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What are you doing to stay safe

Covid 19

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Steviegtr27/03/2020 02:11:13
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Well guys & gals, this thing has truly taken off & will change the history books for a long time to come. So what are you doing to stay safe. Me personally have been staying put & spending my time in the garage portioning part of my quite long 30 foot garage off to create a workshop. Reason to keep warm at less cost & seg the vehicles from the machines.

I thought I was quite safe but. Tonight the missis comes home & says well tomorrow is my last day at work. She is a nurse at a private clinic. They are shutting all the 4 down & the nurses are all to be seconded to the NHS. This of course means the chances of my being infected has suddenly gone from not likely to very probable.

My neighbours are all busy in there gardens doing various jobs. The next doors to my right. Every time they come in to the house they take off there shoes & spray with disinfectant. They are very worried. My neighbours to my left. Steve runs a company in Essex. He just married the lady next door. He has decided to stay up here as the covid in London area is bad.

So what are you members doing to try & keep to the minimum risk of infection. Please don't start with the negative comments from the usual's. This is more serious than any of us thought. All stay safe & come through this so you can live a long & healthy life. I know a lot of members including myself have the underlying issues.I hope you all went to your front doors tonight at 8 to give a clap to the brave NHS workers as we all did. Fireworks & all.


Thor 🇳🇴27/03/2020 05:11:24
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Following the advice from our government, washing my hands, cleaning objects that might get infected and trying to keep at least 1m away from others when I'm out shopping.


Hopper27/03/2020 05:46:04
7881 forum posts
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Alternating between happily pottering in my shed without interruption and happily sitting around sipping tea and reading a good book. The supermarket is setting up a home delivery special service for us old and/or infirm types so i wont even have to interrupt my splendid isolation for that from next week.

I'm quite enjoying it so far. Suits us introverts just fine.

When it stops raining i might even go for a solo motorbike ride just to break things up a bit. Ive got half a dozen, all with full tanks so should last me the duration.

Edited By Hopper on 27/03/2020 05:49:26

Paul Lousick27/03/2020 06:15:09
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It gives me a good excuse to spend more time in my workshop, watch TV and internet. Wife happy at the moment so all is good.

Only go out to get esentials, like food and materials which I need for making my models. Wear PPE when I go out and wash hands, fruit, etc when I get home. Stay healthy everyone.


Bob Stevenson27/03/2020 08:39:54
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To try and "stay safe", being as I'm 15 miles from centre of London, I doing as directed and stayed indoors/garden. I've only spoken to neighbours by talking across the road a couple of times. late at night I walk the dog around the block and don't see a soul...we walk in the middle of the road.


The other thing I'm doing is trying to think ahead about surface contamination, withiout getting too paranoid......I have a garden sprayer filled with soap solution for deliveries and spray before carting them around to the patio for further 'processing'. I also have a smaller spray bottle of diluted 'Detol' for the dogs paws. In addition I do have a gallon can of industrial disenfectant which needs diluting 1: 30 in case I need to have a footbath, but so far it's untouched and I hope it stays that way!


I have plenty of things to keep busy with and mostly I feel quite cheerful...however, it IS stressfull and I have had migraine symptoms which I've no had for 20 headaches yet but the zig-zaggy vision so I have restarted my meditation sessions.

Edited By Bob Stevenson on 27/03/2020 08:41:19

Mike Poole27/03/2020 08:44:58
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With an 89 year old mother and 91 year old mother in law who both live on their own it has fallen to me to do the shopping, my mother is battling a deeply depressed spell and I visit daily to listen to her and do some jobs for her. It’s not ideal but it hopefully helps her a bit, she has an open invitation to stay with me or my sister but she lives in a bungalow with her cat and is very reluctant to leave, she has stayed with both of us before but is anxious to return home all the time, logic goes out the window with mental health problems.


duncan webster27/03/2020 08:55:05
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Posted by Hopper on 27/03/2020 05:46:04:


When it stops raining i might even go for a solo motorbike ride just to break things up a bit. Ive got half a dozen, all with full tanks so should last me the duration.

Edited By Hopper on 27/03/2020 05:49:26

Only if you're prepared for a £30 fine and a criminal record. Going for a spin on your bike is not 'essential'

Former Member27/03/2020 09:04:03
1329 forum posts

[This posting has been removed]

Ady127/03/2020 09:56:13
6137 forum posts
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I wonder if they'll change the planning system or will capitalist efficiency win again in the future

It's pretty obvious that the last place you want to be at a time like this is somewhere like London with 20 million warm bodies huddled together

Madrid is bad with the toll climbing

A series of more open smaller cities instead of those olde world mega-cities would seem to make sense

We live in interesting times

Samsaranda27/03/2020 10:30:30
1688 forum posts
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Bob, I believe that Dettol is poisonous to cats and dogs so I would switch to using just soapy water on the dogs paws. Soap is apparently the most effective agent to use against the virus, it breaks down the outer coating of the virus and renders it unable to penetrate cells.
Dave W

mechman4827/03/2020 10:41:06
2947 forum posts
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Self isolating, having deliveries 'when delivery slots are available; non for 3-4 weeks' titivating the garden past couple of days. Keeping in touch with family via,'Messenger' + Whatsapp video calling. more time in the garage tidying up, 'FOUND' the garage floor, had forgotten it was a grey colour,went outside at 8 pm last night applauded the NHS staff.

Keep save every one.


J Hancock27/03/2020 10:41:20
869 forum posts

Personal view of course , but I feel 'our' point of greatest threat will be when this crisis is declared 'over'.

If this 'thing' is so contagious , will it ever really be over until we have all experienced it, eg the 'common' cold ?

