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Member postings for Dalboy

Here is a list of all the postings Dalboy has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Farm Boy
02/10/2023 20:41:28

What with making the crankshaft the next part was drilling and reaming for the main bearing, as well as making the bearings which was not so bad.

Anyway this job was done without any problems but I did spend a little time setting up to do this task.

All done and fitted just a little clean up now to get rid of some marks. I do need to ream the bearings again as the caps pinch it very slightly rather this than too loose.

crankshaft fitted (6).jpg

01/10/2023 19:54:26

What with gardening and cooking yesterday, I always cook a special meal on a Saturday for the wife to give her a day off. Nothing got done on the engine.

Today started a lot better so I took my time as there is a lot of work to restart the crankshaft if I mess up.
Drilled and pined the second conrod bearing and cleaned that up and as can be seen the pins disappeared

crank shaft 2 (6).jpg

crank shaft 2 (7).jpg

The main shaft was loctited in at the correct spacings before drilling and taper reaming for the tappered pins as I did with the first shaft once again cleaned up and no sign that they have been pinned. I don't want it coming apart

crank shaft 2 (13).jpg

crank shaft 2 (14).jpg

crank shaft 2 (15).jpg

crank shaft 2 (20).jpg

The job I was not looking forward to is machining two 1/8" keyways the longest one is 1/2" long This was done using a 3/32" slotting cutter so was very slow as too much pressure on that would snap it like a twig. This meant that I had to machine down the centre and then widen it with a cut down each side

crank shaft 2 (22).jpg

Final job was to cut and machine away the main shaft that passed between the two crank webs. At least that is the crankshaft completed

crank shaft 2 (29).jpg

Thread: Triple expansion engine
01/10/2023 09:04:20

If I only had the skill to reproduce this as it is something different. Even so I enjoyed seeing it run(in the video"

Thread: simple loop alarm for exhibits
30/09/2023 12:26:06

Will THIS work

Thread: Farm Boy
29/09/2023 18:10:48

Been busy with the last part of the con rod and that is a bronze big end split bearing. The small dots are there to make sure that when it is taken apart to assemble the complete model they stay in the correct orientation

con rod with bearings (1).jpg

Then it is onto the crankshaft assembly, the plans show it mad from a single piece of steel but I have decided to make it up from two small pieces and some silver steel.

First was to make the two webs made easy by the use of a small home made stop which worked a treat.

crankshaft 1 (7).jpg

Turning the raised sections as well as the curve on both ends I had to do this set up 4 times two for each piece

crankshaft 1 (20).jpg

After the part being deburred I am pleased with the result

crankshaft 1 (26).jpg

All the parts for the crank shaft assembly

crankshaft 1 (46).jpg

A dry fit to check everything was in line. I have left the main shaft in one piece until it is finally fitted together. I will locktite them in and also drill for a tapered pin in each of the joins. The two pieces at the top of the photo are just machined to the correct width for the gap in the middle.

Still more to do to this once it is finally fitted together

crankshaft 1 (1).jpg

Thread: 'Thread' clean-up
28/09/2023 10:15:16

How about trying these mops being loose leaf will enable it to clean in the thread. Pick a fine one so not to round over the edges too much

Thread: London Model Engineering exhibition at Alexandra Palace
27/09/2023 17:30:45
Posted by JasonB on 27/09/2023 15:23:48:

ME used to be at Wembly and Ally Pally long before that. (Sandown & Ascot not Epsom more recently)

People wanting the bargain basement goods direct from the far east does not help the traders either so if you don't support them you loose them and shows.

Edited By JasonB on 27/09/2023 15:24:37

Unless the shows are spread out a bit more then what do they expect I find that what I would save from having to travel the distance to a show I can spend online to buy goods, I am sure that I am not the only one.

I should add that it is catch22

The only thing that I would miss out on is seeing some of the exhibits

Edited By Dalboy on 27/09/2023 17:37:40

Thread: Thumb screw
22/09/2023 11:01:28

If you watch from about 18:30 this is how this chap makes his.

Edited By Dalboy on 22/09/2023 11:02:37

Thread: Farm Boy
20/09/2023 21:33:34

Took a break from the main components today and made a start on the main oiler for the engine as I had some test tubes arrive for some single flower pots I will be turning from wood, before I do them I needed a small length of one of them for the oiler.

