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Member postings for John Reese

Here is a list of all the postings John Reese has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Achieving a long-term quality finish on brass?
29/08/2023 23:01:40

See Clickspring's videos. After he achieves the desired finish, I believe he uses clear lacquer. As I remember, he thins it 1:1 with denatured alcohol.

Thread: Help! Excessive machine marks!
29/08/2023 22:54:18

Photo 1 looks lie excessive feed rate. Photo 2 looks like irregular feed rate. Photo 3, not sure. Brass works best with a very sharp HSS tool with zero top rake. Look at Clickspring's You Tube videos.

Thread: What is this?
27/08/2023 01:32:28

It appears similar to a Madison adjustable floating reamer.

Thread: Bought a new vice
03/06/2023 00:12:34

Would that bottom handle perform any better if it were polished?

Thread: How to relocate a Bridgeport series 1 milling machine.....
26/05/2023 21:15:54

When I moved by BP, I rented a drop deck trailer. I used a small electric winch to skid the machine onto and off of the trailer. Actually I moved my entire shop, including 3 lathes using that trailer. The largest lathe was 16" x 40"

Thread: Mild steel rigidity
26/05/2023 21:07:33

I have a commercially made steel workbench. As I remember, the top is about 1/8" thick. It was not rigid enough, especially where my bench vice mounted. I cut down an old solid core wood door to fit under the bench top. It was about 1 3/4" thick. Rigidity problem solved.

Thread: Picking up an existing screw thread for repairs
21/05/2023 00:51:21

To pick up fine threads, it helps to have good lighting and a magnifier.

I normally keep my to slide set at 29.5*. It is no problem to get the tool aligned with the thread using the cross slide and to slide. Just remember the half nuts need to be engaged, and the carriage preloaded opposite the direction of travel. That takes care of the backlash in the lead screw.

Thread: Wheel Dresser
12/04/2023 08:55:57

The brand name for that dresser n the US is Desmond. Maybe the same name in the UK.

Thread: Perpetual Motion
12/04/2023 08:43:39

I have been trying to figure out his gimmick, but without success. I hope he explains it.

Thread: Where to get M4 10mm square nuts
12/04/2023 08:23:54


Thread: Joe Pie at it again
05/04/2023 01:01:50

Not realizing the date, I thought Joe had lost his mind.

Thread: Knurling tool
31/03/2023 18:20:27

With a cross pattern built into the roll it should work as a single wheel bump tool.

30/03/2023 23:31:56

What has worked for me is this: Increase the pressure on the knurls until they track properly. I admit I have never used the diamond pattern rolls. I have a left and a right knurl in my knurling tool. I am not sure how the diamond pattern rolls work when traversing the work. I know the right/left combination work well when traversing the work.

Thread: Name of Tools Used for Mill Tool Holder Retaining Bolt
28/03/2023 18:03:29

I don't think that spanner has a specific name. It is quite easy to make one on the lathe and mill. Just about a half hour to make it. Less if you have a piece of tubing about the right size. Don't bother figuring out a handle. Just cross drill for a tommy bar.

Thread: Time for a rest; the Toolmaker's 'Chair'
21/03/2023 22:05:30

Use of the toolmaker's chair allows one to locate on an edge much more precisely than by use of an edge finder. I have the chair but rarely use it, preferring the ease of use of the conventional edge finder.

Thread: Machining EN3b mild steel
21/03/2023 21:53:32

As a general rule, any cold rolled material will turn into a banana if you machine only one side.

Thread: Conversion Calculator. Need to convert thous/inch into microns/metres
21/03/2023 21:51:37

There are a number of phone apps that do unit conversion. I use Jo Shop Pro.

Thread: Bore mic/comparitor?
09/03/2023 23:50:59

I have a similar device without the pistol grip. It is a real PITA to set, and I have little confidence it will hold adjustment. I do have an attachment for my 6" caliper for measuring grooves, provided the diameter is large enough.

Thread: Steel
09/03/2023 23:14:38

A friend used to make Olympic bars. I think he used ETD150.

Thread: SRDPN2020K10 tool holder
09/03/2023 23:10:11

I have used a similar tool. Even on my 16" lathe I have to be careful how much tool contact I have or I get chatter. I am not sure if that tool would be suitable for a small lathe.

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