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Member postings for Rik Shaw

Here is a list of all the postings Rik Shaw has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Unusual Thread Type?
22/08/2023 18:16:59

Very generous offer Martin. We are in your neck of the woods in a week or so. If you have one available shall we pop round and pick one up?


Thread: Engraving - early attempts
29/07/2023 13:04:25

A first attempt engraving a brass plate with an Isel CPM 2018 for the lid of my goodies box (yes, another hobby)!





Thread: James Bond Aston Martin DB5
16/07/2023 10:45:48

In the early 'sixties I was posted to Regents Park barracks. That evening the duty driver (Hillman Husky) took me for a jolly round the West End where he parked up near a car showroom. On display was the 007 car from the film with the tyre slashing spears sticking out from the wheels. As a 17 year old Craftsman I was very impressed.


Thread: Copper tube
13/07/2023 18:17:58

My bit will be a bit big for you at 6.25 dia x 22" long but at least your post gives me a rough idea of what to expect pricewise when I move it on. Be interested in knowing where you get your pipe.


Thread: Workshop Clock
05/07/2023 10:47:25

I have a large vintage wind up wall clock thus avoiding the need for batteries. Being an elderly (like me!) it runs a little slow. Also, its nice chime has been gradually replaced with a strangled mechanical groan - sound familiar?


Thread: Night vision monocular
28/06/2023 10:53:26

Having of late developed an interest in air rifles/pistols I like to read the magazine "Airgun Shooter". If I was looking to acquire a night vision device (which I am not) I would find the many related articles / adverts in this mag helpful if I was thinking of buying such an animal !


Edited By Rik Shaw on 28/06/2023 10:55:46

Thread: Machining hardened shaper tool holder
25/02/2023 09:11:19

I had the same problem with an old shaper tool. I reduced it in size to fit my shaper with a an indexable tipped tool. Very deep case hardening but Alba did the trick - here:

Thread: Merry Christmas Everyone!
24/12/2022 23:12:59

Peace on earth and good will to all men and women as well as men who identify as women and women who don't. Vegetarians of all types - peas on earth.


Thread: A whole lot of not a lot...
01/12/2022 11:14:00

My workshop is comfortably warm even in winter. It allows me to relax in the clean half and contemplate pleasurably that which beckons next for attention.

This week I have spent time persuading a new 8” 4 jaw self centering chuck to run true. I eventually managed to get it running within .0015” of true. My noddle was assisted in the process by much cogitating and resting of my old fundament. Some/much of this thinking time involves soaking up the workshop atmos and allowing my kit to vie for my attention.

Here in my sanctum I have no desire to compete (or time sheet to fill in) and peace rests easily on my head.

At 75 and 76 respectively my wife and I have all the aches and pains that come with being aged but we count ourselves so lucky that we retain our marbles.

So +5 to all those that give their time and patience to the care and well being of Parkinsons and Alzhiemer afflicted humans – they are angels on earth!


Thread: Mechanical Mantel Clock
08/10/2022 12:25:40

We bought this one here about five years ago.


Made in Paris around 1900 – we call her “Mademoiselle”. She set us back around £700.


This more modern German made Hermle skeleton was new and “nicked” at an auction for £7. We call it “Little clock”. You can get an idea what Hermle do here:



Thread: Do you "still" enjoy driving?
24/07/2022 10:22:28

I do NOT enjoy driving even with a nice comfortable SUV. The best part of what I find a very onerous process is the arrival at our destination.

Our latest experience last Friday was a five and a half hour trip travelling from Weymouth to North Buck. thinking how much five and a half hours workshop time would suit me much better compared to five and a half hours stuck behind a steering wheel !


Edited By Rik Shaw on 24/07/2022 10:23:43

Thread: Free Fusion360 subs ended
25/06/2022 11:22:08

I have had the free version of Fusion360 installed for a good while now - three years maybe. I have not used it for anything other than tutorials but when I went to use it a couple of days ago it tells me my free subscription has expired.

Its a good job I had not invested to much time in learning it because having the rug pulled like this would have stung badly.

Not sure which package to go for now. For my occasional use it would not make sense to spend to much. Free sounds good!

Rik crying

Thread: Blacking aluminium
16/06/2022 15:53:00

I need to machine a small part in aluminium 150mm long by 18mm diameter. After I've machined it I would like to blacken / blue it. As this will be a one off job I would prefer to do it on the cheap rather than spend my loot on a commercially available product. Can it be done a' la cheapskate?


Thread: Total cost + import for Tormach PCNC 440, and alternatives?
08/06/2022 19:29:32

Like Steve the OP I have an interest in CNC and would like to be let loose on a good quality machine of my own. I own a nice Isel machine but it does not have the grunt to machine steel.

Reading about another blokes experience though with his new Tormach will do for the mo and my thanks to Steve for bringing his book to my attention.

I have installed the Kindle app on my Android tablet and paid for the digital edition offered on Amazon. For an outlay of just £5.99 I am looking forward to reading how Steve did it his way!


Thread: Which lathe would this fit?
05/05/2022 13:35:02

I would like to finance the purchase of a new lathe part by selling this unwanted item:

Shop made aluminium faceplate (sacrificial plate?) 7.750" diameter. Lathe spindle thread is 1.5" diameter (measured with internal calipers) x 6TPI Whitworth.

I have spent a while googling but so far have been unable to find a lathe that this would fit. Anyone here have any ideas?


Thread: Sigh, practicing a skill I would rather not need
17/04/2022 18:29:49

I have found that you are more likely to break a tap if it is blunt. I use good quality British made HSS (Presto, Dormer etc) but even these get blunt eventually.

As for carbon steel jobbies - I would not give them house room even though some swear by them.


Thread: "Kiv" or Kiev?
31/03/2022 17:37:49

" The list is endless "

Around here we have :

Flitwick - pronounced Flitik

Cogenhoe pronounced Cookner

But my two favourites are English christian names - Featherstonhaugh and Cholmondeley pronounced Fanshaw and Chumley respectively.


Thread: Setting up a Warco BH600G
19/03/2022 18:35:10

Mike - My BH600G was sledged into position in my timber workshop bolted down onto a length of thick kitchen worktop. I have never fixed it to the floor so it remains freestanding but it IS braced to the wall with two strips of steel from the main casting. Its not perfect by a long way but I manage OK. It just means that I have to be a bit careful when I use a faceplate with an offset workpiece.

Nice to see you around again Geoff - keep well!


Thread: Tomato seed recommendation?
07/03/2022 14:46:33

I never had a greenhouse so used to grow outside. I grew these and found the sweet taste to my liking.

Tomato Outdoor Girl AGM Seeds | Quality Seeds from Sow Seeds Ltd


Edited By Rik Shaw on 07/03/2022 14:47:27

Thread: stuff that came with my lathe ...
25/02/2022 15:40:37

I'd keep the lot unless you are desperate - why? Because all the extras make the lathe more valuable when you come to sell it. You don't intend selling it? Neither did I with my first one fifteen years ago but I am on my fourth right now.


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