Most of this is from brass the first photo is a part assembled oiler. There needs to be a control needle and a sprung piece to stop it turning as well as a nut and obviously the glass.

drip oiler (1).jpg

This photo is the parts made so far except those which need to be made as above.

drip oiler (7).jpg

I am enjoying working with brass. The two discs which form the top and bottom of the oiler are just over 3/4" diameter to give an idea of the size

I also prepared some bronze for the big end bearing no photos

Thread: Optical Elevator
20/09/2023 15:02:19

I do like the second and third idea with the double scissor assembly as this will give the best stability when fully raise unlike the cheap blue one where the scissor assembly ends up to one side

Thread: U Tube
20/09/2023 12:57:30

Is it just me or are any of you noticing that many of them now are becoming just a selling platform so they can get free items from a supplier.

I use to subscribe to some of them but have now unsubscribed from those that keep doing this.

If I want to watch adverts(that is really what they are) then I will watch tv instead of working in the workshop

Thread: Tap compatability
19/09/2023 21:47:02

Thank you guys but have now found some 3/16"UNF ordered. The main thing was that I have made some parts using my one I have as well as making some male threads, but this one part has a shallow hole which needs to be threaded right to the bottom.

With all the taps and die sets and loose ones that I own there are still some that I need

19/09/2023 20:59:42
Posted by JasonB on 19/09/2023 19:34:50:

Below 1/4" UNF and UNC use a number system rather than the nominal diameter so yes #10-32 UNF is their nearest to 3/16" dia and you can happily thread 3/16" rod to that size.

If you happen to have 2BA that will also do for 3/16"

Edited By JasonB on 19/09/2023 19:37:17

Thank you Jason I am so use to using the imperial sizes when going down below 1/4" but that was many moons ago, and have only come across the numbering system like the 10-32tpi system with the modeling side of things.

19/09/2023 19:26:48

I have a set of UNF taps and dies but the problem is there are no bottoming taps and the size that I need I only have one so do not want to shorten it to make a bottoming tap other wise I will not have one that is a starter tap

Looking around for a 3/16" bottoming tap I keep coming up with either none available but they show a 10-32 which is 0.002" larger than the 3/16" is this compatible.

Thread: Farm Boy
19/09/2023 15:22:24

Thank you everyone not a lot to show for today just odd bits and pieces that are not worth looking at. I am waiting for some more material to turn up.

Got a message that they would be here today, then another saying they would not manage today but "will be here next working day" followed by Oh we have not collected them from your supplier. Lets see what tomorrow brings

18/09/2023 21:42:14

Got around to getting the con rod complete first part was to mount it on the platter that I made and set it up to mill out the recess I had to do this 4 times total because of the taper.

con rod final work (2).jpg

The next up was to slim down the big end cap as it was too large. The screw that you can see in the big end is not a mistake but designed to be like that when I make the big end bearing I have to make a cut out on both sides to allow for them. Also seen is the little end bearing which is a tight fit. Final job was to make the cut out for the little end bearing oil way which can be seen in the second photo along with the oil hole for the big end.

con rod final work (8).jpg

con rod final work (11).jpg

Thread: 3M Scotchbright wheel
16/09/2023 21:33:14

Not sure if THESE are the same type of thing as they say they are used to produce a satin finish on metal. Have been thinking of trying them if anyone has any experience of them.

I also looked at the M3 ones and found them expensive

Thread: Farm Boy
13/09/2023 08:17:48
Posted by bernard towers on 12/09/2023 21:27:32:

Sorry Jason my mistake but if you zoom in on the far roller I think there is a bearing cage visible

I think you are confusing the two between my head assembly and that of Jasons.

12/09/2023 17:14:57

I should really complete the con rod but as I was away the weekend I thought something small before resuming on that. So I found the oilers for the crank shaft bearings and started on the first of the two, made from brass. I still need to drill out the larger hole in the top but that will wait until I have got the second one to this stage before I drill and tap a piece of metal on the lathe to screw these into to do that operation.

crank oiler (12).jpg

They do not show any caps for these but I may make a couple of them later on.

I did have a go at grinding my first form tool for the outside shape and pleased the way that and the oiler looks.

crank oiler (13).jpg

Thread: Old tools
12/09/2023 15:04:04

I did a stall at the Woodfest at the weekend and just down from me was this made from lots of old tools and other pieces of scrap metalwork like paraffin blowtorches and even a fire extinguisher. .

Sorry about the finger in the picture as I was not using my normal camera

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