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Is it just me?

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Adrian Giles18/01/2019 00:41:26
70 forum posts
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Is it just me, or do other forum users have difficulties with website ‘contact us’ sites?

I have over the last year contacted half a dozen different companies via their ‘contact us’ sites, and have been totally ignored!

One is my lathe supplier, following a fault. I have sent two messages but have received no reply at all, will phone tomorrow finally. Another is a company, based in the Cotswolds who do virtually all their business via the internet. I sent a message to them after an item broke during it’s first use. I had an automated reply saying they would reply in the next two or three days, unless they were busy, in which case it might be five to eight days! After two weeks of nothing, I sent another message, which produced nothing either. So I thought I would try a different tack, and went to the company Facebook page and put a slightly sarcastic post on there regarding the lack of response to complaints. Within half an hour, I had a reply! But it still took a further two months to actually sort out the problem.

It does seem strange to me that companies set up these sites , but seem not to either check the incomings , or just ignore them!

Or is it just me?

Edited By Adrian Giles on 18/01/2019 00:43:24

Pero18/01/2019 02:40:17
193 forum posts

Hi Adrian

No, not just you. I have had exactly the same result and it doesn't seem to matter whether it is just a polite request for additional information or "I desperately want to purchase one of these can you please advise the postage".

The only way I have found to address the problem is to find the sellers details and phone / email them directly. Even then I have found the telephone to be the most successful. So much for the digital age, it seems the personal touch is still hard to beat!

I have started to wonder if it is something that eBay puts in automatically and not all sellers are aware of it.



Tony Pratt 118/01/2019 06:45:04
2319 forum posts
13 photos

I have had the same lack of response with many 'contact me' requests so prefer to get a proper email address, saying that yesterday I sent off a request to XYZ machine tools & got the answer within 1/2 hoursmiley


Chris Evans 618/01/2019 07:25:26
2156 forum posts

No you are not alone. I can not remember ever getting a response from any site and was thinking it was something to do with my computer/internet set up.

FMES18/01/2019 08:44:31
608 forum posts
2 photos

Strange isn't it - when I brought up a similar problem a while back, I was flamed for 'badmouthing' the company.


David Noble18/01/2019 09:01:55
402 forum posts
37 photos

My website designer told me that it is a good idea to have a 'Contact Us' page but it is important to make sure that it is monitored. I get an email whenever someone responds to my contact page, not all sites are set up this way.

Best Wishes, David

Bazyle18/01/2019 09:08:16
6956 forum posts
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I think it is because the site is made with a Wordpress template that provides a contact page so they make a contact email address but don't redirect it to any of the employees. If there is a contact initially they might leave or just forget to look at that email regularly.
They also often have the sites made up by a 'professional' who is a geek using the latest fast computer with infinite memory and maybe Linux with an odd browser with special add-ons. So they don't check if the website pages work on normal slow computers with regular mainstream software.

JC5418/01/2019 23:48:52
154 forum posts
14 photos

I am pleased it is not just me that has this problem. I have looked at it that if they cannot be bothered to answer then I will take my money elsewhere....John

David Noble19/01/2019 08:51:13
402 forum posts
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Posted by JC54 on 18/01/2019 23:48:52:

I am pleased it is not just me that has this problem. I have looked at it that if they cannot be bothered to answer then I will take my money elsewhere....John

I agree completely but then my wife says that I am becoming a grumpy old man


Edited By David Noble on 19/01/2019 08:51:42

Paul Kemp19/01/2019 09:28:55
798 forum posts
27 photos

I have had exactly the same over the last couple of months, been looking for a company that will sharpen some involute gear cutters for me, have used email addresses on half a dozen web sites and the contact us feature where no other email address is shown, all with zero result!

Makes you wonder why any organisation would maintain a web presence advertising their services if they are not going to bother to respond to enquiries? They may be making an assumption that it's a one off job and they are not interested but how long does it take to type, sorry we are too busy with large jobs? Certainly less time than it takes for someone to answer the phone if I call them! Is a lack of response a true indicator of their reliability and competence to do the job? Also how do they know their assumption that this is a pain in ass one off job will not lead to a regular contract for more work or is it such a niche business that they have as much as they can handle already and don't care?

