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Member postings for mechman48

Here is a list of all the postings mechman48 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: The Workshop Progress thread 2022
23/03/2022 19:32:30

After stripping it down I found out what the loud knocking noise was on my Scotch yoke engine; the piston securing nut had worked loose so on ea. motion the piston rod was sliding to and fro, butting up & taking up slack against the piston on ea. cycle, piston slap in essence. Spent a few hrs this week cleaning up parts, etch priming & rattle can spraying parts, making up base to suit model with brick & tile effect paper. Gave it a run & although quieter it still has a 'knock' on it, I can only put this down to crank pin slapping in the yoke slot even tho' measurements were checked & are as per dwg, more thinking required but for now it works.

45.scotch yoke paint job & assembly 23.3.2022 (1).jpg

45.scotch yoke paint job & assembly 23.3.2022 (2).jpg


09/03/2022 12:52:26

At last, finally got to the trial assembly & trial run on my Scotch Yoke engine. It sounds as though there is a knock on it somewhere, I reckon it may be the clearance between the crank pin & the yoke although I have maintained the clearances as per dwg. I've att. link to you tube channel for you look see. Next step will be to strip it back down & see if I can eliminate 'knock', followed by clean & paint job. Excuse the compressor noise, it takes a large volume of air for the cylinder bore size.



Another possibility is the flywheel mass is quite big & the inertia may be making the crankpin slap in the yoke slot ??


Thread: What Did you do Today 2022
07/03/2022 18:13:09

At last, finally got to the trial assembly & trial run on my Scotch Yoke engine. It sounds as though there is a knock on it somewhere, I reckon it may be the clearance between the crank pin & the yoke although I have maintained the clearances as per dwg. I've att. link to you tube channel for you look see. Next step will be to strip it back down & see if I can eliminate 'knock', followed by clean & paint job. Excuse the compressor noise, it takes a large volume of air for the cylinder bore size.



Another possibility is the flywheel mass is quite big & the inertia may be making the crankpin slap in the yoke slot ??


Thread: Hello from Wyoming (USA)
22/02/2022 18:49:01

Welcome Shane, remember there are no stupid questions; only questions you didn't know the answer to.


Thread: WM18 strip down
22/02/2022 18:37:17

I have a WM16 & it does not have a gas strut, mind you it dates back to 2012 so assume the new versions have one. I noticed Warco advertising the new WM16B, a belt drive, & Ade has a new WM18B which sounsd very quiet. Does anyone know if Warco's do a convertion kit for the WM16 ?. I know Grizzly version ( G0704 ) do a kit but the cost & import duty would be expensive.


Thread: Tube Benders
22/02/2022 18:03:15

eBay... cheap as ... does 6-8-10mm


Thread: How to make this?
22/02/2022 17:53:23

see ..


Cheap enough for a set to convert your grinder.


Thread: Handmade - BBC4 1.00 am
01/02/2022 16:57:08

Link ??

Thread: Mini-Mill Belt Drive Conversion
01/02/2022 12:35:00
Posted by mick H on 01/02/2022 08:51:51:

I there a belt conversion kit available for a Warco WM14 ? If so I would be very interested in it.


Same query for WM16. the nearest I have seen is the equivalent for Grizzly 0704 on their site, they supply kits for the 0704 but from the states, which requires large import / custom charges.


Thread: Small scraping project wanted
19/01/2022 12:18:33

Mike.go with your first Idea; make up a pair of blocks as gauges which could be used as matched packers later. Scrape them flat to your surface plate as master then scrape them flat to each other & see how close you can match them as a pair.


Thread: What Did you do Today 2022
17/01/2022 13:38:00

Maged to catch up on my Scotch yoke engine latterly having been on the back burner since before Xmas...

Flywheel ..

40.scotch yoke drilling holes on pcd.jpg

Valve chest trial assembly..

42.scotch yoke valve chest assy (1).jpg

Trial assembly..

41.scotch yoke trial assembly (1).jpg

Still lots to do, set timing, fix flywheel to crankshaft ( deviation from Dwg req'd ), trial run, strip, clean, check dim's, tweak as needed, paint, ( any advice on painting aluminium welcomed ) , I generally use etch primer to start with after de-greasing.


