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has anubody had the cateract removed and the lens replaced give an account please.

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Clive Hartland12/07/2020 08:54:10
2929 forum posts
41 photos

It looks as if my left eye has a cateract developing, obviously I am distressed.

Due to covid 19 there are no services available.

has anybody previously had this done and how was the result as at the moment I have a job to see close up and my stereo vision is bad as I cannot accurately mark out or place items correctly.close up.

As an aside, in July 19. I was given Ramapril BP medication, no explanaition of it's effect like not eating high Potassium foods nor about Ramipril cough ( I am Asthmatic) and then after research I find that Ramipril causes cateracts!

Michael Gilligan12/07/2020 08:58:17
23121 forum posts
1360 photos

My personal experience was wonderful, Clive

I will find my previous thread for you, but am also very happy to discuss by eMail if you wish.



Edited By Michael Gilligan on 12/07/2020 08:59:53

BC Prof12/07/2020 09:05:17
182 forum posts
1 photos

She Who Must Be Obeyed had both eyes treated with no trouble at all. Back to excellent vision. She says that all she saw while the operations were taking place was lots of pretty lights ! Good Luck


roy entwistle12/07/2020 09:09:12
1716 forum posts

Clive Had both mine done two years ago one each side of Christmas. Best thing that ever happened. you don't realise how bad your vision is or how dull the colours are. The operation is completely painless. and intriguing.

When you have the second eye done, the main difference is that you will know what's going to happen .

As with Michael. If you wish to discus further please PM or email me


J Hancock12/07/2020 09:10:45
869 forum posts

My cousin 70+ has had both eyes 'done'.

All good without complications.

Try not to worry.

roy entwistle12/07/2020 09:17:54
1716 forum posts

Double post

Edited By roy entwistle on 12/07/2020 09:19:31

Balljoint12/07/2020 09:18:18
39 forum posts
12 photos

I had a similar experience after taking Gabapentin, rapidly developed a cataract in one eye.

Had it removed and vision was restored immediately, however it did deteriorate again soon after.I had to then have laser treatment to correct the problem, apparently it is well documented effect, where the lens capsule turns opaque.

Only after effect now is very bad dry eye syndrome, and I have to use lubricating eyedrops regularly.

Yes there can be problems, but overall it is well worth it and completely painless.

Good luck


Clive Hartland12/07/2020 09:42:14
2929 forum posts
41 photos

Thank you Gentlemen, all very re-assuring, coupled with the trapped nerve and numb left leg it has become annoying.

Obviously nothing can happen soon as covid 19 runs it's course but hopefully I will prevail and not have to sell my machines.


larry phelan 112/07/2020 11:15:49
1346 forum posts
15 photos


I have worn glasses, which I regarded as a curse, all my life, until a few years ago when I had one eye attended to. Took them three years to get to it but the result was unbelievable ! Before, I could just about make out the trees at the end of my garden, next morning, I could count the branches !

Slow forward another two years [they dont like to rush things around here ] and I had the other eye done, same result ! Now I never need glasses for day-to-day use except for reading small print or drill sizes.

So, yes go for it, you will not believe the difference it will make, it,s like a whole new world !

As they say "Been there, done that, bought the teeshirt"

Best of luck and just hang in there.smileysmiley

Samsaranda12/07/2020 11:43:16
1688 forum posts
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Not cataracts but my daughter who is 49 had problems with glasses all her life, she decided to have the lenses changed in both eyes at the same time (same as cataract operation) she paid to have it done as a private procedure, she had a small problem with being allergic to the drops she had to use post operatively but that was minor, she is highly delighted with the results. Clive don’t sell your machines, the operation will make a tremendous difference and you will be able to go on enjoying your hobby.
Dave W

Peter Hall12/07/2020 11:52:45
115 forum posts
1 photos

Don't be distressed, Clive. I've had one done, Mrs H has had both done and my father had his done (age 92!). All good, and if you go for it, you won't regret it. My only problem is the cataract developing in my left eye is not bad enough yet to get it done on the NHS. Seriously thinking of going private.


