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Harry Wilkes19/08/2023 18:46:44
1613 forum posts
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Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 19/08/2023 18:33:52:

That was Thermite not a furnace. The gas torch was just pre heating the rails.

Seen Thermite lances burning out the tapping notch on open hearth furnace many times always a got pyro display


Robert Atkinson 219/08/2023 18:51:50
1891 forum posts
37 photos

Those would be thermal lances not Thermite. Interestingly the reverse reaction with iron.
Thermite is iron oxide and aluminium powder. A thermal lance is a steel tube filled with iron rods and fed with oxygen. Thermite reduces the oxide to iron and a thermal lance oxidises iron.


Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 19/08/2023 18:54:56

Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 19/08/2023 18:55:13

Ady119/08/2023 19:30:46
6137 forum posts
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Hoped someone would chip in

Thanks guys

DMB19/08/2023 21:01:07
1585 forum posts
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I am uncertain about chuck guards but suspect that if a machine didn't have them fitted when sold new, then the machine can be sold second hand by a private or dealer seller without a guard. In other words, they need not be retro- fitted.

However, there has been some club committee concern about an absence of guards on any of our machinery, - MLSuper7, bench grinder, bench drill and huge mechanical power hacksaw, I believe is called a Manchester? Saw does have belt guards so is OK.

I see that RDG are asking £80+ for a Myford guard, so I'm scheming a home made copy. The big saw has belt guards so no prob there. I think that I can rig up a stronger guard for the bench grinder than the rubbish ones I have seen fitted by makers. We have got breathing masks, ear muffs and safety glasses and goggles. Problem is persuading members to use the gear. Bench drill is most difficult guarding problem, but I have an idea...All this came about because of the track Insurance policy.

Edited By DMB on 19/08/2023 21:03:09

DMB19/08/2023 21:09:35
1585 forum posts
1 photos

When I mentioned the grinder, it does have the standard metal end covers over most of the wheels. What I meant was those little perspex? bolt on screens above the exposed part of the wheels, presumably to deflect sparks. They are the ones missing and due to the apparent age of the grinder, probably not a requirement to retro - fit. Committee is anxious to be seen to make every effort at safety just in case....

Edited By DMB on 19/08/2023 21:10:44

vintage engineer20/08/2023 01:01:07
293 forum posts
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When I was an apprentice I was told never to put your finger anywhere you wouldn't put your male member. After 45 years in engineering I still have all my fingers!

BOB BLACKSHAW20/08/2023 07:37:58
501 forum posts
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I worked in Germany for a few years from 1980,Krupp Atlas, at that time you were aloud to drink alcohol and most German's had a fridge next to the bench that was shared by a group. Being English and working nights these devices got robbed and this resulted in them being chained up , we could by Beck's beer and bring that in along as the security had a few bottles. Many a time I had seen Jock come in drunk for his shift and be sent home by the foreman. One night a chap was using the guillotine cutting straps, his both fingers on both hands went under the gripping bar and his finger ends got flattered like a four leaf clover. We were all skilled sheet metal workers but the jobs were broken down in stages ,you only worked on one stage at a time so the job was semi skilled, that's why the German's were more efficient and productive.


Nigel Graham 220/08/2023 08:52:11
3293 forum posts
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I have someone instantly dismissed for turning up drunk.

The printing-machine manufacturer I worked for had a CNC lathe and milling machine, both programmed and set by their operators. It bought a second, similar mill, and engaged a young woman to operate it. I don't know her previous experience, nor if she was also its setter or simply operator but I do remember she was rather conceited and not very pleasant, though friendly with the more bloke-ish blokes among the twenty or so machinists. (My role was cutting and supplying the raw materials blanks.)

One morning, less than half an hour past starting time, I saw her and the workshop supervisor, both grim-faced, head through the door to the rest of the building. Some while later, Jim, the foreman, returned alone.

We learnt later she had turned up still under the influence from a party the night before.

