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Member postings for Phil P

Here is a list of all the postings Phil P has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Thumb screw
22/09/2023 18:01:43

You could always turn off the plain un-knurled part of the head by a few thou, then make the hole in the knob to be a press fit size for the remaining knurled part of the head.

However I defy anyone to defeat some Loctite retainer such as 601 etc, by finger and thumb force alone. That is what I would use.

Phil P

Thread: Ball turners.
08/08/2023 13:10:35
Posted by bernard towers on 07/08/2023 20:25:54:

If simple balls are to be turned they are ok but if accurate balls Arte needed say for trackrod ends etc a tool slide needs to be addedimg_4171.jpeg


Despite the OP not grasping the importance of your statement re the tool slide, I think your design looks very functional and controllable on the lathe.


Thread: Coventry Diehead
02/08/2023 22:15:26
Posted by bernard towers on 02/08/2023 16:35:11:

and the screws were 0.155 x 42 Wh !!.

I wonder if they sell chasers in that size ?


Thread: Help needed identifying engine
30/06/2023 10:05:17

Looks very much like a "Bitza", or to be more polite a "Freelance" model.


Thread: Help Wanted - Rack operated tailstock specifications.
29/06/2023 15:23:41

I have the same capstan attachment and have always assumed it was Cowells lathes that made them.

Every day is a school day.


Thread: Brought some rubbish back from the "recycling centre"
09/06/2023 19:58:09

I have a neighbour friend who works at our local recycling centre, he brings me model engineering and classic motorcycle mags that he has "rescued".

I then read and recycle them around a few more friends.

Edited By Phil P on 09/06/2023 19:59:00

Thread: TEE publishing
16/05/2023 13:18:45

If it was me I would be using the phone and talking to a real person. emails can be a bit hit & miss, you might be ending up in their spam folder.


Edited By Phil P on 16/05/2023 13:19:34

Thread: Book Of The Week - Watchmaking.
09/05/2023 23:25:16

I have just bought the Daniels Watchmaking book, it looks like it will provide some very useful model engineering techniques even though I have no intention of making a watch.

Thread: Ideas for rekindling the love
06/05/2023 18:41:35

Every time a pal of mine see's Mike's engines he gets demoralised and says he is giving up model engineering and taking up knitting or something similar.
So unfortunately for him the exhibition has the opposite effect.

06/05/2023 18:19:59

I find if I go to a model engineering exhibition, it re-ignites my desire to go in the workshop more often.

Thread: State Pensions - Notification thereof.
25/03/2023 12:17:28

Mine also came a few weeks ago, the letter was dated February.


Thread: Myford cutting varied thread pitch problem
22/03/2023 07:58:00

I had exactly the same problem on mine and checked all the things that you have done, it was play in the saddle to the bed causing it to be "crabbing" its way along.

Adjustment of the gibs cured it.


Thread: Harrogate show
10/03/2023 22:04:50

I managed to get there today and found it to be better than anticipated.

It was worth going just to see Mike Sayers model of a Delage racing car engine.


Thread: car wiring loom
04/03/2023 11:48:53

I had the same problem with the drivers door loom on my Skoda Yeti, apparently they had originally made them a tad short and they failed near the hinge post. I could not even lock the car when it failed.

I was staggered at how much "stuff" was inside the door when I watched the new cable being fitted, the door even had its own ECU along with alarm system, heated mirror, moving mirror, window motor, door locking for drivers and/or other doors, under door lighting etc.

I kept the old door loom as it had a good range of different coloured wires which came in very handy when I made a new loom for a 70's motorcycle.


Thread: Alexander Miller Horizontal Spindle Removal
01/03/2023 13:17:25

Hi Bob

I cannot be of any more specific help I am afraid, and I dont want to just take a guess.

My own machine was stripped and re-built by my late father over 20 years ago now, and I am unable to remember all the details, he left me a folder with copios notes and diagrams of things he had done to it, but having gone through all of it last night there is nothing specific about removing that slide. I was going to look in my Deckel FP1 manual, but you have already done that it seems.

When you do get it off, please let me know how you did it, in case I ever need to do mine again.

I dont know if you have used your machine yet, but they are the perfect model engineers milling machine. I was using mine with the slotting attachment just yesterday evening to cut some rectangular slots in a mil engine con rod.


28/02/2023 22:33:50

This video shows how to do it.


28/02/2023 12:55:26

I am pretty sure that you need to remove the support bracket hanging down from under the rear of the slide.

Once that is gone the slide comes of the front of the column.


Thread: bodged thread repair
26/02/2023 11:24:49

My neighbour asked me to do a very similar repair on a bodged Italian Lambretta scooter wheel hub.
The only way on that one was to get the old helicoil out and have it TIG welded to fill the hole.

I managed to get it re-drilled and tapped for the stud by using a wheel rim as a drilling jig.


Thread: Bronze - Unsolderable
24/02/2023 12:13:09

Sounds like "Aluminium Bronze" ??

That can be very difficult to solder, dont ask how I know.


Thread: Alexander/Deckel Milling Machine
19/02/2023 17:01:40

Yes I see what you mean now.

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