07/2021 08:36:09

Steve, Just tried signing up for that auction and was straightforward, no request for credit card details.

Thread: Harrison M250
04/06/2021 13:02:27

To assist the OP and those with suggestions, the broken part is shown in this parts diagram it is part of the feed selector mechanism., given the relevant dimensions, thread etc, a straight forward part to make for someone with a working lathe although it may require hardening

harrison parts.jpg

Thread: Warco 712 Bandsaw
03/04/2021 13:33:06
Posted by Howard Lewis on 03/04/2021 12:56:06:

Having set the tension with a Tension Meter, ( to the Jacques Maurel design ) it cuts well, straight, and blades seem to wear out rather than breaking.


Hi Howard, do you have a reference for the tension meter design?



Thread: Hi from Hampshire U.K
25/03/2021 16:19:11

Hampshire is quite a big county, Whereabouts roughly are you? I'm in East Hants, Near Alton.

Thread: Warco 1322 / 1330 Lathes
17/02/2021 22:29:57

As Peak4, I have an older (2004 vintage) imperial GH1330. Excellent machine that has done everything asked of it over the 14 years I've owned it

I live quite close to Warco and have visited them regularly over the years, I've seen numerous examples of the later machines and cannot see any difference in overall build quality in newer machines. If mine needed replacement (which I think highly unlikely) I would replace with the same again.

The only changes I have made to mine is to fit a 3 phase motor and inverter, 3 axis DRO and a lever feed tailstock to the design from the late John Stevenson.


Thread: Plans for updating the archaic forum?
16/02/2021 16:59:36

Before the new site is made 'live', will there be an opportunity for a selected group of members to view and beta test the site?

It's one thing for the developers to 'visualise what was asked for' it is quite another for the end user.

Having worked both sides of the desk, as a developer, QA and customer PM, I see it an essential phase in the development of any piece of software.


Thread: Warco Lathe Query
16/02/2021 09:50:47
Posted by Dave Halford on 16/02/2021 09:23:01:
Posted by Bazyle on 16/02/2021 09:18:59:

A couple months ago I blocked someone's posts. Never done it before but I can't remember who and why and can't see anything on the controls that tell me. What happens if someone you block starts a thread? does it come up like this with the first post missing?

Yep first post I see is Rik's and you can't un-ignore member either.

You can see who you are ignoring by going to 'My posts' in the top green bar and click on ' My Ignored Members' at the top of that page, I don't know but think that may then allow you to un-ignore, can't be sure as I don't have anyone in my list. As with a lot of this forum, not the most obvious or intuitive place to put that list!


Edited By Gray on 16/02/2021 09:51:25

Thread: MEW Archive Issues
26/01/2021 22:14:19

Excellent news, it would have been sad to permanently lose access to this valuable resource. Thanks to the team for expediting this conversion process.


Thread: Back issues & Flash plugin
13/01/2021 18:26:53

Since Adobe have End of lifed (EOL) flash player and are now actively blocking anything which runs in flash player, it is no longer possible to view the older magazines in the archive. Do the publishers/web developers have any plans to re publish the older archives in a different format ( hopefully using something more user friendly than the current viewer. How about offering access to subscribers of magazines in pdf format. Many other publishers do this and are not afraid of piracy, If it is only available to subscribers, they are hardly likely to be the type who would download and sell on for what would be little gain.

Edited By JasonB on 14/01/2021 07:01:08

Thread: UNIMAT SL 1000
22/12/2020 17:33:21

There were a series in MEW 211-217 describing adding back gear to the SL


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