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Member postings for RMA

Here is a list of all the postings RMA has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Soldering cast iron
21/12/2022 16:53:46

Depending on application and whether you consider soldering essential. I have used JB weld on CI and it works a treat. Much prefer the original to the fast stuff.

Thread: Privacy Glass in cars
13/12/2022 14:52:28
Posted by Keith Wyles on 13/12/2022 14:00:01:

Many people have claimed that security glass is more secure for anything left in the back, but is their empirical evidence for this or is it just a salesman's sale gimmick? My gut feeling would be the opposite, vans often have signs saying no tools left inside feeling that they are vulnerable from attack. Wouldn't criminals be more likely to break into a more expensive looking car on the offchance of it having something expensive inside? I always leave valuables in the boot, but as there seems to be a general believe that its ok to leave things in the back of a blacked out car, if I was a criminal these would be my target.

I don't think there is a general belief that it's OK to leave valuables in the back of a car with tinted windows, and that's what they are 'tinted' not blacked out. However, anyone can forget they left something for whatever reason, and the lack of visibility from the outside is a bonus. I really don't get the point of this thread. These windows are not just on the expensive brands, so it can't be the usual jealousy.

13/12/2022 08:45:35

Having had these windows in cars for many years, I certainly wouldn't want a car without them. I have no problem with rear vision and I don't drive looking through other cars in front! (can't believe that one!) Sideways vision is not compromised either; security is enhanced, and the car stays cooler in summer! I also prefer the look of them, but that is a personal choice of course.

Maybe a thread on the increasing use of high power LED running lights would be more useful. To me, these seem to be an adornment which is now spreading all over the car, front and rear, and not just the safety aid they were intended to be.

Thread: New type postage stamps
07/12/2022 08:19:48

'Royal Mail' is just an operating name for a private company. I predict in the not too distant future, mail will have to be collected rather than delivered, whatever the class of stamp! This has been the case in Spain, and no doubt other countries for many years.

Thread: 4.75" LBSC Pansy- Adding Firebox Staybolts?
22/11/2022 08:02:59

4.75 inch gauge? I'd check that out before you buy it. Club tracks are 3.5 ; 5 or 7.25 inch.

Thread: What to do with a sticky (as in toffee) portable radio
14/10/2022 09:24:11

IPA for me every time. I cleaned off 2 pairs of binoculars and a portable radio. The shiny plastic base isn't as nice as the original which unfortunately, doesn't last!

Thread: Engineering Shows
14/10/2022 08:46:16

Interesting comments on the future of shows, which are only 'local' to a few. I fully understand the need for any trader to make as much as they can to cover the overheads, but surely they should keep their normal business going while they are at a show.

I presume Polly Engineering have all their staff at the show as they are not currently answering their phone or responding to emails!

Thread: French model Engineers
16/09/2022 10:36:17

Good morning all.

Just come across this thread and thought I would add a club which I don't think anyone has mentioned, Cvdp Chitenay.

I don't live in France but have travelled through many times wondering if there are any clubs with tracks and a member of a Facebook group posted a video of his Silvercrest loco in action. I know France is a big country and you might not live close by but, by the looks of the video, it's an impressive track.

The annoying thing is, I have driven by it many times and didn't even know it was there. It is now on my list of future visits.

Thread: Is It Possible
19/08/2022 09:31:03

I have all my music on sticks to use on my long continental road trips.

Didn't do anything fancy, just copied CD's into windows media player and then copied onto sticks. All details of albums and tracks come up on the screen in the car.

Thread: Connecting battery charger fly leads
13/07/2022 07:55:03
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 12/07/2022 23:09:40:

I’m not sure if this will inform the discussion in any useful way: **LINK**

My BM is too old for such fripperies


Thanks for the link, very interesting. My BMW has electronics that I don't pretend to understand but they are very clever. Most of my miles these days are on a long stretch of roadworks with an average speed limit of 40mph. Easy, just set the cruise and relax. However, last week my car told me my battery was low and to start the engine, something that has never happened before. I concluded that because I was using cruise, the car wasn't charging. It only charges when you take your foot off the accelerator or when braking.

I have a smart charger and connected it to the charging points in the car, and getting back to the OP, unless you are competent in modern auto electrics, just follow the instructions, that is what they are for.

Thread: Closing a thread, why?
08/07/2022 10:02:59

I can see both sides of the argument Jason but the post in question was always going to be political. Perhaps better wording on the Tea Room topic heading would deter this if you really want to. I don't like censorship of any kind; if I don't like what I see or read, I leave it. As I said before it's not compulsory reading matter.

There are one or two regulars on here who are very opinionated, and in this case I didn't have a right to reply.

07/07/2022 10:14:38
Posted by Hopper on 07/07/2022 09:39:42:

It's in the forum rules that are posted here somewhere. Pretty clear from what I remember.

