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Member postings for Peter Greene

Here is a list of all the postings Peter Greene has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Learning Curve
03/10/2023 21:43:54

OK, I get it now.

(Wouldn't it be simpler to just say "difficult - or easy - to learn". In fact, I suspect we would have a few decades ago).

03/10/2023 19:15:37

(Inspired by a comment in another thread).

I've never really understood the use of the term "learning curve".

To me, a "steep" learning curve ought to be one where a lot is learned in a short time - i.e. relatively quick to learn. A long learning curve would be something that takes a long while to learn.

When I see these terms used though, it seems (to me) that people mean the opposite. Is there a generally accepted meaning? Is it just me that's out to lunch (wouldn't be surprised).



Edited By Peter Greene on 03/10/2023 19:17:08

Thread: Is there an Android expert in the house …
24/09/2023 19:57:23
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 18:49:18:

The problem with the glasses is quite infuriating ....

(I responded to this by starting a new thread to avoid a hijack here).

Thread: Ctaract surgery - a few years on
24/09/2023 19:53:48

Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/09/2023 18:49:18

The problem with the glasses is quite infuriating : For most of my life I was short-sighted, and needed to take my glasses off to do close work. But since I had the cataract surgery I am a little long-sighted [and fixed-focus], so I need to put glasses on to do anything closer than arm’s length away.


Very, very, pleased with the cataract job, but the performance with glasses and various magnifiers still doesn’t come instinctively.


Michael posted this in another thread. I didn't want to clutter up that thread so started this.

Two or three years ago there was a thread here - just before I had my cataract surgery - which painted a very rosy picture of the procedure. I still basically agree with that picture but I can stand back now and examine it more critically and wondered how some of the other people feel now.

I agree with Michaels comments above 100%. The worst time is out shopping and trying to read a label on something. I really should start carrying reading glasses with me. (The good thing is the readers are off the shelf including those funny fold-up kind From China on ebay).

Having worn glasses since I was 10 (70 years) it actually drives me nuts not to do so now. The worst time is when I sit back in the recliner to watch TV. Since I regularly used graduated lenses I would switch to a plain distance pair for TV. It's very distracting not to do so now.

Another thing I find is that, if I do say a crossword before the program starts (using reading glasses), it takes a noticeable time (a minute or so) for my eyes to refocus at the TV distance afterwards.


Edited By Peter Greene on 24/09/2023 19:58:29

Thread: By The Time This Update Has Loaded... (Alibre)
21/09/2023 01:17:55

I'd have stopped it after 20 minutes and asked Alibre whether it's normal behaviour (and if so, they should be warning their users ahead of time).

Thread: Following from grammar in the MEW 332 thread.....
21/09/2023 01:13:37
Posted by Ian P on 20/09/2023 20:13:02:

Play in new arbour for mill (more likely play in spindle?)

More likely play in the rose-garden.

Thread: Gib Adjusters and the English Language!
21/09/2023 01:11:06

My OED CD for what it's worth gives:

gib, n.5

(dʒɪb, gɪb)

Which seems to suggest that either one is at least common usage.

Thread: MEW 332
19/09/2023 18:50:19
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 19/09/2023 10:38:38:

Apparently some Americans are offended by Britishisms catching on in the US.



Way, way more the other way round it seems to me.

Like their awful use of "alternate" when they mean "alternative". It's already de-rigueur in Canada and soon will be in the UK.

(My - admitted old - copy of Webster's actually has them correctly defined).

Edited By Peter Greene on 19/09/2023 18:52:02

Thread: Scams
11/09/2023 18:32:29
Posted by Fowlers Fury on 11/09/2023 17:54:20:

So claims that this is "impossible to stop" by the telcos seems cr*p.

Here in Canada, positive steps have been taken to combat this - and wow! does it ever make no difference. Presumably because no-one has really gone after the telcos. Publishing a set of rules makes for good publicity but useless without dropping the other shoe.

