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The cheek of McDonalds

Went for a Big Mac & this was on receipt

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Steviegtr18/10/2022 16:41:13
2668 forum posts
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I went to McDonalds for a burger & on the receipt is said. Fill in the survey online & receive a free meal. So i went online & the 1st thing you had to click the checkbox on was this. It is only a picture I took of it so quite safe.They want every detail from your P.C & you give them permission too. This should not be allowed.

I know they all send cookies etc but this is the 1st time i have seen anything like this.

Guess i'm not getting a free burger.



JasonB18/10/2022 16:49:18
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So not a happy meal then Stevedevil

Steviegtr18/10/2022 16:53:41
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Posted by JasonB on 18/10/2022 16:49:18:

So not a happy meal then Stevedevil

HaHa very funny. angry. I would'nt care but i only go once a blue moon & the milk shake machines have not worked for over a year. Someone said they don't have any staff who will clean the intricate machine.


larry phelan 118/10/2022 16:55:33
1346 forum posts
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No such thing as a Free Lunch !

Thought everyone knew that.cheeky

File Handle18/10/2022 17:25:28
250 forum posts

They get away with it because too many people don't realise how valuable data about them is.

Michael Gilligan18/10/2022 18:09:24
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It’s interesting to have a look at it from their perspective, Steve: **LINK**

Look at all those major brands !!

As for the dreaded [Continue] button … at least McDonald’s is kinda doing the right thing by telling you, in reasonably plain language, what they are inviting you to accept.

Like you … I cringe at the thought, and would happily go without a ‘free’ Burger at that price !

I doubt if the I.C.O. would be interested, simply because McDonald’s is being so ‘open and honest’ and giving you a free choice. … But what we need from that body is more [and better] consumer-education.



Ref. ___

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 18/10/2022 18:11:19

Bill Phinn18/10/2022 18:31:09
1076 forum posts
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Am I the only person here who's never had food, or what passes for food, at McDonalds?

Michael Gilligan18/10/2022 18:38:56
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It’s been a long, long, time Bill … but I do recall going there once


Peter Greene18/10/2022 18:48:53
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Maybe an old computer running XP (restored from a new install) using a disposable email address and connecting via a VPN. Would that be worth it for a free meal?

Dalboy18/10/2022 18:54:06
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Posted by Bill Phinn on 18/10/2022 18:31:09:

Am I the only person here who's never had food, or what passes for food, at McDonalds?

Add me to that list why people go mad for it is beyond me

Grizzly bear18/10/2022 18:55:21
337 forum posts
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Hi Bill,

You are not on your own.


Jon Lawes18/10/2022 19:14:55
1078 forum posts

I'm not mad for it, but when the pressure is on at work, I'm working into the evening and I haven't got lunch, its better than starving. Some of their recent efforts have been a lot more "real food" like.

Dave Halford18/10/2022 19:21:56
2536 forum posts
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It's a 'treat' apparently, rich people around here feed their kids on it judging by all the high end Merc's that use the drive in at weekends.

Why would you Steve I don't get it, apart from the fries, the coffee is disgusting, but hot, it must be the cup says so and the apple turnover thing will burn you.

Mike Poole18/10/2022 19:22:15
3676 forum posts
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Posted by Bill Phinn on 18/10/2022 18:31:09:

Am I the only person here who's never had food, or what passes for food, at McDonalds?

I would try and keep it that way Bill, the trouble with junk food is that it does taste good, like drugs it is probably easier not start than give up.


roy entwistle18/10/2022 19:22:25
1716 forum posts

I've never been in a McDonalds, Burger King, Wimpys or any other fast food shop

Steviegtr18/10/2022 19:26:11
2668 forum posts
352 photos
Posted by Bill Phinn on 18/10/2022 18:31:09:

Am I the only person here who's never had food, or what passes for food, at McDonalds?

Don't know what you are talking about.

Cardboard chips, semi dry bread cake, bouncy rubber burger. What's not to like.

There apple pies are nice though.

Oh & the continual beep beeps from the machinery. As said don't often go there. We had actually gone for a Carvery to the local newish pub. We were told the Carvery had finished & only main menu available (Mega expensive) this was at 6:15 in the evening ???. They close at 11:00pm. Anyway that's how we ended up at the Colton food places. KFC. Pizza hut or Mc. we will not be going there again for a while.


Nick Wheeler18/10/2022 19:28:20
1227 forum posts
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Posted by roy entwistle on 18/10/2022 19:22:25:

I've never been in a McDonalds, Burger King, Wimpys or any other fast food shop

Fish & chips? Cornish Pasty? Bakers?

And I wonder how Bill justifies what passes for food if he's never tried it?

duncan webster18/10/2022 19:42:39
5307 forum posts
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Posted by Bill Phinn on 18/10/2022 18:31:09:

Am I the only person here who's never had food, or what passes for food, at McDonalds?

I take my grand kids, but I'm not tempted. Their so-called bacon butty is absolutely vile, I have tried it, but never again

Mick B118/10/2022 20:25:44
2444 forum posts
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All that data access for a free burger? Bit like selling ancestral lands for a string of beads...surprise

Grindstone Cowboy18/10/2022 20:30:21
1160 forum posts
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Well, to be fair, every website you visit has to know your IP address, and some of that other info could quite conceivably be used to prevent (or at least detect) someone trying to, for instance, programmatically collect hundreds of free meals a day.

I do quite like the apple pies.

Rob (playing devil's advocate)

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