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Bring and buy sale

Bring and buy sale

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RICHARD GREEN 213/04/2019 15:02:57
329 forum posts
193 photos

I went to a bring and buy sale today at Oakley airfield (Bucks) , and bought a couple of items,

An RJH "trimtool" tool grinder for £35, and a "Standard" number drill stand (made in USA) for £2

rjh 3.jpg

rjh 4.jpgrjh 2.jpg


standard drill stand 2.jpg

standard drill stand.jpg

Steve King 513/04/2019 15:18:58
86 forum posts
95 photos

2 bargains there pal

martin perman13/04/2019 17:09:48
2095 forum posts
75 photos

My friend and I left home at 05:30 this morning to get a good selling pitch, arrived at 06:45 and within five minutes was £150 better off and a lighter trailer by 11:30 when we left I had sold another £100 of engine bits and was a good boy and only bought six rolls of blue paper cleaning material, my wife was happy I didnt come home with another engine.

The money will go towards a VFD to upgrade my lathe.

Martin P

Henry Brown13/04/2019 21:30:30
618 forum posts
122 photos

Good man! Great buys...

colin vercoe13/04/2019 23:58:13
72 forum posts

Bargain trim tool for less than £150.00 quid

duncan webster14/04/2019 00:08:33
5307 forum posts
83 photos

Dead lucky there, 2 on ebay at present , £480 and £600. Finding wheels to fit can be fun, I sold mine eventually as it was too heavy to move around in my (then) too small workshop, if I'd stuck with it I would have investigated modifying it to take standard size wheels.

If you come across another at that price let me know!

Ian S C14/04/2019 11:15:36
7468 forum posts
230 photos

Bit sad, when I got my number drill stand(same make) it had all but two of the drills in it, cost me $NZ5 5 or 6 years ago, the bloke I bought it off said the drill were useless, they are all the wrong size.

Ian S C

Lambton14/04/2019 16:44:11
694 forum posts
2 photos

I went to this year's sale on Saturday and found it very good. Lots of stands with a wide variety of stuff on offer.

I took a small amount of surplus items and sold a reasonable quantity.

The only snag was the deplorable state of the public roads going to and from the sales ground. Endless pot holes and large areas of worn-out surfaces. I came back via Quainton - a most uncomfortable journey. The local highways agency should be ashamed of themselves.

I appreciate that this is beyond the control or influence of the sale organisers.


martin perman14/04/2019 17:55:33
2095 forum posts
75 photos
Posted by Lambton on 14/04/2019 16:44:11:

The only snag was the deplorable state of the public roads going to and from the sales ground. Endless pot holes and large areas of worn-out surfaces. I came back via Quainton - a most uncomfortable journey. The local highways agency should be ashamed of themselves.

I appreciate that this is beyond the control or influence of the sale organisers.


It must be said that Worminghall Airfield is in the middle of nowhere and like Beds county council where I live in a village priority is on main roads and bus routes, my route via Aylesbury was not to bad.

Martin P

Mike Poole14/04/2019 19:03:12
3676 forum posts
82 photos

Even before austerity you knew you were back in Oxfordshire by the change in road surface.


Tony Pratt 114/04/2019 20:14:27
2319 forum posts
13 photos
Posted by Lambton on 14/04/2019 16:44:11:


The only snag was the deplorable state of the public roads going to and from the sales ground. Endless pot holes and large areas of worn-out surfaces. I came back via Quainton - a most uncomfortable journey. The local highways agency should be ashamed of themselves.

I wonder daily where the billions of tax we pay is actually spent, certainly not on the roads, well not the ones in this country!!


martin perman14/04/2019 20:46:35
2095 forum posts
75 photos

I must say that our parish councillor is very good, If I email her with a picture and location of a hole in our village roads the council workers do come within 24hrs to fill the hole but not necessarily repair it.

Martin P

RMA14/04/2019 21:37:42
332 forum posts
4 photos

We must remember there's a very important procedure in this country when dealing with pot holes. The Council will expect us to find them, usually with a wheel, and then report them. The Council will then send a surveyor out to measure the depth of the hole. If the surveyor considers it to be deep enough, a repair will be put out to tender to one or more private contractors. They will go to the hole and spray some paint round it and go home and work out a price. The Council will then choose the cheapest and give the contractor the job. They will then send a lorry with a bit of cold tarmac and two or three men and throw it into the hole and wack it with whatever they have on the lorry.

A few weeks later a motorist will hit the redeveloped pot hole..................

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