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Member postings for Circlip

Here is a list of all the postings Circlip has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: RIP record no 24
03/10/2023 10:56:16

Don't know where me late Dad obtained the 'Paramo No1' vice from, but it's been a loose (Not bench mounted) item I've used for clamping bits, small press and adjustable spanner for the last seventy years.

Was led to believe he brought it back from Canada after being stationed there in 45 but it is clearly (cast in) 'Made in England'

Regards Ian.

Edited By Circlip on 03/10/2023 10:56:57

Thread: What defines BILLET …
03/10/2023 10:02:14

Another term widely bandied about by our brethren across the pond to try to re-write (rite) the English dictionary. All the Custom builders use the term as the holy grail for normally Aluminium machined components.

Regards Ian.

Thread: What is EN58 used for?
01/10/2023 12:41:20


Whats the suffix?

modern classifications are 304 316 and 321

303/304 General use,

316 Hygenic use,

321 heat applications

All 3 also come with an 'L' suffix which denotes low carbon.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Brass plate or flywheel casting
30/09/2023 09:09:28

Late mate of mine decided to build a 'Simplex'. Already started a Black Five but gave that away when he moved house from southern England to Cebu - Philippines.

Think you have problems sourcing materials? He completed it but then had a problem obtaining COAL. Coals to Newcastle became coals to Cebu.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Following from grammar in the MEW 332 thread.....
21/09/2023 06:55:22

And some relate to Bovine Excreta.disgust

Regards Ian.

Thread: DROs etc
21/09/2023 06:50:23

Steve, to be classed as a 'model engineer', the following BASIC rules MUST be obeyed.

1. Nothing other than a Miffod lathe is acceptable.

2. QCTPs are obligatory.

3. Carbide cutting tools are essential.

So yes, your disposable (or non) income needs to be frittered on non essential goodies to be accepted into Home Workshop elite.

All that glisters is not Gold and many of the Hew Tub videos need to be observed with a pot of SAXA (or other brands) close to hand.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Runout on a collet chuck?
16/09/2023 09:23:51

A perfectly good question Andrew and not controversial, just different opinions. OK, given a zero run out on O/Ds and bores of all collet parameters - perfection -now what? Can you ensure whatever dia. material, fits the bore, exactly? A few thou plus or minus change the run out rules so to introduce a further point of dispute, the only true type of collet is the 'Rubberflex' version, grips all diameters to the range of the collet.

Originally intended for mass production of components in industry as were QCTPs and Carbides with everything, the perception of 'essentials' seems to be dictated by the depth of ones pockets containing disposable income.

Len Sparey started a minor revolution.

Regards Ian

15/09/2023 09:14:53

Luddites unite.

Regards Ian.

14/09/2023 11:24:42

Beats me how LBSC and all ever managed to produce their creations without all the NASA and RR standards we expect of todays tooling to enjoy our hobby.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Scams
14/09/2023 11:16:33

SAGA, what a. Rang to tell them that the property insurance they were trying to renew wasn't acceptable and yes, 15mins of music, when answered and the other end told, double last years price was a joke for exactly the same cover and we'd had this argument last year. "Hang on,I'll transfer you" Phone went down after another 15mins.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Motor help required.
11/09/2023 10:07:50


Regards Ian

Thread: An unexpected weight
11/09/2023 09:29:24

My weekly size '10' Pineapple from the big M varies. Don't know where the 10 originates, Diameter, Length or Weight. On odd occasions, an '8' gets mixed in, yummy.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Motor help required.
11/09/2023 09:24:04

Original Burgess bandsaw doesn't have a capacitor, haven't seen a centrifugal switch either.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Building a car from scratch
09/09/2023 11:18:56

Ford E93A in a fibreglass shell. Think someone had used the Alfa two seat sports as the 'Male mould'. AKS. 1938 Ford 10 pop chassis and rod brakes. Shell was good enough to fool at least one genuine Alfa driver as he used to wave regularly.

Regards Ian.

Thread: A blast from the past
09/09/2023 11:12:31

I remember plugging iron into light socket was a non event. Iron was connected to mains gas.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Courier problems
08/09/2023 09:38:48

As a retired wrinkly, when the doorbell rings and the caller, be it RM or courier with a parcel, my question is, "No 2 or 4?" (Mine is 3). We all know I'm a safe pair of hands, deliverers AND recipients.

Very infrequently, great celebrations when "No, it's for YOU."

Regards Ian.

Thread: Identifying plastics
06/09/2023 09:31:31

Yes Tim but on an English site the correct ENGLISH spullin is preferable.

Regards Ian.

Thread: Old bearings never die...
04/09/2023 07:46:36

If the A/C is of WWII manufacture, chances are, the SKEFCO bearings were flown over from Scandinavia in the bomb bay of a Mossie on the bearing run.

Regards ian.

Thread: The crumbly concrete problem
04/09/2023 07:39:21

Geeee, wish someone had told me my house was/should have been demolished one hundred years before I bought it fifty years ago.

Regards Ian

03/09/2023 09:02:44

Not only aerated concrete. Seem to remember the stone work around St. Pauls dome having to be replaced due to the 'Girdle' rusting and splitting the stones.

In all the concrete brutelism imposed on Bradford in the sixties, can only think of a couple still standing. One is Wardley House, an office development that due to nobody wanting to se was eventually given away and became 'The National Museum of Film and Television' also an IMAX screen. T'other, 'The Richard Dunn Sports Centre', this WAS due to be demolished but some brave (????) soul has managed to get a grade two slapped on it. Derelict site which costs £150K a year in 'Security'

Oh what a brave new world we created.

Regards Ian.

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