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Is there ever a time to let politics come into the forum


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Steviegtr26/02/2022 23:47:48
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As the title. Is there ever a time to let forum members discuss what is going on in this sometimes evil world.

I ask this as a Human being & cannot understand in this modern world why any one would let such a person dictate to the whole world his intentions. It has happened in the past & the sour lemon was removed by SAS or others.

Is this what is needed now .

I guess this will be removed by blinkered moderators very soon. But guys don't be blind. This one person could end the world as we know it with a few red keys. I love my country & my workshop. I do not want to see a Tyrant like the fat faced murderer take that away from me or any of you.


Bill Pudney27/02/2022 00:05:44
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Other than my own political opinions of course, I'm against opening up this forum to political discussion.

However in this instance I'm completely with you Steve. This is REALLY important.



p.s. Love (most of) your videos......

Steviegtr27/02/2022 00:26:26
2668 forum posts
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Posted by Bill Pudney on 27/02/2022 00:05:44:

Other than my own political opinions of course, I'm against opening up this forum to political discussion.

However in this instance I'm completely with you Steve. This is REALLY important.



p.s. Love (most of) your videos......

Thanks Bill. Something needs doing to remove these sort of people from this planet.


Bill Phinn27/02/2022 01:11:28
1076 forum posts
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It's quite possible for people who have differing political views to discuss politics with one another without the conversation becoming abusive; the snag is that to do so often requires more self-discipline and focus than many people can muster.

This is the reason why political discussions on forums tend to turn into slanging matches and why moderators prefer members to steer clear of them.

Steviegtr27/02/2022 01:21:14
2668 forum posts
352 photos

I totally agree with you Bill Phin. But in these circumstances do you not think that most of the Human beings on this 2022 earth would be much better without Tyrants who want to overtake the whole world just like the others did. Without names we all know who they were & luckily they were removed before the armagedon came.

We are in bad times right now & i just hope the powers that be make the right decisions. My heart goes out to all the innocent people of Ukraine & there families.

I really do not think there would be any slagging matches on this forum over the subject in question.


Peter Greene27/02/2022 01:54:48
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Interestingly, I couldn't find anything saying political posts are prohibited. I know they used to be but I looked in the T&C and in the Code of Conduct and searched on "Politics" and couldn't find anything.

MikeK27/02/2022 02:00:06
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I suspect due to the nature of online forums (anonymous, not face-to-face) that it is extremely difficult to have civil discussion about heated topics. Having an in-person argument about an emotional topic is difficult enough for many people.

While very little offends me, I think we have to keep in mind that this is a *model engineering* forum. Should every forum host discussions on every topic? (The answer is no.) If one wanted to have a political discussion...aren't there dedicated forums for that elsewhere online? And I'm sure visiting those would be enlightening about the feasibility of civil discussion on emotional topics.

I thought political discussions were what bar (pub) fights are for. laughlaugh


oldvelo27/02/2022 02:08:05
297 forum posts
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What part of NO is it you do not understand

Hopper27/02/2022 02:11:54
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Is a war or an invasion a political topic? I don't think discussion of WW2 would be classed as political. Invasion of Ukraine is a military matter, not necessarily political.

But discussion of say the UK or US government's reaction to the invasion, that would be political and best avoided.

As for unilateral political assassination of the invasion's leader, would that not be lowering ourselves to their level? And unfortunately probably not practical as Putin has been living in a snake pit all his life, first in the KGB and then in Russian politics. I am sure his personal security is impenetrable. He is not going to do a Gaddafi and sit in a tent waiting to be bombed. (Although even Gaddafi was cunning/lucky enough to not be there on the night.)

Hopper27/02/2022 02:12:49
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Posted by oldvelo on 27/02/2022 02:08:05:

What part of NO is it you do not understand

The semantic content part. laugh

Bill Phinn27/02/2022 02:17:55
1076 forum posts
129 photos
Posted by Steviegtr on 27/02/2022 01:21:14:

But in these circumstances do you not think that most of the Human beings on this 2022 earth would be much better without Tyrants


Sadly, though, there are compelling reasons why authoritarian systems of government (which tend to be the seed-beds of tyrants) are still thriving in the world today. And authoritarian systems almost inevitably entail an uspurge in nationalism and the pursuit of irredentist ambitions*, such as we're now witnessing in Ukraine.

*This is a convenient and up-to-date introduction to that particular topic.

Steviegtr27/02/2022 02:34:45
2668 forum posts
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Sorry guys you are doing exactly what the forum does not want. You are using words that mean nothing. Stop trying to be a techno. This is serious & does not need members to start being i am god. Just be plain here. It is not a war on words , but a war on human lives.


Pete.27/02/2022 03:53:29
910 forum posts
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Hi Steve,

It’s a sensitive issue, politics causes strong emotions and bitter arguments, is there a line between political issues and humanitarian crisis? yes, but it's a fine one, personally I'd steer clear of subjects doing the rounds on 24 hour news networks, but hopefully this will put you at ease slightly.

What's happening is not anything new, maybe new to isolated westerners, Russia did this in Rhodesia while my family lived there, I'm only mentioning this because it's history, not current news cycle material.

Russian insurgents shot down civil aircraft with Strela man pads, planted bombs in Rubbish on public roads, my mother right up until she stopped driving about 5 years ago would never drive over anything lying in the road, and panic if someone else driving did, those experiences causing a permanent psychosis of sorts.

Tyrants rely are scaring people into submission, from what I've seen Ukrainians are pulling together in an effort that defies rational, if they can remain so brave in the face of what's happening, I wouldn't worry too much, There's a video on YouTube of a Ukrainian man pulling over in his car to a broken down Russian APC, he rolls his window down and says "what's the problem" the Russian soldiers reply "we ran out of fuel" the Ukrainian guy replies "can I tow you back to the Russian border" the Russian laughs and tells him to ffff off.

We're quite privileged in the modern western world, since the second world war actual physical conflict has been a distant thing we view on the news, people who live through real struggle generally adapt with unique sense of humour and calmness, our leaders have rightly chosen to not physically intervene, that would escalate the situation, but support for actual Ukrainian people should continue so they have the means to decide their own future.

Maybe I'm biased, I was speaking to my father a few weeks back, a story came on the news about a Spitfire Aircraft being restored, he told me about an acquaintance of his, a gentleman by the name of 'Jack Malloch' Jack was the owner of Trans Air Africa, and was engaged in an international arms smuggling operation dubbed 'sanction busting' the Prime Minister of the time was Ian Smith who was a second world war pilot, who had been shot down in Italy I believe, lived with some resistance fighters for a while before making his escape, Smith gifted Jack the New Sarum airbase mascot which was a Spitfire on a plinth, for using his company to ferry in needed arms, my father said it disappeared one day, then months later after being made airworthy again, Jack landed and trundled down the runway in his new 'gift'.

So despite our often idiotic leaders, they have approached this in the correct way, no serious escalation but give the people in Ukraine the means to fight if they want to, this supply is massively important to them and justified.

So I wouldn't worry too much, maybe turn off the 24 hours news stream, constant negativity and fear isn't good for the mind.

Edited By Pete. on 27/02/2022 04:09:45

Mike Poole27/02/2022 05:39:19
3676 forum posts
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I suspect most of us will be in broad agreement on the subject of Ukraine but this is not the place to discuss it. I think it is best to lock this thread while we are all still friends.


JasonB27/02/2022 07:00:18
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Having already closed down threads yesterday I will lock this one and point Steve and others to this post of Neil's

Edited By JasonB on 27/02/2022 07:20:35

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