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Member postings for Clive Hartland

Here is a list of all the postings Clive Hartland has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Ctaract surgery - a few years on
24/09/2023 22:02:39

Now 3 years in since I had both eyes sorted for cateracts. Then at 3 years my right eye went fuzzy, not nice at all. Fear, so off to the opticiaon and examined and decided it was PCO. ( Posterior capsular opacification} I read up and 20 to 30% of cateract subjects suffer PCO. What is it, during the cateract op. Epithilian cells are released and then float onto the rear of the capsule that they put the replacement lens in. It is caused by the cateract op.!

The treatment is to burn off the rear of the capsule with a laser, painless and takes 5 minutes at the most. No side effects yet.

Now here hangs the nasty bit, The eye test was 27 Jan and they said we will send a letter to your surgery to arrange. Come July and being in the surgery I asked if they had received the letter, No, Luckily I had a copy and handed it over. 4 days later I had an appt. 14 days later I had the procedure. Dont trust anyone who says they will send a letter!

Thread: The beginning of the end for Copper telecomms
31/08/2023 21:57:11

Business news this morning, there is a global shortage of copper! I hope the travellers did not watch it as they will be busy again.

Thread: Scams
31/08/2023 21:53:52

First email this morning from Royal mail, 'You have a parcel pemding'. No I have not, click!

Thread: I need custard.
14/08/2023 13:34:42

I can remeber at some time in the South of London an explosion in a custard factory where dust blown through ducting exploded. You can see the place as you leave London on the southern line.

Thread: Aircraft General Discussion
12/08/2023 09:09:17

The Gannet was one of my favourite planes to see, good luck in your endeavours to resurrect this lovely aircraft.

Thread: Old Bee-Hives?
05/08/2023 18:57:34

One method with skeps was to give a hole at the top and they then put a bell jar over it and the bees used it as a second story to make comb and store honey. This meant the skep could live on as they only took the bell jar.Killing the bees was done with burning sulpur vapour.

William Boughton Carr (WBC) designed one of the first comb hives, a double wall hive but difficult to work. One time I found Dormice hibernating in the back wall gap. Nice and warm!

Modern hives are single wall mainly made of Cedar wood. 11 or 12 combs to a box. The brood box conbs are larger and deeper than the shallow box combs. A full shallow box can weigh up to 30lb.

Thread: Why has my mild steel bent
03/08/2023 22:03:36

I have always heat treated metal, both brass and steel when machining.if you dont it will bend. Especially long items.

Brass is the worst to bend when maching, also if filing. The flat steel bar needs both sides machinging.

Thread: oops voyager
02/08/2023 14:48:59

The craft was sent off so long ago the original staff crew would have been replaced and along with the knowledge of the crafts specific command structure. A newbi comes along and assumes things so errors occur!

Thread: Strangest Things
27/07/2023 13:39:18

One of the strangest things I experienced involved rain. I was up in the NFD in Kenya and we watched a lone cloud coming towards us, draining rain, you could see it! Then, as it came past it was raining on one side of the road but our side remained dry as it passed, you could reach out and touch it !

Thread: Removing the countershaft pulley speed 10 lathe?
23/07/2023 15:55:48

Socket set screw, cup point. could have raised a burr?

Thread: I'm on Google Earth
16/07/2023 22:26:48

My cat used to come to the patio door and hurl dead mice at the window, sometimes getting 3.

Thread: Hearing aids - NHS or private?
06/07/2023 07:00:47

Siemen make NHS hearing aids, after a time the ear form becomes loose and will move when you incline ones head. then it whistles or osscilates, annoying. make an appt. to have a new earform made.

Much depends on what type of deafness you have, whether noise induced with accompaning tinnitus or congenital.

The hearing test will show the waveform and how to adjust the hearing via a computer set up at the audiology clinic.

Thread: Google to cease suport for 32bit.
15/06/2023 06:57:59

I am getting pop ups about Google ending support for 32bit computers shortly.

How will this affect PC set ups with Google.?

Thread: Easiest Morse taper setup ever
15/06/2023 06:54:47

Put a clean Morse taper in the chuck, bring up the tailstock center and tighten. Now, using a DTI track the taper using the top slide. Cut a correct taper from the setting.

Thread: An expesive day
10/06/2023 07:46:33

There are 2 types of oil pump that Ford use, vane type (Worst) and the gear type.(better). Worth checking.

Thread: A few years ago.
06/06/2023 21:38:16

Who had their first Biro that leaked in the shirt pocket? Now they are everywhere.

One story is about NASA who spent a lot of money to make a pen that would write in zero gravity. then the russkies used pencils! KISS, keep it simple stupid.

Edited By Clive Hartland on 06/06/2023 21:39:00

Thread: Swing grinder help
04/06/2023 21:33:08

Clive to Clive, I think your right, ever sen one of those grinding machines where you run cylinder heads across, the wheel is very thick. I would hate to see one go bang.

03/06/2023 14:42:17

My use of a swing grinder showed you cannot use the full width of the thicknes of the grinding wheel. When truing it I was instructed to take off more than half the contact surface leaving a narrow contact to cut and grind.. It was just a matter of truing and then taking off a bit more to leave the original truing to cut. I only ever took very small cuts to clean up jobs.

Thread: Behaviour of Banks
03/06/2023 14:37:48

Why not open an account in a Building society, You can take money out up to £500 a day. No cheques or cards involved apart from paying in, go visit and discuss with the manager. You are suplied with a paying in book which as far as I can see is enough proof of deposit and withdrawal. Clive PS. plus some interest too.

Thread: Adding coloured infill to embossed graphics?
01/06/2023 14:23:19

Old style,coloured wax fillings were applied hot allowed to harden and then the wax rubbed off with a slightly oily cloth. That was back in 1952.

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