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Harrogate show


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Milly S09/03/2023 20:55:11
42 forum posts
9 photos

Hi all posting from up north South Shields

just wondering if weather is putting people off from attending show

at Harrogate

shaun meakin10/03/2023 06:31:05
24 forum posts

Good morning everyone. Scheduled to leave Sheffield now to set up this morning but with the vast accumulation of snow overnight it is too dangerous at the moment. We will endeavour to get to Harrogate but afraid cannot promise today as the snow is still falling.
Not sure of the weather north of Sheffield but I doubt anyone will travel today from below us.
Will keep posting our situation. Obviously any pre orders will be despatched next week at our cost.
Stay safe everyone.
Shaun, CuP Alloys.

David George 110/03/2023 07:24:06
2110 forum posts
565 photos

Just decided there is too much snow here today with a two and a half hour drive in normal conditions. Maybe try tomorrow!


Hollowpoint10/03/2023 07:48:28
550 forum posts
77 photos

I live in Leeds so not too far away from Harrogate. There is a couple of inches of snow on the ground at the minute. Im going to attend today but it's looking like tomorrow might be better.

Edited By Hollowpoint on 10/03/2023 08:16:17

Rod Renshaw10/03/2023 08:25:44
438 forum posts
2 photos

I had planned to go today but was discouraged by the thought that the weather yesterday might have prevented many of the exhibitors from getting to the showground and getting set up.

The weather here in Cheshire today is better than forecast, so I should be able to get to Harrogate but some of the cross Pennine roads are still closed so tomorrow may well be the better day for me.

I would be grateful if anyone who does get to the show today could post to advise if the exhibitors and traders have been able to attend.


Howard Lewis10/03/2023 08:28:59
7227 forum posts
21 photos

In peterborough, the weather has cxhnaged from rain to snow, driving inn hard from the north.

Sadly, not a day for travelling.

Looks like a day in the workshop with the heating on!


Trevor Drabble10/03/2023 09:15:09
339 forum posts
7 photos

I spoke with a member of the Showground at 8.30 this morning and she told me that the roads around Showground are clear and the internal roads have been snow ploughed and gritted and that the show is still on .

Edited By Trevor Drabble on 10/03/2023 09:16:14

Chris Crew10/03/2023 09:25:15
418 forum posts
15 photos

It's just bad luck that the weather has changed for the worse on the exhibition dates. I am planning to travel from Lincolnshire by train to Harrogate on Saturday, so it may not be the weather that prevents my attendance! It's snowing here in the Wolds at the moment but is forecast to improve later today, so fingers crossed.

shaun meakin10/03/2023 09:31:58
24 forum posts

Well it is still snowing in Dronfield so we will have to write today off the roads here are still too dangerous. Hopefully not too many are impacted by the weather and can still get to support the show. Fingers crossed the weather improves overnight and we are able to attend tomorrow.
again, stay safe everyone.
Shaun, CuP Alloys.

Hollowpoint10/03/2023 12:21:58
550 forum posts
77 photos

Im at the show. Roads are fine. Plenty of people here.

Tony T10/03/2023 12:56:36
9 forum posts
2 photos

Suns out here in Leeds 15 miles away and it’s melting fast. Can’t see there being any snow by end of the day at this rate.

Milly S10/03/2023 17:17:40
42 forum posts
9 photos

Hi all managed to get to Harrogate from South Shields

main roads clear apart from wagons throwing up sleet & spray

took a bit longer than normal but we’ll worth the visit

looked like a full house lots of bargains if you can get here

You won’t be disappointed

take care


Chris Gill10/03/2023 21:05:01
74 forum posts
29 photos

I made it after an hour shovelling snow. I'm glad I went and one or two of the suppliers are probably pleased as well! I was really impressed with the scale model of Goathland station, having had several relatives in the area years ago.

It was quieter than usual, probably due to the weather, but easier to get around. Sadly, one supplier appeared to have done all the setup and then failed to get there. Better luck on day 2.

Phil P10/03/2023 22:04:50
851 forum posts
206 photos

I managed to get there today and found it to be better than anticipated.

It was worth going just to see Mike Sayers model of a Delage racing car engine.


DMB10/03/2023 22:19:56
1585 forum posts
1 photos

Down the "sunny south" in Brighton the other day, my workshop apex roof had a light sprinkling of snow like a dusting of icing sugar on a sticky cake! That was 10 2 7am and by 10AM it was gone. First snow of the winter and likely the last. Still damn cold wind. Don't envy you Northerners. Seems like a mini climate trapped between the South Downs and the sea. I remember about 7 decades ago, the sea looked soupy and each wave froze on the pebbles, giving them a varnished appearance. It did get cold some winters, white frost on the grass when new school term started first week of September. Now we dont see frosts til December. Some years no snow at all. So I wont be venturing up to "arrergate".

bernard towers10/03/2023 23:03:20
1221 forum posts
161 photos

Made the show today 400 mile round trip with no traffic little weather problems just had to wait for a ship at Sutton bridge but found the model eng part of the show disappointing and nearly 4 quid fro coffee in a cardboard cup a joke.

Nicholas Farr11/03/2023 07:21:45
3988 forum posts
1799 photos

Hi Bernard Towers, Sutton Bridge, I know it well, had my right lower leg and foot in plaster for six weeks, and a total of ten weeks off work, when a panel in the catwalk under the bridge where we were working, gave way and I took a dip into the cold February river eight years ago.

pic_0003 (1024x576).jpg

Regards Nick.

JohnF11/03/2023 10:36:49
1243 forum posts
202 photos

We went yesterday crossing the Pennines West to East, no real problems on the roads but did wonder about the Blubbehouses road however no problems other than spray and some slush. We did opt to use a 4X4 rather than a saloon car !

The show was for us somewhat disappointing in relation to the ME side, lots of excellent models and well supported by the ME societies but a lack of trade stands and there was one that never opened !

if you are into model railways then I guess it was a good show but I/we would think long and hard before going again but still wish the organiser good luck everything has to start somewhere.

Regards John

Circlip11/03/2023 11:16:24
1723 forum posts

Harrogate Model Railway Exhibition | Watch (

Hopefully this works.

Regards Ian

Sadly no M/E content but was advertised as Muddle Railway exhibition.

Edited By Circlip on 11/03/2023 11:19:20

bernard towers11/03/2023 11:44:40
1221 forum posts
161 photos

sorry but it was advertised as Harrogate Model Engineering and Model Rail 2023

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