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Member postings for Michael Gilligan

Here is a list of all the postings Michael Gilligan has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

05/10/2023 07:57:11


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 05/10/2023 07:58:36

Thread: Wera hand-tools
05/10/2023 05:47:07

Thanks for that ‘dip-check’ Bill

I haven’t used RS for a while, but I’m still on their eMailing list … hence received the ‘News’ that they were stocking these Wera tools [incidentally, my apologies for last evening’s typo. ]

Frankly, I had never considered Wera to be newsworthy; so curiosity drew me to click the link.

My initial surprise at the price-point was what prompted my question to this forum.




04/10/2023 21:58:20
Posted by JasonB on 04/10/2023 20:31:49:
Posted by Ian P

Main? top banner shows 'Modelling Hub' which I dont recall seeing before, but the page is not clear whether its ME or the MEW).

It coves both […]


I did a Google search for “the modelling hub”

Seems like it is quite a popular choice of catch-phrase [or whatever the correct terminology might be]


Thread: Wera hand-tools
04/10/2023 20:50:20

So … the [nearly] consensus opinion seems to be that they are what I always thought them to be … ’good’ mid-range tools

But RS and/or Werra are trying it on, and trying to take them up-market dont know


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 04/10/2023 21:17:31

Thread: Quick release indicator holder
04/10/2023 16:57:35


Thread: Myford Tri-leva
04/10/2023 13:42:27

Best I can do is these rather low-res scans, converted to .jpg






Hope you can get what you need from them


04/10/2023 10:00:10

Posted by JasonB on 04/10/2023 09:14:17:


[…] Also you will see I have set up some topics (new name for threads)


One small step for Man … yes



[ clipped from a recent thread on Grammar ]

Thread: Wera hand-tools
04/10/2023 09:29:04
Posted by Nick Wheeler on 04/10/2023 08:58:02:

You write that as if they're really expensive. Anyone who has bought Snap-on tools knows better.

I only have a couple of Wera tools; the #2 Phillips screwdriver was worth every penny of the tenner I paid, when depanelling aeroplanes.


No, Nick … I am aware of the price of Snap-on tools, and of their quality

I was simply surprised that what I had previously thought of as ‘good’ mid-range tools were those prices, and asked if they were that good,

No value-judgement on my part … quite the contrary … it was a straight question.


04/10/2023 07:48:06

I have always understood Wera tools to be ‘good’ but an eMail from RS this morning links to some surprisingly pricey items: **LINK**

Are they that good question


Thread: Tramming your mill(/dril) head:A theoretical question-Idea came up
04/10/2023 06:47:44

That’s a bit heavy-going for my caffeine-depleted head, at 06:30 Chris

But I think I have two relevant comments:

  1. You wrote ‘The head and all in it can be cranked up or down in a fixed(Shimmed) vertical plane-Z1’ … but Z1 is an axis, not a plane, and it’s generally better to keep your terminology consistent.
  2. It appears that you are presuming that Z1 and Z2 are perfectly aligned in manufacture … but although ‘very desirable’ this [in the real world] is not inevitable.

Please excuse me if I have missed some subtlety in your phrasing.


Thread: Guy Lautard - spherical turning
03/10/2023 20:58:30

I have never felt inclined to join Scribd … but here it is: **LINK**


Thread: simple loop alarm for exhibits
03/10/2023 20:36:41

Thanks again, Howard … I am happy to accept the spirit of what you wrote

I had no intention of nit-picking … just part of my ongoing quest for understanding.


Thread: JoNo's Pendulum
03/10/2023 20:25:52

Many, many variables in carbon-fibre composites !!

This is probably the most pertinent paper I have seen: **LINK**

The PDF is a free download


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 03/10/2023 20:54:00

Thread: Learning Curve
03/10/2023 19:50:23

Well-put, Rob & Andrew yes

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 03/10/2023 19:51:49

Thread: JoNo's Pendulum
03/10/2023 19:47:02
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 03/10/2023 18:46:34:


If the rod was a violin string, what frequencies would it vibrate at? (Violin notes are far from pure - they twang too.)



Oh dear … wasted my time again sad


20/04/2023 22:57:47



03/10/2023 19:39:17


The two lowest frequencies of a pendulum rod must surely [?] be its first bending mode and its first torsional mode … everything else, I posit, will have a higher frequency.

The magnitude and frequency of both of these will depend upon the construction details of Jo’s pendulum [and they should be simple for him to measure] … but I would expect both to be many octaves above the frequencies he is observing.

… hence my clutching at the ‘beat frequency’ straw.


Edited By Michael Gilligan on 03/10/2023 19:41:38

Thread: simple loop alarm for exhibits
03/10/2023 17:06:58
Posted by Howard Lewis on 03/10/2023 14:35:37:


I don't reaslly understand details of the alarm, (The club bought it), so tend be a user rather than knowing much about it.

If the circuit is broken for any reason, the alarm sounds is about the extent of my knowledge, so assumed that it relied on a switched 3.5mm jack socket.



Thanks for your candid response, Howard … I was probably reading too much into your statement that the wire carried no current.




Edited By Michael Gilligan on 03/10/2023 17:10:24

Thread: What defines BILLET …
03/10/2023 17:03:41
Posted by David Senior on 03/10/2023 13:49:23:

The listing only includes billet in the title - probably just to try and cram in as many slightly relevant keywords as possible.



Quite so … but many of the others major on the word billet

I’m not going to labour this … I just asked a question and have had a variety of answers.

That will suffice for me, thanks.


Thread: Epicyclic Attempt
03/10/2023 12:56:17

For your delectation and delight, David



03/10/2023 12:26:57

Looks good, David

You have basically re-invented a device which was available for ‘ornamental turning’ lathes yes


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