17/01/2022 13:20:53

Happy new year to all readers. I'd bought a pack of 10mm, round carbide insert tips to compliment my 6mm one. Had to make a holder to fit from 12mm sq.BDMS from my scrapbinium box...

10mm tip holder (1).jpg

10mm tip holder (2).jpg

10mm tip holder(3).jpg

I dont have a flame torch system that would heat & hold temp for 'oil toughening' but I reckon BDMS is pretty tough to take the cutting forces, not that I would use this tool a lot anyway, just another 'nice to have'.


Thread: Feed speed
04/11/2021 19:00:23
Posted by Journeyman on 04/11/2021 18:09:04:

Like Jason, I usually leave my WM250 set with the finest feed gears in place. To avoid too much noise from the gear train use a sheet of paper between the gears when setting up, as per the manual. I find that liberal application of grease helps to reduce rattle, also make sure that the right washers are used to prevent the sides of the gears rubbing.


Same here; I haven't changed any gears since I got the machine way back in 2012, I have never needed to with the small threads I need. I usually work within the small mm range plus I have sets of BA & ME taps & dies & only use the A,B,C lever position for feed ranges.


Thread: Scribe block repair
04/11/2021 17:38:16

Got to start somewhere; why not with a simple repair job, the first of many no doubt, looks a good finish.


Thread: Disc drive - Anything useful inside ?
21/09/2021 17:42:57

Powetful magnets albeit odd shapes; tiny bearings, motor might come in useful for something small.


Thread: Adjustable angle plate
17/09/2021 17:33:56

Nicely done; give that man a woodbine.


Thread: Back to Imperial
17/09/2021 17:32:34

..I am sure that for foodstuffs it makes little difference as long as you aren’t supplied with 453.6g and charged for 500g'

Are you sure your not; & by the way I've not seen anything on sale with a weight of 453.6g it's always 100g, 450g, 500g, 1kg increments.


Thread: Warco WM180 Lathe Upgrades
05/09/2021 13:41:46
Posted by JasonB on 05/09/2021 13:30:40:

Flush or just slightly smaller would be OK.



Thread: They see you coming
05/09/2021 13:37:56

Similar experience earlier this year; I purchased a 19 reg Vauxhall Mokka which still had 1 years manuf' warranty left on it, fortunately for me as it turned out. A couple of weeks later I noticed some fluid marks on the drive which I suspected may be brake fluid as it wasn't dark oil type stains. I arranged to have it back in the dealers garage for a check, along with a request to remove a nail from a back tyre & plug repair it. It turned out that the leak was from the aircon compressor.. 2 year old car..? . Fortunately for me the dealer said it was covered by the remaining warranty period so no cost to me, otherwise it would have been £700 fitted.

I asked them to replace two front tyres also as their tread depth was down compared to the rear tyres (inc' the one with the nail in) not beyond the legal limit though, so had decided to make them all equal before winter. As re. the nail, they didn't remove it as they claimed it was too near the sidewall to be a safe repair..?. I ended up taking it to Kwik fit ( usual disclaimer ) who told me the same reason, so ended up paying out for a new tyre albeit the original had virtually full tread depth left on it.

It goes to show that you can get a mix of good & bad advice from dealers & independents.As it was I'd covered all aspects so was happy with the outcome/s. It pays to have a bit of knowledge about mechanics but for those who haven't, it pays to get a second opinion.


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
04/09/2021 12:35:22

Did a bit more on my Scotch yoke engine; didn't have any material of near enough dia. to make eccentric strap so used a piece of larger dia. This gave me the opportunity to use my rotab' which has sat idle for a long time. Marked out strap OD inc. lug for connecting to valve rod, chain drilled through with 3mm drill followed by 4mm slot cutter to leave strap attached by lug. machined lug to dimensions still using the rotab, separated the strap via sawing down ea. side of strap, then finish machine the lug itself, pleased at how it has turned out. Onward & upward as the cliche goes..

25.machining ecc. strap from one piece (1).jpg

25.machining ecc. strap from one piece (2).jpg

25.machining ecc. strap from one piece (5).jpg

25.machining ecc. strap from one piece (6).jpg

Having the connecting lug integral prevented the need to mess about trying to braze a separate piece on.


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