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Member postings for Bill Dawes

Here is a list of all the postings Bill Dawes has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Return crank position
21/09/2023 19:54:13

So annoying. I always read through to make sure of no typos, my dinner is ready is my excuse.

Bill D.

21/09/2023 19:52:45

Just realised I forgot to update on my dilemma. As I expected the problem was staring me in the face. I stood there one day looking at all the bits and it hit me. When I started making the valve gear (some years ago) i cocked up one of the parts so I thought I didn't want to waste hours making stuff twice which wa a dsitinct possibility as I was still learining as I went along so decided I would make all the parts for one side only to ensure it all fitted.

When I came to make the other side I cut out the second expansion link, I cut it out forgetting the boss that had two tapped holes in to hold it in place, cursing the fact that I would have too make it again I had the brainwave that I would silver solder a piece on which I did quite sucessfully. However due to elapsed time between that and finishing it off I forgot to trim this boss to the correct length, hence the difference between the two sides.

Faith restored.

Bill D.

Thread: Railway Sunday lunch
15/09/2023 15:19:33

Yes it is quite a short run although for the lunch it is stretched out to a couple of hours with two runs, the start of the second run was an opportunity to stretch legs and, on the hot day it was, a bit of cooler air.

Having a trip to the Norden - Swanage one next week.

As well as the larger West Somerset railway there is also the Avon Valley one, again a short length of track, it was the one I had a Driving experience birthday present on a few years back. It is alongside a Bath to Bristol cycle track and has an excellent cafe there.

Bill D.

06/09/2023 19:58:51

Last weekend we finally had our Sunday lunch that our sons bought us as a Christmas present.

It was on the East Somerset steam railway and I have to say we were absolutely delighted. Food was excellent, piping hot and beautifully cooked and prepared.

As a Coeliac I of course require a gluten free food and this was admirably catered for.

Expensive but worth it as a special treat and of course supports our wonderful preservation raiilways.

East Somerset is a small line but a delightful railway with its GWR buildings, you can visit signal box, small museum and shop and engine sheds. Good cafe as well.

And of course the usual helpful friendly volunteers.

Bill D.

Thread: Gluten Intolerance
04/08/2023 18:39:01

Excellent thanks John.

Bill D.

03/08/2023 19:10:47

Thanks for useful info John Doe 2.

Could you put my mind at rest on something else please, I've heard that home baked bread goes stale very quickly, is this correct?

Bill D.

Thread: Sealing tapped holes in boiler
02/08/2023 21:53:46

I was a bit dubious when I built the boiler but as this was (and still is) my first loco I thought 'well Henry obviously made it work so will be ok'

I am a bit reluctant to get the blow torch out again but think it's probably best option, if I can't seal it for a pressure test what chance have I got when running in steam.

Bill D.

02/08/2023 21:52:07

I was a bit dubious when I built the boiler but as this was (and still is) my first loco I thought 'well Henry obviously made it work so will be ok'

I am a bit reluctant to get the blow torch out again but think it's probably best option, if I can't seal it for a pressure test what chance have I got when running in steam.

Bill D.

02/08/2023 19:07:19

On my Emma Victoria build words and music Henry Wood details the firehole door hinges as being secured by No. 6 BA screws drilled and tapped into backhead.

Trying to do a hydrostatic pressure test and struggling to get these screws to seal, already stripped thread so re drilled and tapped for 5 BA. Fasteners put on with some Hylomar red, steel washer and fibre washer.

Is it normal to tap into boiler shell for something like this or would I be better off drilling out and silver soldering blind bushes in.

Bill D.

Thread: Gluten Intolerance
02/08/2023 18:54:45

Thanks for info on breadmaker John Doe 2, useful info.

Bill D.

26/07/2023 16:28:25

And another PS, for those that might be wondering what GF is, it means a product with a maximum of 20 parts per million of gluten to render it safe to consume for Coeliacs.

Bill D.

26/07/2023 16:11:20

PS. John, we have considered a Panasonic bread maker a few times but someone told us a few years back that the mixing paddle leaves a big hole in the bread, is this correct?

Bill D.

26/07/2023 16:03:48

I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease over 30 years ago, I was hospitalised as I was so anaemic and given a blood transfusion, pretty amazing seeing my pink skin. Back then it was pretty much unheard of in the public eye and GF foods were only available on prescription, basic items anyway like bread, flour, pasta and some biscuits.