I don't know how she travelled to work but if by own car, I wonder if she had risked driving in that day....


Regarding German manufacturers being efficient by making the work un-skilled, I have heard from source of a different side to that. I knew a sales rep for a large, German agricultural and veterinary products manufacturer. He told me the company preferred British staff for such roles for naturally having a lot more initiative and willingness to help solve the unusual problems and enquiries that sometimes occur in their customers' industries. The Germans, their own employers found, were fine with straightforward sales but too hide-bound by "procedures" and petty office politics to be good at anything straying from the rigid script.

He didn't say how any French or Italian sales staff there, scored on that aspect, influenced by their own national cultures.


Incidentally the hacksawing machine I used in that printing-machine works was German made. It had two excellent features. One was the huge lateral bearing surfaces guiding the bow. The other, which I never knew it to need come into action, was that if the electrics or the hydraulic down-feed failed, massive tension-springs would return the bow to its rest position well above the work. Other than that.... high-quality construction, but oh, what a rubbish vice design!

(To be fair to it, that was in the 1980s. Its manufacturer's own web-site shows it now makes only two models, but fitted with proper flat-jaw vices in place of the awful pinch-rollers that had let ours down so badly.)

James Alford20/08/2023 09:17:21
501 forum posts
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Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 20/08/2023 08:52:11:

Regarding German manufacturers being efficient by making the work un-skilled, I have heard from source of a different side to that. I knew a sales rep for a large, German agricultural and veterinary products manufacturer. He told me the company preferred British staff for such roles for naturally having a lot more initiative and willingness to help solve the unusual problems and enquiries that sometimes occur in their customers' industries. The Germans, their own employers found, were fine with straightforward sales but too hide-bound by "procedures" and petty office politics to be good at anything straying from the rigid script.

He didn't say how any French or Italian sales staff there, scored on that aspect, influenced by their own national cultures.)

A few years ago, I had to do a comparative study of the British, German and Italian education systems, with a particular emphasis on employability. One thing that sticks in my memory is that, irrespective of the relative academic achievements, feedback from employers of the respective countries was that the British system produced workers with much higher levels of problem solving skills and independent thinking than either of the other two, a skill that employers valued..

In a different job, one of my clients was a Japanese professor of industrial psychology who used to consult with and lecture to major employers. His view was the same: that the British system encourages much more independent thought and questioning than the Japanese system, something of which he was greatly in favour.


James Alford20/08/2023 09:17:22
501 forum posts
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Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 20/08/2023 08:52:11:

Regarding German manufacturers being efficient by making the work un-skilled, I have heard from source of a different side to that. I knew a sales rep for a large, German agricultural and veterinary products manufacturer. He told me the company preferred British staff for such roles for naturally having a lot more initiative and willingness to help solve the unusual problems and enquiries that sometimes occur in their customers' industries. The Germans, their own employers found, were fine with straightforward sales but too hide-bound by "procedures" and petty office politics to be good at anything straying from the rigid script.

He didn't say how any French or Italian sales staff there, scored on that aspect, influenced by their own national cultures.)

A few years ago, I had to do a comparative study of the British, German and Italian education systems, with a particular emphasis on employability. One thing that sticks in my memory is that, irrespective of the relative academic achievements, feedback from employers of the respective countries was that the British system produced workers with much higher levels of problem solving skills and independent thinking than either of the other two, a skill that employers valued.

In a different job, one of my clients was a Japanese professor of industrial psychology who used to consult with and lecture to major employers. His view was the same: that the British system encourages much more independent thought and questioning than the Japanese system, something of which he was greatly in favour.


