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Member postings for Bob Unitt 1

Here is a list of all the postings Bob Unitt 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Triple expansion engine
03/10/2023 11:42:06

This guy's (A. E. Karnes) videos are well worth watching if you have an interest in full-sized steam machinery.

03/10/2023 11:21:25

Is the forum URL staying the same ?


Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 03/10/2023 11:21:44

Thread: Parallel Reamers?
25/09/2023 18:51:31

How about finishing the hole with a D-bit ?

Thread: Stuart 10V
16/09/2023 12:01:07
Posted by JasonB on 12/09/2023 10:04:17:

As the OP's problem was a difference between the Stuart drawings and the 10V book I assume you won't be using the book so no problem.

True, for some reason I thought they shared the same book.

Thread: Scams
12/09/2023 09:34:20

If you have caller-display on your phone it's worth googling the number displayed - a lot of them are known to be spam etc.

Thread: Stuart 10V
12/09/2023 08:59:20

I've got a 10H on my to-do list (1950's kit, my son found it when clearing out very dusty attic). Will this have a similar problem, or did it just affect the 10V ?

Thread: Identification of model in latest ME
12/09/2023 08:51:20

Great ! Thanks very much - I think I know what my next project is going to be...

09/09/2023 10:47:17

I've just received Model Engineer Vol. 231 No. 4725. On the reverse side of the 'Smoke Rings' page there's an advert for Classic magazines with a picture of a rather splendid green single-cylinder vertical steam mill-engine with an unusual cross-head. Can anyone identify this for me please ? Is it available as drawings or castings, and has there been a construction series for it in any of the magazines ?

Thread: '' Is the site down?
02/09/2023 11:23:34
Posted by Peter Greene on 01/09/2023 18:17:17:
Posted by Andrew Tinsley on 01/09/2023 11:08:21:

Highlly unlikely that an alpha particle could flip a bit. Their range in air is pretty short! More likely a gamma ray!


... and yet, if you put: alpha particles memory into a Google search .....

When I was a computer operator (In the early 70's) on an enormous mainframe with ferrite-core memory (Univac 418 III), the 'alpha-particle' was the standard excuse for anything going inexplicably wrong.

Management believed it every time...wink

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 02/09/2023 11:26:42

01/09/2023 11:09:26
Posted by Ian P on 31/08/2023 20:01:11:

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.

I've had this "took too long to respond" message from several USA sites recently (I'm in the UK), all on sites that I subsequently accessed without difficulty. I suspect the problem may be with general internet traffic rather than the individual sites themselves.

Thread: Scams
31/08/2023 14:00:32

If you get a spam call from one of those foreign-sounding phone-farms, try just asking them "Does your mother know what you do for a living ?" - elicits some wonderfully apoplectic responses smiley

Thread: Use of coal, oil and fossil fuels
08/08/2023 14:09:06

Posted by JA on 08/08/2023 13:16:22:

I did not know that the water and sewage companies actually borrowed money.

They got privatised, then bought up by banks and hedge-funds. They promptly used them as collateral for large loans which were paid out as director's salaries and bonuses, and as large dividends to shareholders. The main offender (an Australian bank) then sold it's shares for a profit just before the s**t hit the fan (or the river...).

Capitalism in actioncrying

Thread: Drawbar M16 to 3/8 Adapter HELP.
04/08/2023 14:06:51

I had the same problem, so I made a second draw-bar from various bits of scrap for my Myford VMB.

Thread: Parting tool recommendation
04/08/2023 13:38:03
Posted by KWIL on 03/08/2023 16:30:17:

I use the insert type almost to the total exclusion of the plain type, works every time for me, even when used for quiye large diameters. If set correctly they are fine, but being an insert you have to make them work hard.

I agree absolutely. I always used to have trouble parting-off, even with a rear toolpost. Since I changed to the insert type a good few years ago I've had much better results.

Thread: Why has my mild steel bent
04/08/2023 13:33:18

In the winter I heat any mild steel likely to do that to red-heat in the (log) sitting-room fire and leave it to cool down in the ashes overnight before machining. That seems to get rid of any locked-in stresses. Not done it in the summer, but I'd probably heat it up to red with a propane torch and steal some ashes from the sacks my missus saves for the garden for the cool-down. I've never had it happen with brass though.

Thread: r.i.p. Christmas cards?
21/07/2023 12:03:01
Posted by roy entwistle on 19/07/2023 11:01:43:

My Christmas dinner is usually sausage, egg and chips, and has been for at least 40 years.


Delicious !

Thread: Awkward Question Time! (Genuine Survey, But...)
21/07/2023 11:24:44

Posted by Bazyle on 20/07/2023 10:12:08:

At the ME club we notice people who don't make it to the monthly meetings. One question is how to continue to support long term members who can no longer make it to any activity and are reluctant to pay the subscription when they don't effectively get much apart from the emailed newsletter.

What does your club do at that point?

When I was in the Birmingham Society many years ago they had a much cheaper "Country" membership-class which supplied it's members with the newsletter and (IIRC) free entry to open-days, but no other membership benefits. This was mainly used by long-term members who had moved away but wanted to keep in touch.

Thread: Do you need an oil change with less than 10,000 miles in 10 years?
21/07/2023 10:58:57
Posted by Chris Pearson 1 on 19/07/2023 18:22:33:

You may be thinking of Castrol R oils, which should never ever be mixed with mineral oils.

Ah, takes me back to the 60's... A friend with a genuine BSA 500cc Gold Star stuffed a brillo-pad soaked in Castrol-R into the silencer, so he could have that glorious racer-smell without having to do an oil-change after every trip.

Thread: Rotary Table And making A Radius.
18/07/2023 11:57:48
Posted by Paul Lousick on 17/07/2023 11:52:23:

A CNC mill can machine a curve but it can also be done by calculating the x,y coordinates for the radius manually.(although very slow and time consuming).

A variation on this I've used successfully is to draw a scaled-up version of the shape (not necessarily a simple curve) on graph-paper, then read off the X-Y co-ordinates direct from the graph-paper, allowing for the diameter of the cutting tool. Finish with a file.

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 18/07/2023 11:58:23

Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 18/07/2023 11:59:29

Thread: r.i.p. Christmas cards?
17/07/2023 11:13:01
Posted by david bennett 8 on 17/07/2023 03:15:04:

I know it's early, but shoulld we let chritmas cards just fade away now that we have excellent electronic messaging available. (Could also add suitable scenes of snowy robins to our message) Or am I being too much of a grinch?


I don't think my 100 year old mother-in-law is too hot on computers, but she can still read a christmas-card if the writing is big enough.

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