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Member postings for J Hancock

Here is a list of all the postings J Hancock has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Do you need an oil change with less than 10,000 miles in 10 years?
14/07/2023 21:37:41

2013 Mazda 6 2.0L l diesel, will never get to the one year service interval because by 6000 miles the oil high level alarm is on.

And this is Mazda's way of cleaning the emissions by injecting fuel on the exhaust stroke.every 50miles run.

Thread: Anyone know who designed 4cyl Otter FS engine
01/04/2023 17:24:47

Thank you, just what I needed to know.

01/04/2023 17:04:41

Does anyone remember this engine ? OTTER

Where to see the designer and picture of it , perhaps in Model Maker of 1960ish ?


Thread: Electrolysis of water
17/02/2023 20:22:10

Reply to JA , if the ITER Project doesn't work , then yes, we are being well and truly scammed.

Very easy to bamboozle politicians.

Thread: An impressive find : That tiny radioactive capsule
01/02/2023 12:41:33

Not surprised it was found , that is one mean item of radio-activity to avoid, at all costs.

Thread: How to make concrete last 2000 years
28/01/2023 12:28:57

It is a joy to examine aqueducts the likes of the Pont du Gard , precision stonework with mortar

no thicker than a sheet of cardboard between each layer.

Thread: Time to let go and call it a day
26/01/2023 11:56:00

What beautiful examples of high precision engine building.

All the preferred power source in the 50's but the price of IC fuel today is ridiculous.

Thread: Hydrogen
19/01/2023 13:22:13

Dare no-one mention...........there may be too many of us ?

The MSM even predicting the natural decline of the Chinese population as a BAD thing !

I thought our prosperity would improve with automation making up for a smaller number of people.

Thread: Home garage heating.
16/01/2023 11:58:43

Sharp changes of temperature in an outside building like that will create condensation .

A sure way to turn steel to rust.

Thread: Hydrogen
09/01/2023 10:54:06

The 660MW alternators in the power stations are cooled by pure hydrogen , because it has a coefficient of heat

transfer 2000 times that of air, as I remember.

Thread: First New Years Mystery Item!
05/01/2023 13:40:12

Lastly, from me.

I think we are looking at it upside down.

ALL the markings are engraved,

Since it is very precise the little loop at the bottom of one I turns it into a delberate J

So , combinations of I J S

03/01/2023 10:20:48

Not that it helps a lot but I think as shown in the first photograph it is upside down , ie as used the angled grooves

would be nearest to the operator.

Because the letter S would have been impressed with the larger diameter of the S at the bottom ?

Thread: Another EVRI calamity.
24/12/2022 10:06:29

Had a similar experience when they were Hermes.

They steal the item in the sorting area then send the empty .package on its way.

All looks normal to the system , until it gets to you.

Thread: Silver soldering
21/12/2022 12:28:57

As the man from JM will tell you, let the flux do the cleaning !

Much more likely the steel is leaded , as others have said.

Thread: Applying torque
28/11/2022 11:06:37

Then we come to the REALLY clever thing , how does a rubber O-Ring seal pressures of 1000s of psi

with only a hand tightening of the connecting nuts ?

26/11/2022 14:53:40

NEVER let a tyre change outfit near a locking wheelnut , EVER.

Thread: Workshop going into storage - Rust Prevention?
21/11/2022 17:17:37

Many, many years ago MEng did a test on this subject.

Three-in-one oil came out way ahead of all the other fluids used to provide protection against corrosion.

Thread: Drilling straight
08/11/2022 12:15:25

Probably worthwhile to make a little jig up so that you can drop your squares into a captive space where you know the start hole is in the centre.of your square blocks.

Thread: Central heating pump bearing replacement
06/11/2022 14:55:28

Have you checked the pump shaft is exactly level.

These pumps should last 'forever'..

Thread: UK reopens large gas storage site
28/10/2022 17:31:53

I do wonder what the %recovery is from this method ie output/input. equals ?

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