Edited By Hopper on 07/07/2022 09:41:21

Can't find anything other than this which is under the heading Tea Room.

This is the place for discussion of any issues that aren't in the forum mainstream. Misplaced threads will be moved here.

07/07/2022 09:31:19
Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 07/07/2022 08:49:36:

Doesn't happen in my club, RMA and Andrew!

We might put the world to rights occasionally but we don't have a "cage-fight" over it.

Nevertheless, I find it sad that someone refuses to join any club dedicated to his hobby, because he thinks it might do that, or might have known it happen elsewhere.

I wasn't suggesting a 'cage fight' about anything, just normal conversation which naturally diverts, and not only in a club situation. As I said before, you don't have to join in, but if politics etc is banned, please make it known to all. I'm sure the original poster wouldn't have posted in that case.

I think the forum is great for the hobby, but like all forums, has its collection of 'experts' on any subject. In my opinion, the 'Tea room' discussion area should not censor anything We all have personal preferences and we should respect that.

Maybe Admin could say who closed the thread and why?

07/07/2022 08:07:46

I've just noticed that the thread on the effects of rising costs has been closed, why?

This thread was posted in the Tea Room, a section which I thought is for any topic unrelated to the others in the forum. Some members seemed uneasy that the thread was getting 'political', is that the reason it was closed and by whom?

The title of the post indicated that it would inevitably be a political discussion, no different to what happens in our club when we all get together. We don't spend all our time talking about model engineering, we put the world right every week, and I have no doubt this is replicated in every club! Getting involved in the discussion isn't compulsory and reading posts in a forum isn't either, so do we have free speech or not?

I was about to respond to the comments made by SOD, which I found rather disparaging, and found the thread locked!

Thread: Sad consequence of rising costs
29/06/2022 08:14:04
Posted by Jeff Dayman on 29/06/2022 01:31:18:

In my direct and recent experience:

- the doctors care about the patients.

-the nurses and nurses' aides care about the patients, and go WAY above and beyond to help them.

-the volunteers care about the patients and visitors.

-the receptionists and clerks care about the patients and visitors.

-the administrators and accountants care -ONLY ABOUT MAKING / GETTING MONEY

Referring to the NHS and the UK, if the management structure was pruned to an effective level and waste management implemented, they wouldn't have to resort to parking charges, or shopping franchises.

28/06/2022 08:25:36

This is an interesting topical discussion which affects all of us, one way or another. Unfortunately assets and essential services in the UK have been allowed to be sold off, piece by piece, to foreign governments, foreign companies and syndicates, who are all in it for profit! Government spin would have us believe it's for our own good!

Thread: JB Weld
05/06/2022 09:32:11
Posted by jimmy b on 05/06/2022 08:09:29:

I'm a very big fan of JB Weld.

It's fixed things that I really thought destined for the bin


Agreed. Fantastic product

Thread: Hermes. A Company in Total Confusion!
05/06/2022 09:29:24
Posted by pgk pgk on 04/06/2022 18:30:20:

from google;

DPD (UK) complaints contacts
  1. Email Customer Services on [email protected].
  2. Email Sinead Croke (Director of Customer Experience) on [email protected].
  3. Call Customer Services on 0121 275 0500.
  4. Tweet DPD (UK) Customer Services.
  5. Follow DPD (UK)
  6. Tweet DPD (UK)

Although generally our local DPD are brill and happily cart the heavy stuff into the barn for Mrs


Thanks for that, but I also did a google search when I discovered there is no 'contact us' or complaint section on their website and got the same selection. I tried 1; 2, and 3 above and got nowhere. The Croke email is a joke, and the customer service phone number gives you a recorded message with several options. All you get back is a fancy message saying how they have improved their service and puts you back to their help section!! I don't do Tweet so cannot comment.

Calls to my local branch (5 so far) get diverted to other towns and the operator just lies. Following one of these calls on Tuesday, the operator said he had phoned the driver and he would be with me in 20 minutes......still waiting!!

Ah well, that's the French for you!

04/06/2022 18:02:16

This is an old thread and mainly about Hermes, but does anyone have a number/email address for DPD complaints? Their website conveniently avoids the problem and if you can get to talk to anyone, they tell a pack of lies! This is the worst 'service ' I have experienced from any courier.

Thread: ME beam engine
18/04/2022 07:54:55

I think I'm with Jason on this one. I have a set of Reeves castings for this engine, bought several years ago and put aside until now. The state of most of the castings are terrible, more metal to fettle off than in the actual work piece in many cases, and the aluminium baseplate is banana shaped!

If I was starting again, I would make most parts from solid and a lot cheaper too! I was made aware by friends who have completed the engine, that there are several mistakes on the drawings.

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