Edited By James Alford on 20/08/2023 09:17:57

SillyOldDuffer20/08/2023 10:19:26
10668 forum posts
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Posted by James Alford on 20/08/2023 09:17:22:
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 20/08/2023 08:52:11:

Regarding German manufacturers being efficient by making the work un-skilled, I have heard from source of a different side to that. I knew a sales rep for a large, German agricultural and veterinary products manufacturer. He told me the company preferred British staff for such roles for naturally having a lot more initiative and willingness to help solve the unusual problems and enquiries that sometimes occur in their customers' industries. The Germans, their own employers found, were fine with straightforward sales but too hide-bound by "procedures" and petty office politics to be good at anything straying from the rigid script.

He didn't say how any French or Italian sales staff there, scored on that aspect, influenced by their own national cultures.)

A few years ago, I had to do a comparative study of the British, German and Italian education systems, with a particular emphasis on employability. One thing that sticks in my memory is that, irrespective of the relative academic achievements, feedback from employers of the respective countries was that the British system produced workers with much higher levels of problem solving skills and independent thinking than either of the other two, a skill that employers valued.

In a different job, one of my clients was a Japanese professor of industrial psychology who used to consult with and lecture to major employers. His view was the same: that the British system encourages much more independent thought and questioning than the Japanese system, something of which he was greatly in favour.



Maybe there's some sort of comfort in that, but the all important financial numbers tell a different story!

Measured in Gross Domestic Product per working hour, British productivity has long been lower than that of similar economies. In the 2019 league table, Britain is 20th, with lower productivity than the USA, Canada and the rest of Europe. Not clear yet what Brexit has done for productivity, but so far leaving the EU has damaged rather than improve the UK economy.

Britain's relatively low productivity is despite considerable improvements in recent times. It was even worse in the good old days - UK productivity increased x2.5 between 1970 and 2015.

My advice: never believe your own propaganda! Faced with reality, it's unwise to take refuge in comfortable generalisations. Instead, get to work. Find and make immediate improvements and plan to make more in the future. Never assume that what worked well 50 years ago has any value in 2023!

Whenever Mr Foreigner does better than us, it's our job to get our act together and overtake him. Relying on comfy generalisations is unlikely to help.


Martin Kyte20/08/2023 11:04:27
3445 forum posts
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In a country with a high service sector it’s perhaps not that surprising that efforts to increase productivity are somewhat ineffective compared to countries with higher industrial bases. I know the coffee shop is often quoted in this context, not much point in automation when your staff can keep up with demand already and you can only produce what is ordered. However to put forward a different sector, I work in a bioscience research lab doing primary research and it’s difficult to see how you would actually measure our productivity. I suspect the numbers for the nation are done on a gross scale of count the workforce and divide that into Gross National Product which is possibly a little meaningless on the scale of individual enterprises. It may suggest to governments that perhaps an economy that made more stuff would do better though. Returning to the Lab the return on our output which is essentially scientific papers often does not happen for many years. We produced the worlds first Monoclonal antibodies hybridised for humans and developed much of the science. Something like a third of all therapeutics are now monoclonal antibody based. (If it’s called somethingorotherMAB it’s a monoclonal antibody). All this happened years after Milstein’s original work so how do you count it productivity wise. You could show people the Nobel medal but they don’t appear on balance sheets.

I’m not suggesting that national productivity figures don’t matter but that jumping to conclusions about education or laziness or inefficiency etc just from the figures doesn’t work without a much more detailed look at what is actually going on. The most useful thing you can do as ask why.

regards Martin

Edited By Martin Kyte on 20/08/2023 11:06:19

duncan webster20/08/2023 15:35:53
5307 forum posts
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Posted by Martin Kyte on 20/08/2023 11:04:27:

In a country with a high service sector it’s perhaps not that surprising that efforts to increase productivity are somewhat ineffective compared to countries with higher industrial bases. I know the coffee shop is often quoted in this context, not much point in automation when your staff can keep up with demand already and you can only produce what is ordered. However to put

regards Martin

Edited By Martin Kyte on 20/08/2023 11:06:19

More automation means you can get rid of some staff, who would be released to do something more useful.