11/09/2023 15:45:12
Posted by Steviegtr on 11/09/2023 02:23:10:

Pick up the phone answer the call & say nothing. If the caller says hello is that ???? ok.


... not OK for me. I never identify myself until I know the identity of the caller - and not then either for spam/scam calls.

(Basic politeness demands that a caller identify him/herself before asking any question whatsoever. If they don't/won't do that, then ....).

Edited By Peter Greene on 11/09/2023 15:46:31

Thread: '' Is the site down?
01/09/2023 18:17:17
Posted by Andrew Tinsley on 01/09/2023 11:08:21:

Highlly unlikely that an alpha particle could flip a bit. Their range in air is pretty short! More likely a gamma ray!

... and yet, if you put: alpha particles memory into a Google search .....

Thread: The beginning of the end for Copper telecomms
31/08/2023 19:16:13

Bit of an eye-opener this thread (thanks) because I suspect things are rapidly moving down the same path here in Canada - but not openly.

Edited By Peter Greene on 31/08/2023 19:16:29

Thread: Scams
31/08/2023 19:09:28
Posted by Bob Unitt 1 on 31/08/2023 14:00:32:

If you get a spam call from one of those foreign-sounding phone-farms, try just asking them "Does your mother know what you do for a living ?" - elicits some wonderfully apoplectic responses smiley


My version is "Why don't you get a real job - instead of being a boil on the backside of humanity?".

These days though I mostly just hang up (minimum hassle path) - that's if I actually answer the phone in the first place.

Edited By Peter Greene on 31/08/2023 19:09:56

Thread: cheap lathe
29/08/2023 18:25:45

They'd actually draw in more suckers if they made it a cheap but "somewhat realistic" price.

Thread: How come Windows XP can use Bing …
27/08/2023 17:28:45
Posted by Frances IoM on 26/08/2023 10:02:49:
an old XP will not have the necessary code to open most https web pages


I wouldn't doubt that - my Palm TX stopped being able to use the internet when HTTPS came about. Though surely that's more a function of the browser than the underlying OS - at least up to a point?

But (if you want to) couldn't you (Michael) just install Firefox (or whatever) to replace the old IE? You might have to drill down ** to find the last edition that was compatible with XP - assuming the latest version isn't (I don't know).

** suitably ME expression smiley

Edited By Peter Greene on 27/08/2023 17:31:13

Thread: Forum Platform Changes - PLEASE READ
25/08/2023 17:12:47

Posted by JasonB on 25/08/2023 09:45:45:

Looks like the new forum knows what is up and what's down, this image displays the right way up on the new forum, it was taken with phone upside down ( button on left)

... but does it know horizontal from vertical or will we still have to stand sideways to view some images? (Not that I do).

Thread: What adhesive?
23/08/2023 18:23:29
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 23/08/2023 16:23:43:

As Magnets and glue are both weak in shear, a physical restraint is best, not glue. Only needs a shallow lip.

In my day, most typical adhesives were considered strong in shear, weak in tension - cyano-acrylate (superglue) aside which was developed (as Eastman 910) to be relatively weak in shear for specific purposes.

Must be something else that changed in the modern world that I can't keep up with.

Thread: Alibre Atom 3D in shop at £150
20/08/2023 20:16:35

Presumably they charge VAT separately so they can respond to foreign orders ... and they do clearly state that VAT will be added at checkout so I can't see it as sneaky.

Thread: Gramophone Needles, British Made Too!
20/08/2023 01:45:34

Put one in the drill chuck of a mill-drill to quickly line up on a punch-mark or scribe mark.

Thread: Unlucky or what !
17/08/2023 21:36:55
Posted by Richard B on 17/08/2023 18:28:03:

All was going well - i'd bored and grooved for the eccentric when I noticed a small casting flaw - some grey material in the bronze !

I'm only looking at pictures of course but did you really not notice that until after you'd machined the part?

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