Bob Unitt 127/03/2020 11:07:27
323 forum posts
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Thankfully, a vaccine should help guard against it - the 'common cold' doesn't kill 4% of those it infects...

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 27/03/2020 11:08:07

duncan webster27/03/2020 11:31:49
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Posted by Bill Chugg on 27/03/2020 09:04:03:
Posted by duncan webster on 27/03/2020 08:55:05:
Posted by Hopper on 27/03/2020 05:46:04:


When it stops raining i might even go for a solo motorbike ride just to break things up a bit. Ive got half a dozen, all with full tanks so should last me the duration.

Edited By Hopper on 27/03/2020 05:49:26

Only if you're prepared for a £30 fine and a criminal record. Going for a spin on your bike is not 'essential'

Duncan, I think Hopper is in Australia and not sure if tthe police are issuing fines.

Edited By Bill Chugg on 27/03/2020 09:04:33

Mea Culpa

but they are stopping people in the UK

Ian McVickers27/03/2020 19:12:37
261 forum posts
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I still need to go to work 2 mornings a week and work from home for the rest of Monday to Thursday. Might venture out to the workshop over the weekend.

Boiler Bri27/03/2020 19:29:50
856 forum posts
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Hibernating in the workshop.

Not going to work which I feel guilty about. But safe is better than a day out with the undertaker.

It’s amazing how much I have done in 4 days.

Better not say too much I may not want to go back to work


Nigel McBurney 127/03/2020 19:46:06
1101 forum posts
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I live out in rural Hampshire,nearest neighbour is 250 feet away,so no local contact problem,biggest risk is shopping once a week at Sainsburys,though today they were a bit more sensible,NHS people went in first,wrinklies including me half an hour later,though we had to queue in the car park spaced 6 ft 6 inches appart and it was freezing cold,did not see any evidence of cleaning trolley handles or anything was busy but not packed out like last week.doctors and local bakery were taking adequate precautions,I can get going out down to two days a wife had replacement knee op on 9th mar ,she got to physio last Tues and that was the hospitals last day of physio,they will contact her for at least the next three weeks by phone,to check on her progress,so at least she does not have to go out for some time.Its a case of keeping ones head down,and hoping. No boredom ,helping my wife,gardening ,well mowing a lot of grass and other domestic jobs keep me busy,cant get on with any engine restoration work,

Dave Halford28/03/2020 11:50:31
2536 forum posts
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Posted by Samsaranda on 27/03/2020 10:30:30:

Bob, I believe that Dettol is poisonous to cats and dogs so I would switch to using just soapy water on the dogs paws. Soap is apparently the most effective agent to use against the virus, it breaks down the outer coating of the virus and renders it unable to penetrate cells.
Dave W

Just to add to this.

The Industrial disinfectant that when diluted turns white goes through the skin and bites you hard. A workmates Pilot brother who flew routes into the Scottish islands during the last foot and mouth outbreak tripped at the bottom of the plane steps and got the stuff from the footbath on his clothes. Unfortunately it was too strong a solution and he felt unwell on the return trip, he ended up spending weeks in hospital unable to walk. Two years later he still couldn't fly.


Edited By Dave Halford on 28/03/2020 12:04:37

Dave Halford28/03/2020 12:16:21
2536 forum posts
24 photos

We follow the latest advise.

2M personal spacing.

Post gets left alone for 72 hours.

Dry shopping gets left alone in the bags for 72 hours.

Stuff for the Fridge or freezer gets sprayed with Dettox.

The most dangerous thing I can do is go shopping.

People think 1M is enough space, there's even signs up saying 1M is OK so there's no screens at the tills, but there are 2M tape marks on the floor at the tills??? Till queues get crossed by other shoppers due to the gaps.

SillyOldDuffer28/03/2020 12:30:01
10668 forum posts
2415 photos

As reported in the Coronovirus thread I'm currently sharing a house with a victim. Not for me the luxury of avoiding outside contact! On the plus side, the actuality is less worrying than fear of the unknown.

On Tuesday morning my daughter woke up with all the symptoms. She had probably been ncubating the disease for 5 days before feeling ill. During that time we maintained, within reason, a 2 metre gap, but shared a bathroom, ate together, and watched TV. Normal family stuff, we're not demonstrative so little direct contact.

Now she stays in her bedroom and I avoid using the bathroom or going upstairs. Fortunately we have a downstairs cloakroom. We minimise contact and if conversation is necessary we keep at least 3 metres apart. She rings me up with her mobile. I deliver food on a tray and run away, collecting dirty dishes later.

All dishes are machine washed, not by hand. I wipe trays, surfaces, door-handles etc with soapy cloth. I wash my hands regularly. I separate her clothes from mine in the washing machine and upgraded to hot wash cycles.

Waste is bagged in her room. When full I will transfer it to my utility room and leave it for 72 hours before double bagging as ordinary rubbish. Delivery packaging is being quarantined in the same way.

I don't leave the house except to bin rubbish and no-one is visiting. When shopping is necessary my son will leave it on the door step and drive away.

I'm not wearing gloves or a mask, but would glove up if nursing were required. My daughter has a supply of disinfectant wipes which she uses to keep her room clean, plus painkillers, Ribena, bottled water, biscuits and other essentials. She's a good patient, not the type who makes a fuss and demands attention and constant reassurance. That's good because she is happy to be left alone, unlike my ex who was reassured by hand-holding and conversation.

So far after up to 8 days exposure I haven't caught it. Not too worried if I do, although uncomfortable as flu always is she must have the mild form and I'm in reasonable health.

Marvellous opportunity to demonstrate British grit and sang-froid! No wobblers here - yet!


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