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Member postings for Steviegtr

Here is a list of all the postings Steviegtr has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: M-DRO help?
01/10/2023 13:51:31

Certainly seems like a fault somewhere.Hope you get results from supplier. They say they are very good & at least in the UK.


Thread: Quick release indicator holder
30/09/2023 17:48:30

This link takes you out of youtube ???


Thread: M-DRO help?
30/09/2023 12:14:17
Posted by Bo'sun on 30/09/2023 11:52:52:

Thanks duncan,

I'll try that, but it's not the sequence shown in the M-DRO manual that's worked previously.

Bo'sun I have the Mdro. I have just done a video & i show the edge finding on the dro. Its near the begining so you won't have to skip far. Hope it helps.


Thread: Will this heater idea work
26/09/2023 11:19:11

In Spain there were lots of these on rooftops. Free hot water.

Not sure how good in uk they would be


Thread: An old water pumping station in America
23/09/2023 21:33:06
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 23/09/2023 21:29:35:

Absolutely glorious

Thanks again, Steve

… and it’s good to see some [comparative] youngsters so devoted to it.


Yes I watch quite a lot of this sort of video. Only watch tv for car & bike racing these days.

I thought he had a lot of traits like Guy Martin in a way. In looks too. He definately knew his onions.


22/09/2023 22:47:04

As a child I was always facinated by anything mechanical. Pulling everything to pieces to see how it worked.

Today at a young 71 yrs I still have the same methodology.Tonight i saw this video & thought i would post a link to it. If you have nearly 1 1/2 hours of your life spare then it is well worth a watch. The guy who has rekindled this steam engine plant is so passionate about every thing he does & explains in great detail inc drawings how this 2 stage system actually works. He even shows the lighting system used back in the 1900's.


Thread: Will this heater idea work
22/09/2023 16:55:19
Posted by Benedict White on 22/09/2023 16:48:21:

Steviegtr, I live in a semi rural area where we have petrol stations which serve the farming community and have pumps for red diesel and kerosene. You know have to fill in a form first giving your address and what you are going to use it for.

Last winter I rang all the local to me stations & none sold Kero. Some had done but no longer did. I will try a few more just to see.. Thanks for the info though.


22/09/2023 16:37:36
Posted by Benedict White on 22/09/2023 16:18:37:

If you intend on buying kerosene or red diesel, buy it from a petrol station that sells it. You do have to fill in a form. Using it for heating is a permitted use. (For either red diesel or kerosene). About 80-90p a litre.

I tried that last year. Red diesel is what I was using. It was not much cheaper. From the higher up posting it seems the flying club may not let me have any. There is a place at Brighouse not too far from me that does sell Kerosene in small amounts . Most want you to buy 400 litres at a time. I should only need around 50 Litres for the winter.


22/09/2023 16:19:34
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 22/09/2023 16:04:12:
Posted by Steviegtr on 22/09/2023 15:26:10:

If you look on youtube there a lot of folk who have fitted the chinese diesel heaters outside of there homes & ducted the warm air indoors with a lot of success. I fitted one to my workshop (i wont put a link to the video on utube ) But it's there. My workshop is 3M x 4M & it gets toasty warm in winter. I spent a total of £42 throughout winter on diesel. That was paying top price for fuel. I have since found the local flying club sells Kerosene much cheaper.

It is an alternative that works & a lot of forum members on this site use them i discovered.

These are what are fitted to most Campervans.


NO NO, Hell NO!!!!!

These chinese diesel heaters are not well made, are not intended for use in dwellings and are not approved for this type of use. Most of them are not properly approved for ANY use. If it burns the house down you will probably find you insurance was invalidated by usin one.

Additionally Steve, assuming that the "kerosine" you bought at the flying club is aviation fuel, you have just admittedt to fuel duty fraud on a public forum. I can't see why you would by any other kerosine from a flying club. It is also illegal for them to sell it to you.

In contrast I buy Jet-A for my gas turbine engine from a responsible supplier and have to pay the full rate of duty. In theory as I'm using it to test an aircraft engine it should be duty free but the supplier, quite reasonably in my view, say that ANY sale that does not go into a aircraft or ground support equipment on the airfield is charged at full duty. The small number of sales is not worth the effort to ensure that it is not duty evasion given the consequences to their business if it is. If I don't like It I can go elsewhere as far as they are concerned.


Oh Dear.

22/09/2023 15:26:10

If you look on youtube there a lot of folk who have fitted the chinese diesel heaters outside of there homes & ducted the warm air indoors with a lot of success. I fitted one to my workshop (i wont put a link to the video on utube ) But it's there. My workshop is 3M x 4M & it gets toasty warm in winter. I spent a total of £42 throughout winter on diesel. That was paying top price for fuel. I have since found the local flying club sells Kerosene much cheaper.

