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I need custard.

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lee webster13/08/2023 15:19:24
383 forum posts
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Well, a custard plant really. I can buy tins of custard from Morrisons, but I would rather grow my own. I grow rhubarb, and there are blackberries growing at the bottom of my garden. A few days ago I picked rhubarb and blackberries and cooked the rhubarb in the microwave. Easy. After cooking, I added the blackberries and warmed some custard separately. A very enjoyable sweet, not too much sugar, just a sprinkle. I then thought, "why am I buying custard? I should be growing my own". So, any reccomendations? I do have a small greenhouse if required.

A friend suggested Birds custard, but I am a vegetarian, so I can't eat birds.

Brian G13/08/2023 15:30:25
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With a greenhouse you could grow the "Custard Apple" Annona Reticulata.

Brian G

JasonB13/08/2023 15:32:17
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If you can't eat bird's then you should try Ambrosia. This photo is of the Ambrosia plant that produces custard


Ramon Wilson13/08/2023 15:54:41
1655 forum posts
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I grow two varieties of Rhubarb and have a prolific cultivated Blackberry that produces huge fruits so am in constant need of custard.

Bird's 'ready to mix' in packets - just add hot water and stir - is our preferred choice. Quick, easy, just the right amount of sweetness and goes with the above a treat - bugger trying to grow your ownlaugh


Best - Tug

Edited By Ramon Wilson on 13/08/2023 15:55:39

Rockingdodge13/08/2023 15:58:42
396 forum posts
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Posted by JasonB on 13/08/2023 15:32:17:

If you can't eat bird's then you should try Ambrosia. This photo is of the Ambrosia plant that produces custard


Yes but only Gods are allowed to eat Ambrosia devillaugh

DMB13/08/2023 16:01:42
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Added sugar! I have an oven dish 12 x 8.5 x 2.5" deep, with a fruit crumble in it, to dip into each day. Supermarket cooking apples, skinned chopped and cooked then when nearly cooked, blackberries picked by me from hedgerows chucked in on top to cook, taking only a few minutes.No sugar at all. Turned out of saucepan into oven dish covered in a commercial crumble mix. Sainsburys own brand is very powdery and tastes like there too much sugar added for my liking. Sugar not listed in the ingredients. Aunt Bessie's version lists sugar, demerara sugar, Cane Molasses but I can't detect any of that by taste, so could be only minimal. Point is, at no stage do I add sugar and find it OK. But then I can eat grapefruit or lemon with no sugar, or any other sweetener. Dont do artificial sweeteners. Not tried it yet but plan to make my own crumble mix, so I know exactly what's in it and what's not, like palm oil which I struggle to avoid because its shoved in everything. I always cook blackberries to sterilise them after sat on by flies, no telling what else they've sat on!


Edited By DMB on 13/08/2023 16:04:13

DMB13/08/2023 16:06:25
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Sorry I cant help with custard, I just 'suffer' the Birds version, but think its OK.


Frances IoM13/08/2023 16:08:22
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since, as I'm sure you know, proper custard is made by slowly cooking whisked egg yolks and sugar with whole warmed milk until it thickens (4 egg yolks, 3-4 oz sugar + 1/2 pt of full cream milk - thus for self sufficiency you need to purchase a cow, some laying hens and unless you are in the tropics grow sugar beet - though personally I would make a trip to the local supermarket for the raw ingredients.
Journeyman13/08/2023 16:17:26
1257 forum posts
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Bird's Custard Powder contains no egg the ingredients are simply :-

  • Maize Starch
  • Salt
  • Flavouring,
  • Colour (Annatto Norbixin)

So you need to grow some corn and set up a millcheeky
Oh yes, you need to add the milk so you want a suitable source of that.


Edited By Journeyman on 13/08/2023 16:19:37

peak413/08/2023 16:23:56
2207 forum posts
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I think maybe someone has missed the point in Lee's post where he differentiates between upper and lower case B wink


V8Eng13/08/2023 16:45:40
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Don’t custard plants grow alongside Spaghetti trees?devil

I guess only the slightly more aged amongst us (myself included) might understand that.wink

Edited By V8Eng on 13/08/2023 16:48:01

SillyOldDuffer13/08/2023 16:52:41
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Don't want to start a row, but Card Carrying Vegetarians aren't allowed custard of any type. Custard has egg in it.

Only poachers turned gamekeeper claim eggs aren't really flesh. In my opinion all those who have betrayed the movement should be boiled, fried and scrambled. It will teach them to take a yolk.


lee webster13/08/2023 16:54:41
383 forum posts
71 photos

I remember the news article. It was that, and having lived in Hemel Hempstead for many years (Hemel is also know as "treacle bumpstead" because of the treacle mines) that makes me search for a good custard plant.

Thanks for the replies, I was afraid that some might not think me serious.

peak413/08/2023 16:57:44
2207 forum posts
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Posted by V8Eng on 13/08/2023 16:45:40:

Don’t custard plants grow alongside Spaghetti trees?devil

I guess only the slightly more aged amongst us (myself included) might understand that.wink

Edited By V8Eng on 13/08/2023 16:48:01

I believe only in the forest surrounding Montallegro, on Caissa Inferiore, in the San Serriffe archipellago.


colin brannigan13/08/2023 19:39:13
125 forum posts
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It was believed that custard was invented in my hometown of Swansea but this was just an urban myth, some chemist in Birmingham invented it, not sure if invented is the right word.

But Swansea did have the first passenger carrying railway horse drawn of course, 1807 I believe.

Regards Colin

lee webster13/08/2023 20:38:41
383 forum posts
71 photos

Oh nice try Colin! Custard was invented, I'm not falling for that old chestnut!

Still searching for the plant/bush/tree.

Mick B113/08/2023 20:56:42
2444 forum posts
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Posted by Rockingdodge on 13/08/2023 15:58:42:
Posted by JasonB on 13/08/2023 15:32:17:

If you can't eat bird's then you should try Ambrosia. This photo is of the Ambrosia plant that produces custard


Yes but only Gods are allowed to eat Ambrosia devillaugh

OK, but there must be a lot of 'em about, to need a factory like that - and they obviously shop in our Morrisons.


Ed Dinning 113/08/2023 21:14:01
39 forum posts

Looks like the Ambrosia factory is suitably situated in the Yorkshire "rhubarb triangle"


john halfpenny13/08/2023 21:35:15
314 forum posts
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Pearce Duffs custard powder was the best, but it probably contained lots of E numbers which are now banned. I believe the factory in east London burned down, but a version is still available in the Canary islands, of all places.

duncan webster14/08/2023 00:29:47
5307 forum posts
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Posted by Mick B1 on 13/08/2023 20:56:42:
Posted by Rockingdodge on 13/08/2023 15:58:42:
Posted by JasonB on 13/08/2023 15:32:17:

If you can't eat bird's then you should try Ambrosia. This photo is of the Ambrosia plant that produces custard


Yes but only Gods are allowed to eat Ambrosia devillaugh

OK, but there must be a lot of 'em about, to need a factory like that - and they obviously shop in our Morrisons.


Well if that were true, the Ambrosia people made a mistake building their factory in Devon (I think), as it's well known that God lives in Yorkshire.

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