Jim Nic12/07/2020 12:03:00
406 forum posts
235 photos

Clive, I've sent a PM.


Roger Vane12/07/2020 12:39:31
108 forum posts
18 photos

I had one done last year - brilliant job.

No real discomfort and a really quick job - the surgeon did 9 of us in the morning session. Had mine done at 9.30 on the Monday morning and back home by midday. Sight 'blotchy' the following day when I removed the bandage (as expected) and by Saturday lunchtime I could clearly read number plates at the legal distance with that eye alone.

So, go for it. You will be amazed at how it changes your life - the gift of sight is wonderful.

Bill Dawes12/07/2020 12:53:17
605 forum posts

Clive, my wife had both her eyes done last year. She was dreading it, she has a thing about messing with her eyes.

She had the first one done and I went into the cafe for a cuppa, I had barely taken a few sips and the nurse called me back in saying that's it all done. My wife was beaming, said it was amazing, could see better straight away and also improved as time went on, had second one done a short while later. My wife said 'tell him its a doddle', just what other people had been telling her before the operation.

So in a nutshell have it done, based on my wifes experience you start seeing things properly again, not just clarity but colours as well.

Just have to take it steady for a couple of weeks (no bungy jumping, mountain biking, heavy exercise)

Bill D.

Swarf, Mostly!12/07/2020 13:10:21
753 forum posts
80 photos

Hi there, Clive,

I had one eye 'done' on 24th January. When friends learned I was going to have the procedure, a surprising number of them revealed that they or someone close had also had the surgery. All were reassuring.

In the event, the worst thing I remember was walking into the operating room and being confronted by a huge machine reminiscent of the bad robot in RoboCop!! smiley smiley smiley

The reassurances were completely justified as to the actual surgery and my subsequent experiences. The only down-side is that, following my post-op assessment on 24th February, the arrival of lock-down prevented my getting an eye test until a couple of weeks ago - I have an appointment to collect my new glasses this coming Tuesday.

Best regards,

Swarf, Mostly!

larry phelan 112/07/2020 13:17:25
1346 forum posts
15 photos

Forgot to add, my Mother was 91 when she had her eyes done, like another man on the forum, so age is not a factor.

old mart12/07/2020 15:38:02
4655 forum posts
304 photos

My cousin is 86, and had one eye done successfully, and was overjoyed when the eye specialist suggested having the other one done. Now he has much improved vision.

Mike Poole12/07/2020 17:48:49
3676 forum posts
82 photos

It transformed my mother when she had hers done, as she suffers from depression it had the extra benefit of raising her mood almost immediately. Everyone I know who has had the surgery comments on the vividness of colours. Although I am not a recipient of the surgery the effect was wonderful for me so it must be magical for the person receiving the new lenses.


i believe the new lenses have a prescription so it might be worth researching beforehand, I think my mother just accepted the default but other options may be available.


Edited By Mike Poole on 12/07/2020 17:54:12

Rik Shaw12/07/2020 18:07:59
1494 forum posts
403 photos

Hello again Clive - How are the bees? My wife had both eyes done recently and apart from a couple of floaters she is very pleased with the results Her brother had his done around the same time with the same good results and also with floaters.

At my last eye test I was told I was also developing them in both eyes but don't worry she said, its very common when you get to your age (we are all early seventies.) The very attractive young woman who looked purposefully into my eyes also recommended wearing sunglasses when outside or driving as it would extend the time before I need something doing. I asked and was given a prescription for a pair of close work specs and an online specs outfit did me a pair for about £24 IIRC. Brilliant!

When I need anything stronger I have invested in and use a binocular Optivisor headband - highly recommended.

I hope you are as pleasantly surprised as my crew were following your treatment. Good luck.


Alan Vos12/07/2020 18:09:30
162 forum posts
7 photos

Hopefully you will be given the option of whether you want the implant suitable for reading, long vision, or something in-between. I opted for long vision. Stereo vision was restored as soon as I took the dressing off.

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