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Member postings for Paul Lousick

Here is a list of all the postings Paul Lousick has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Inverted slide valves
03/10/2023 22:15:01

Similar to Andrew, The slide valve on my Ruston TE has a slide valve on the side which kept falling off and not sealing when steam was shut off. Then bang back on when turned on.

A simple flat leaf string attached to the back of the slide valve (made from "Band-it" steel strapping) and rubs against the back of the cover plate fixed the problem. Very little force is required to hold the valve, just enough to keep it seated.

slide valve spring.jpg

Edited By Paul Lousick on 03/10/2023 22:19:05

Thread: Sieg SX3 Z Axis Query
03/10/2023 09:04:20

There are a few examples on Youtube

Edited By Paul Lousick on 03/10/2023 09:05:12

Thread: Newbie
26/09/2023 08:02:37

Welcome to the forum.

Doing up a Lambretta or Vespa is at the top of my list of of projects that I would love to do. I am very jealous. I live in Australia and they are very rare and expensive down here.

Cheers, Paul.

Thread: Project ideas
23/09/2023 22:52:04

Lots of small. simple oscillating type, steam engines on the WigWag site **LINK**


And there are engine plans on MEW, like the Muncaster Simple Entablature engine.


Edited By Paul Lousick on 23/09/2023 22:57:04

Thread: Milling Advice
23/09/2023 06:37:04

Justin, There is a lot of stick out from the end of the mill spindle to the end of the cutter which will allow it to deflect. What type of tool holder are you using. It looks more like a drill chuck which are not rigid enough for milling.

Thread: Gib Adjusters and the English Language!
21/09/2023 06:58:56

Oxford UK, Webster USA.

21/09/2023 01:20:12

I've only known gibs for adjusters on machines. The Oxford English dictionary defines gib with a few meanings but gibbon only as an animal.

gib, n.⁵

A piece of wood or metal employed to keep something else, e.g. some part of a machine, in place. A bolt, pin, or wedge for insertion in a hole, to…

gibbon, n.¹

A name common to the long-armed apes of the genus Hylobates, but applied esp. to the species Hylobates lar which inhabits the islands of the Indian…
Thread: QCT numbers
07/09/2023 06:39:37

As stated, each manufacturer has their own numbering system. I have an Aloris, wedge type QCTP. Their catalog of parts can be found here: **LINK**

For other brands, do a google search.

Thread: Acetylene bottles in the home workshop
05/09/2023 23:35:17

My house insurance (Sydney, Australia) has a clause about not storing gas cylinders inside the house. Fire fighters will not enter the house if they know there are cylinder inside and catastrophic if they did enter and one exploded.

Our government rules for transporting oxygen and acetylene cylinders. Ensure cylinders are fixed and secure before starting your journey, in an upright, vertical position and separated from the driver's compartment. Ensure valves are protected from accidental opening. Unload cylinders as soon as you reach your destination. Never store acetylene cylinders in an unventilated vehicle.

Thread: turning a large diameter
05/09/2023 10:45:00


Edited By Paul Lousick on 05/09/2023 10:47:57

Thread: Machinery Handbook
30/08/2023 11:48:02

The Machinery;s Handbook contains a wealth of information, much of which you will not use. When I was working in Mechanical Engineering, I was given a copy for my birthday (many moons ago). I think it was the 19th edition. The first metric edition. But in the past 20 years have hardly used it and got what I needed from the internet.

If you want to check its content before purchasing a copy, do an internet search. Lots of pdf copies that you can download.

Thread: Charcoal
28/08/2023 10:13:33

As Nick originally stated, it is difficult to get coal in small quantities for model engines, even though Australia has vast quantities. Fortunately, I also belong to a full size steam engine club that gets it by a 20 ton truck load.

Nick, this the type of charcoal that I have used which is made from hard wood but at almost $60 for a 20 kg bag is expensive and I would burn 2 of these on a full days steaming.



Edited By Paul Lousick on 28/08/2023 10:15:03

28/08/2023 09:20:16

Wood charcoal (from Bunnings hardware) burns OK in my 6" traction engine but produces a lot of sparks and needs an arrestor on the chimney. I have been burnt on more than one occasion. Easily raises steam but does not last long and continually adding a handful size every 5 minutes of operation.

Have not used briquettes that much because the type which I used produced a lot of clinker. Have not tried a mix of charcoal and briquettes which may be a better option.

Coal is available but has to be bought in bulk quantities and many clubs buy by the tone and share it between members.

Edited By Paul Lousick on 28/08/2023 09:21:32

Thread: Sewing machine motor
28/08/2023 05:55:09

The motor selection will depend on the power rating that the mill requires. Find the motor size that was originally fitted. Does the mill have gear or belt speed adjustment. If variable speed is needed, remember that the motor torque is reduced at slow motor speed.

Some smaller sewing machines have variable speed via a foot pedal while other large commercial machines run at constant speed and use a mechanical clutch for stopping and starting.

Thread: Lathe tool holders.
26/08/2023 13:05:35

As stated, an article or drawing of your holders would be appreciated.

Thread: Bandsaw coolant system.
26/08/2023 06:42:09

Actually cost me $25 at the recycle centre at our local rubbish dump. Motor was not working but got it running.

Thread: Lathe tool holders.
26/08/2023 06:36:35

I like them, especially the double holder and thinking of making some myself thumbs up

Edited By Paul Lousick on 26/08/2023 06:38:05

Thread: Bandsaw coolant system.
25/08/2023 13:21:49

Coolant pump that is used on mills and lathes.

The tank has 2 compartments and the return coolant enters the first compartment. Solids settle to the bottom of the first tank with a magnet to attract ferrous metals. Liquid has to flow over a barrier wall to enter the second tank and pump. The motor is above the tank and away from any liquid and the pump below in the second tank. Motors are available single and 3 phase.

coolant pump.jpgcoolant pump 2.jpg

I only have a small bandsaw for cutting metals and use a bees wax stick to lubricate the blade

band saw.jpg

Edited By Paul Lousick on 25/08/2023 13:29:55

Thread: Achieving a long-term quality finish on brass?
24/08/2023 22:41:15

One of the main problems with steam engines is keeping the brass shiny. I have found that elbow grease is the best.

Thread: Beginners First Mill
22/08/2023 11:33:45

I agree with you Mike, The Website FAQS covers many standard items like this and the common question about adding photos to postings. But a newby my not realize this when they first join and a clear, visible link would help.


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