When I was advised by the hospital I had to avoid things with gluten in them I thought bread, cakes and biscuits. Gradually realised it covered so many other things like confectionary, sauces, battered fish, flavoured crisps and so on, I even fell foul of grated cheese that comes in packets, yes I know you can grate your own but this was the type you had in a cafe on say a jacket spud, the problem was it having been dusted with wheat flour to stop it sticking together. These days it tends to be rice or potato flour.

GF foods are now widely available of course and as far as bread is concerned I too find them very variable, not only taste but full of holes and breaks apart, this is on supermarket brand as well as more expensive brands such as Genius.

Best so far is a Sainsbury one I bought the other day, don't usually shop there as we don't have one as close as we do for Tesco, Asda and Aldi.

I have to say that M&S is pretty good. Whatever brand however there is one consistent feature, cost, four or five times the cost of 'ordinary' bread when you take into account weight as well, GF loaves are generally smaller.

Eating out is of course the most difficult for me, a million times better than it was all those years ago but very frustrating when you see a menu totally devoid of GF but plenty of vegetarian and vegan, both a life style choice not a medical neccessity as far as I am aware. Thankfully there a growing number of restaurants catering for 'proper' GF by which I mean not just leaving things out. The 'Lounges' chain do a standard and a complete GF menu, go there for a full English breakfast sometimes which means you get sausage and toast as well.

We moved to Somerset a few years after my diagnosis so developed a taste for cider rather than beer but glad to say GF beers now available which taste pretty good to me, to those who think GF beers, bread and so on are revolting remember that to me I can't do a back to back comparison so GF taste and texture is the norm.

I do feel a bit peed of when passing the delicious aromas wafting from a bakery or pie shop however but no good cheating and I never have, the consequences both short and long term are severe. Coeliac is a Chronic disease and certainly not a Fad as some people think. Believe me you don't want it.

Bill D.

Thread: Gigabattery plant
19/07/2023 19:05:22

On the other side of the Electric/ICE debate, Renault - Geely also announced they are setting up a facility in the UK to develop ultra low emmission petrol/diesel/hybrid cars!!

Iv'e thought for a long time that the electric car boom could come to an end if some totally new technology comes along. Of course technology is also improving batteries so who knows?

This is what annoys me no end about many of these environmental protestors, it seems few of them understand technology and what great strides are being made, I would also like to know just what does 'Just stop oil' mean.

Stop oil being used for combustion or stop oil full stop, they seem unaware of what they use, own, wear, travel on etc all use oil based products one way or another.

Bill D.

18/07/2023 20:11:59

Strong rumours that TATA Gigabattery plant in Somerset will be announced tomorrow.

Suuposed to be 9000 jobs which is a lot for that area, added to the considerable Hinkley C jobs far away.

Bill D.

Thread: Faulty digital micrometer
14/07/2023 13:44:35

Still nothing doing with my mic, left battery out for a day but numbers still all over the place so sounds like a dirty contact somewhere.

Found a Neil Wyatt post in 2014 where he had stripped one down referred to the zebra strip.

Plucking up courage to take mine apart, nothing to lose I suppose, it's no good as it is.

Bill D.

Thread: New IC engine deal
12/07/2023 12:19:53

Read that Renault and Geely Auomotive have signed a deal to develop new IC engine technology. ICE dead? I have long suspected that the electric motor bubble will soon burst as yet more new technology finds ways of doing things.

Bill D.

Thread: Faulty digital micrometer
12/07/2023 12:16:06

Tried taking battery out and shorting terminals inside mic, put back together, zeroed, wound in and out and said well done Bernard, that's done it, zero every time I wound it back in. Alas switched it of and tried again but back to random figures.

Taken battery out and will leave for a good 24 hours.

Bill D.

12/07/2023 08:31:53

Removing battery was a suggestion from Machine DRO which I tried although not a full 24 hours so will give that another go. Will also try shorting across the terminals, presumably this fully drains any residual voltage?

I did have a similar thing with a DRO (after market DIY fitted) on my milling machine but that was easy to get to, a wipe over cured it. My mic is stored in a drawer in its case so should not suffer from a similar problem.

Bill D.

11/07/2023 20:16:15

I have a digital micrometer, Machine DRO brand bought about 5-6 years ago. Hadn't used it for a while and when I came to use it the other day I could not set it to zero whenever it was wound back shut, measurements are all over the place. for instance wound it out about 1/4" and it read 2" plus.

Several emails to Machine DRO resulted in them saying they could not help.

Battery volts was ok but put new battery in anyway which was a silver oxide type.

Suspect dirty contacts somewhere inside, anyone had this problem and did you sort it. Seems like nothing to lose by trying to take it apart and see what gives, otherwise throw it away and buy another one.

Bill D.

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