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Member postings for vintage engineer

Here is a list of all the postings vintage engineer has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: The beginning of the end for Copper telecomms
30/08/2023 21:28:45

Cannot see them achieving that in the Highlands before 2025smiley

Thread: Safety
20/08/2023 01:01:07

When I was an apprentice I was told never to put your finger anywhere you wouldn't put your male member. After 45 years in engineering I still have all my fingers!

Thread: An expesive day
10/06/2023 22:19:58

Up here in the Highlands most garages refuse to work on any of the wet belt cars. A local garage won't even MOT them! They are a disaster waiting to happen!

Thread: How did early Automatic gear boxes on cars work?
08/06/2023 22:29:18

I have a 1979 Ford F100 truck with a 302cu in v8. It has an autobox as they were cheaper to produce than a manual box that would take the power of the engine.

Thread: homemade nickel plating with coins
12/05/2023 19:38:11

UK coins are only 25% nickel and that is only on the surface.

Thread: Road bridge weight limits.
23/04/2023 19:22:57

In South Africa when applied for permits to take abnormal loads on the roads. The rules when crossing a bridge was not accelerate, decelerate or brake as this lessened any damage to the structure.

If we were half way across and some idiot pulled onto the bridge you didn't stop you just pushed them back they way they came!

Thread: Jerry Cans - fuel transport of WW2
16/04/2023 23:39:00

The after market ones are pretty crap. The metal is too thin. I only use ex MOD ones much stronger and durable.

Thread: How did diesel buses and taxis cope with short low speed journeys in London?
29/03/2023 22:47:09

The Mercedes 240D was built for taxi work and would easily top a million miles before it needed any engine work.

Thread: Fastener Storage
11/03/2023 22:08:51

You can buy new baccy tins on ebay

Thread: JAP V-8
11/03/2023 22:06:57

Its a copy of the original JAP V8 aero engine.

Thread: Nut and Bolt supplier UK.
11/03/2023 22:02:06

That's a Bugatti size thread! The owners club sell them but they are not cheap.

Thread: Some model engineering in sunny South Africa
08/03/2023 21:31:23

Minus 14c here in the Highlands last night. Time to get our winter coats on.laugh

Posted by Luker on 14/12/2022 15:59:33:

Your weather sounds a little rough! When the temperatures drop to below 20DegC its considered cold and the padded jackets come out!

Thanks for the kind words on the videos. The channel was actually set up for two reasons; first marketing for the RSME with the target demographic mostly ladies with younger children i.e. showing the grounds and the attractions for the family as well as promoting the fact that we ‘display engineering’ to any youngsters that are interested in an engineering career.

The second reason was to post technical videos for the youngsters in our builders group (a social media platform).

The video’s with the youngsters are a lot of fun and specifically posted on the Facebook page to market the youth group and encourage other youngsters to join (and see if they like it).

Thread: Flying scotsman
08/03/2023 21:26:24

More like Triggers broom!

Posted by Hopper on 05/03/2023 11:28:17:

Interesting. As he says, a bit like grandad's old axe. New boiler one year, new frames another, etc but it's 100 years old this year. Great old machine. I'd love to be on it at the magic "ton".

Thread: A photo for anyone who ever claimed a Myford wasn't a "Proper Industrial Lathe"
07/03/2023 21:55:21

A decent size shaper. Cincinnati did make a 42" shaper.

Thread: Alexander Miller Horizontal Spindle Removal
27/02/2023 21:36:11

I think you have to remove the spindle first and then remove the gib strip then disconnect the leadscrew from the handle and it should come out.

Thread: Electric steam engines, the future!
25/02/2023 20:48:49

Oil refineries used to have fireless steam trains. They would charge the train with steam from a stand pipe supplied by a remote boiler.

Thread: Alexander/Deckel Milling Machine
19/02/2023 19:08:19


Thank you never thought of that!

Posted by Phil P on 19/02/2023 10:04:17:

There was a riser block made for use with the die grinding head on the Deckel FP1.
Not 100% certain but I think the Alexander has DP gears and the Deckel has Module gears.


Good luck with finding one of those !!

I came up with a different solution when I need more headroom, and that was to make a dropper plate so the table can be attached lower on the vertical axis slide.



18/02/2023 21:53:30

Does anyone know if a riser block was ever available for these machines?

Thread: I thought winter was over.
17/01/2023 20:49:04

Winter hasn't really started yet up here in the Highlands. Had about four inches of snow and the coldest it's got so far is -19 at Ballater!

Thread: Sunbeam B24 350cc 1939
15/01/2023 20:04:42

Don't restore it. Put some new tyres on it, get running and use it as it is!

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