It is an alternative that works & a lot of forum members on this site use them i discovered.

These are what are fitted to most Campervans.


Thread: Burrell
21/09/2023 19:08:03

This just popped up on my youtube screen. A 2" Burrell showmans.

What a great video. The guy is driving it in a yard area. He explains everything about the workings of the machine. Even the importance of blowing down .

Not sure if this has been shown on here before. If so appologies.


Thread: electrical fault puzzle
19/09/2023 15:40:56

It is not uncommon for a fault to blow itself clear. I would as said above take the covers off each light & inspect for anything that looks like it was trapped or catching anywhere. Also as said water ingress somewhere that has now dried out.


Thread: Farm Boy
18/09/2023 23:13:14

Agree with above. Great work. The con rod looks the busness.


Thread: Dismantling a Pratt Burnerd Grip Tru Chuck
14/09/2023 22:36:27

Hi Andrew not sure if this will help but i did a full stripdown video of the griptru.


Thread: Scams
11/09/2023 02:23:10

Pick up the phone answer the call & say nothing. If the caller says hello is that ???? ok. If the line goes dead it's a scam. Job done. Happens often with me but never a problem using the above method.


Thread: Building a car from scratch
08/09/2023 16:03:57

Nice car Alan. They were & still are a popular choice for a kit build. Massive choice of engines too.


08/09/2023 15:59:12
Posted by noel shelley on 08/09/2023 09:43:59:

Hi Steve, It all looks fairly do able until you start to offer up the bits and they don;t QUITE fit ! In my case an MGB engine and overdrive box into an Austin Cambridge estate ! I knewI I would have to make a special prop shaft and the exhaust was different BUT the gear box rear mount was 1.5" futher back and the top of the box was higher so the tunnel had to be raised.

Your clutch problem, SO MUCH FUN when the rest say it CAN'T be done and you say OH YES IT CAN !

All of this was simple compared to your job, I just wanted it to work, it didn;t have to be pretty, what you did was beautiful. So many kit cars never get finished so to see yours was a joy. Best Wishes Noel.

I know the B series engines very well having had 2 MGB GT's & fitting a Riley 1.5 & gearboxe to my Morris Minor traveller.I hope your's turned out better than the messy install i did. Remember the Stanley hand wound drill. That is what i drilled the chassis with from under the car in a pokey garage. I best the Cambridge drove nicely after putting the MGB motor in. Especially with the useful overdrive. 


Edited By Steviegtr on 08/09/2023 16:10:45

08/09/2023 01:48:29
Posted by duncan webster on 08/09/2023 00:59:12:

I remember 14% mortgages, in fact ours was even higher, we'd worked out how much we could afford and borrowed right up to the limit above which the rate went up even higher. They then, without explaining anything added a years interest which took us over. It was that very cold winter in the early 80s, couldn't understand why the dog kept going upstairs during the day, turned out her water bowl had frozen in the kitchen, she was going up to the loo to get a drink. Yuk, but that's dogs. The snow I kicked off my boots coming in from work was still there next morning, we just heated one room.

Steve, I've watched quite a bit of your video, plainly not just a case of bolting a kit of bits together, a magnum opus in fact. Well worth reporting, might kick me into finishing some of my jobs.

Hi Duncan & thanks for the comments. I actually appreciate your input as you seem to be one of the very intelectual members of the forum. Well i hope you get some of your projects completed. I also remember the very cold & long winters. Always had a blowlamp ready to do a bit of defrosting.


07/09/2023 22:50:05
Posted by phillip gardiner on 07/09/2023 22:30:42:

Steve ,without tarmac layers you wont be able to enjoy driving your great effort,, Just kidding. As people ask me with some of my projects how do you do it , i simply say one day at a time.

Yes very true about Tarmac & building something.

Unfortunately at the time I built that i was working long hrs & if anyone remembers back then the mortgage interest rates shot up to 14%. So I had little spare money. I was going to build a dedicated Chasis with Indipendant all round with wishbones but just had to settle for what i had at hand.


07/09/2023 22:22:26
Posted by Clive Steer on 07/09/2023 19:43:03:

Hats off to you Steve.

Anyone who builds a car from a kit or otherwise is to be admired as when you think you have done 90% there is still 90% still to do. It takes a serious level of determination to get out of a comfy chair in the winter to put the hours in.

I second your comments about VFD's


Thanks for that & thumbs up on your last bit.


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