When I started my career the rule of thumb was if overheads exceeded 30% of costs you were in trouble. In my last position senior management were quite happy that only 28% of staff were engaged in doing work with a tangible result, and that was before we added in cost of infrastructure (buildings, power etc). We had imposed on us a 'culture of continual change'. When I queried this asking whether they meant continual improvement the big chief insisted on 'change', so even if we couldn't think of a way of doing it better they insisted on change. Then of course we could employ lots of 'change managers' and hordes of HR people to run around in circles.

Mike Poole20/08/2023 16:15:36
3676 forum posts
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A German owned British car factory was something of an embarrassment to its owners, the productivity was best in group until a plant was opened in what was East Germany. That plant had a different rule book from the other plants, as did we.


Edited By Mike Poole on 20/08/2023 16:16:53

Robert Atkinson 220/08/2023 17:13:16
1891 forum posts
37 photos

A machine tool used by a business does not have to be fitted with guards under uk law. The employer must ensure that they are safe. Of course if they think they are safe without guards and here is an accident they may be in trouble.

As the club mentioned seems to have found, one of the big drivers for safety complinace is insurance company inspections.


File Handle20/08/2023 17:56:34
250 forum posts

The thermit reaction was a standard school chemistry demonstration. A piece of magnesium ribbon being used as a burning wick to start the reaction. Not sure if it is still done however.

old mart20/08/2023 20:08:38
4655 forum posts
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We use guards at the museum for milling and turning and have a very good record regarding safety. The last accident was somebody falling off some staging and cracking a couple of ribs. We have the added responsibility to avoid adverse publicity by stupid actions in this enviroment.

 I am in the process of designing a chuck guard for the Atlas which is a bit of a challenge.

Edited By old mart on 20/08/2023 20:11:33

Howard Lewis21/08/2023 07:59:18
7227 forum posts
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With regard to mindsets, the most frustrating was one found when a Russion delegation came, wanting to sell to us.

I abandoned a meeting on injectors when every question was answered with "We will do whatever the central Committee tell us to do"

Iniciative factor, less than Zero.!

In contrast, our UK amd US suppliers would try anything to give the desired result.. The German supplier tended to stick more closely to procedures, but would eventually produce the desired result, having gone through procedures.

(One of their UK Engineers was told off for knocking on an office door and entering before being bidden so to do! )

Maybe it was just him, but a Polish American Engineer with whom I worked was keen on procedures and box ticking. To get something done in less than a week, going to the shop foreman concerned would often produce the desired result in 24 hours!

Almost of my working life was spent in problem solving, or diagnostics.

Yes, I think that the British are good at "Thinking outside the box", but not as good at putting things into production as the US.


Mark Rand21/08/2023 08:40:42
1505 forum posts
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In a fit of idiocy, our works installed a 'chuck guard' on the 14' swing Craven travelling bed lathe in the erection shop. The lathe was installed in 1948 and didn't get the 'chuck guard' untill the mid 2000's. I don't believe that there had been any chuck related injuries in all that time...

Craven lathe chuck guard

Circlip21/08/2023 09:26:56
1723 forum posts

Never assume that what worked well 50 years ago has any value in 2023!


Literally AND metaphorically. Just finished strimming and de-weeding the footpath outside my property, didn't happen fifty years ago when the three man crew with the big metal wheelie bins cleaned the paths and gutters and how much litter is left AFTER the "Waste disposal operatives" have been? Didn't happen when we had dustbin men who weren't averse to actually PICKING UP rubbish.

No matter how 'Safe' you try to make machinery and processes, you'll always find a better idiot. Wouldn't want anyone else to suffer the 'Incidents' that happened to me over more than forty years in ingineering, some of which caused a slight loss of blood, but NEVER a repeat cause.

Used to be a term called common sense but that is an attribute lost in history thanks to the cotton wool attitude of today and that applies to ALL walks of life.

Regards Ian.

Edited By Circlip on 21/08/2023 09:28:16

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