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Member postings for V8Eng

Here is a list of all the postings V8Eng has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Orrery
04/10/2023 19:08:17

Zeamon pages here:-



Edited By V8Eng on 04/10/2023 19:11:08

Thread: Epicyclic Attempt
03/10/2023 13:34:23

Whilst not directly related, there is an ornamental turner’s society I remember seeing the stand at ME Exhibitions.

PersonallyI found it very interesting watching the process.

Link here to their society website.



Edited By V8Eng on 03/10/2023 13:36:49

Thread: Old Parvalux motor not starting properly
27/09/2023 21:38:53

Parvalux still exist (Bournemouth I think) and I found them very helpful people whilst I was still working, there is a lot of information on their website as well.

Might be worth a phone call?

I have just remembered that some Parvalux motors had what looked like ordinary mains leads but contained extra cores to connect a remote capacitor.

Edited By V8Eng on 27/09/2023 22:11:36

Thread: Following from grammar in the MEW 332 thread.....
21/09/2023 18:19:07

I thought everyone knows that an Arbour is where boats/ships are moored.😉

Edited By V8Eng on 21/09/2023 18:32:01

21/09/2023 08:44:33

Deleted by V8

Edited By V8Eng on 21/09/2023 08:45:26

Edited By V8Eng on 21/09/2023 08:46:20

Thread: The crumbly concrete problem
02/09/2023 14:48:49

On this mornings news it was stated that the lifespan of this material is about thirty years, that leaves many questions to be answered.

Thread: OVO Energy not recognising Power of Attorney
24/08/2023 16:48:55

From personal experience with companies Citizens Advice would be worth contacting.

Ofgem is probably another one to be on the list of contacts.

Thread: I need custard.
13/08/2023 16:45:40

Don’t custard plants grow alongside Spaghetti trees?devil

I guess only the slightly more aged amongst us (myself included) might understand that.wink

Edited By V8Eng on 13/08/2023 16:48:01

Thread: Gigabattery plant
19/07/2023 13:12:53

Seems possible from the media reports that mega loads of taxpayers money might go in as well.

Interesting to watch the extended term outcome.

Edited By V8Eng on 19/07/2023 13:21:31

Thread: Myford oilers
17/07/2023 21:35:58

For a few years my ML7 has been fitted with a pair of Adamslube of Coventry oilers of the type shown in the second picture on the linked page.


They have proved very good for setting drip rate and whilst currently I am unable to use my shop they are left set to drip very occasionally.

Edited By V8Eng on 17/07/2023 21:37:13

Thread: Moths
12/07/2023 19:59:59

My apologies to DiogenesII.


I spotted this pretty beastie on a climber near our front door last month and according to the identifier I think it’s a Scarlet Tiger.

It might be a good find in the South East  as normally in the South West & Wales apparently.




Edited By V8Eng on 12/07/2023 20:10:13

Edited By V8Eng on 12/07/2023 20:12:51

12/07/2023 19:48:33

Link to a moth identifier here.


I think Grindstone Cowboy has it right.

Link to uk moth recording scheme here (if of interest).

National moth recording

Thread: Hearing aids - NHS or private?
07/07/2023 09:10:54
Posted by Robin Graham on 06/07/2023 23:50:06:

Thanks to all for all responses. To flesh out my original post a bit my last NHS review was in 2021, back in the days of facemasks and general reluctance to stress the NHS. I saw a Scrivens 'audiologist' (outsourced) and to be brutally honest he seemed a bit dim. He equipped me new aids (the new thin tube/dome things) but was unable to explain why these might be preferable (or even equivalent) to the wide tube/earmould system I'd been using. They seemed OK at the time (Ie in the room with him), but were subjectively much worse than the old ones in real life. When I went back for a follow-up consultation he said that maybe I needed different hearing aids, but as they could only supply once per three years I'd have to wait or go back to my GP for a referral and start from square one. Gosh! so I went back to my previous ones, all well until on a routine clean when I mistook the acetone bottle for iso-propanol. One melted. Still nine months until I can go back to the NHS, hence the exploration of private provision. In the meantime, I seem to have lost the Scrivens aids. To be brutally honest I can be a bit dim.

Anyhow, your replies have been very helpful. I can pay (~£250) for replacement NHS aids which will likely be as good as the private offerings.


I am not sure what the current situation is but the system as advised in our (former) clinic was:-

Replacement of lost or damaged NHS hearing aids £100 each.

Might just be worth checking out if it’s possible to apply that your original (melted) hearing aid as a temporary solution.

Edited By V8Eng on 07/07/2023 09:11:54

Edited By V8Eng on 07/07/2023 09:12:49

Thread: Boil in the Bag : Funerals
03/07/2023 08:30:59

Our microwave is Far too small to boil a human😉👹

Edited By V8Eng on 03/07/2023 08:33:39

Thread: Replacement Bearings - Myford ML7 Motor
29/06/2023 12:45:25

It may be worth seeing if there are any electric motor repairers / rewinders in your area and asking them.

Thread: Brought some rubbish back from the "recycling centre"
09/06/2023 09:45:03
Posted by DiogenesII on 09/06/2023 06:28:12:

You're a lucky man - you can't get anything out of ours, nothing is 'saved' once it has left the depositor's hand.

You can't even bribe the staff..


The staff at our site patrol on a constant basis and make sure nothing goes the wrong way.

Thread: Not Seen This One Before
18/05/2023 18:43:20

Thanks for the link Michael.

I am rather surprised that the bad guys have taken this long to start using AI.

Edited By V8Eng on 18/05/2023 18:45:27

Thread: Every answer
13/05/2023 14:18:56
Posted by Dave Wootton on 13/05/2023 08:29:11:

The two speed ML7's with the higher top speed had hardened spindles that ran in bronze rather than whitemetal bearings, at one time these were available as a set from Myford to retro fit to the standard machines. I can't remember where I read it but the whitemetal bearings were considered ok to run up to 1000 RPM.

I think that is rather too generalised because I am aware of my lathes history from new:

My ML7 is documented as being shipped from the factory to its original owner (not me) fitted with TRI-LEVA attachment, two speed motor, & QCGB. I do know that it has white metal bearings not bronze and the top speed has always tested around the stated (rarely used) 1280 rpm

Edited By V8Eng on 13/05/2023 14:23:35

Edited By V8Eng on 13/05/2023 14:29:18

12/05/2023 19:31:50

Just for the record: an ML7 fitted with the TRI-LEVA attachment and original two speed motor had a maximum spindle speed of 1280 rpm.

Thread: Possible use of ALDI car battery charger as a bench power supply
05/05/2023 09:10:35

Selenium plate rectifiers used to really stink when you fried them as well!

Edited By V8Eng on 05/05/2023 09:12:56

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