That aside, does anyone know of a company that can sharpen 4DP cutters that I can try?


Chris Trice19/01/2019 10:20:12
1376 forum posts
10 photos

This is another case where the technology that seems like a good idea has a badly negative effect because for whatever reason, it fails to deliver what it seeks to provide.

Harry Wilkes19/01/2019 10:29:22
1613 forum posts
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unfortunantly it's becoming a way of life, it's not just companies related to model engineering it's everywhere and I find in many cases it's down to rudeness !


Perko720/01/2019 12:16:05
452 forum posts
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Recently had a related incident with getting my car serviced, rang the service number on the dealers 'new' website, only to get an automated message that this number was 'not available'. Checked the number and tried again several times, same result, so rang the showroom number, got an automated answering system which instructed me to select various options which i did, got redirected to the service department, but then in a holding pattern for 20mins. Hung up, rang again, same process, same result, another 20 minutes listening to their advertising pitch telling me how good their customer service was!! Went to the online chat, got the car booked in, then vented my frustration to the hapless chap on the other end. He promised to follow it up, and told me the service department would contact me the following day to confirm the booking. They didn't. I waited 2 more days then rang again, this time got through to a real person, explained what had happened, and was then told my car was not booked into their system for service! Not impressed, got it booked in for certain this time, then reiterated my disappointment at the level of customer service. Girl was very apologetic but blamed it on new telephone system!

JC5421/01/2019 20:42:46
154 forum posts
14 photos

Welcome to the club David. I am a founder member and wear the "T" shirt with pride.winklaugh. Another thing that annoys me is when you go to a website but cannot see it for a load of stuff about Cookies. Some sites have a "no thankyou" button, the ones that do not I tend to ignore and again take my business elsewhere......angry John

David Noble21/01/2019 22:10:24
402 forum posts
37 photos
Posted by JC54 on 21/01/2019 20:42:46:

Welcome to the club David. I am a founder member and wear the "T" shirt with pride.winklaugh.

Marcus Bowman21/01/2019 22:34:15
196 forum posts
2 photos

I, too, have had many sites fail to reply to my messages. I took my business elsewhere. I will admit that is sometimes a case of biting off my nose to spite my face, but I resent the time wasted on writing in the first place, then waiting, chasing it all up, etc.

What's worse, though is major suppliers who invite 'reviews' and comments on their products via an automated system on their website. I have found at least one major supplier, which I use quite often, and who is well known to us all, simply ignores any comments or reviews which have any negative comments. So much for "Be first to review this product'. More time wasted trying to give genuine balanced comments.


Trevor Drabble22/01/2019 08:23:54
339 forum posts
7 photos

Paul , Regarding your 4DP cutters , would suggest you try Abbco of Beeston , Nottingham . They are adjacent original Myford factory . They do have a basic web page and can be contacted on 0115 9290700 or 07954907929 or [email protected] I have no connection with the company .


Edited By Trevor Drabble on 22/01/2019 08:24:32

Paul Kemp22/01/2019 10:14:09
798 forum posts
27 photos


Many thanks.


Fowlers Fury22/01/2019 12:55:51
446 forum posts
88 photos

Quotes ex David Noble, which when together ring so true these days:-
(1) "I am pleased it is not just me that has this problem"
(2) " wife says that I am becoming a grumpy old man".
(in my case delete "becoming"

Then there's " Another thing that annoys me is when you go to a website but cannot see it for a load of stuff about Cookies. Some sites have a "no thankyou" button,"
Agreed it's an infuriating recent development on websites.
Not a total solution but one which has made life much easier:-
If you use Firefox as a browser d/load the add-on called Behind the Overlay Revival. This will put an "X" icon in the search bar (always visible). Now when the annoying overlay appears demanding you accept n thousand cookies etc., just click on the icon and the overlay disappears. Unfortunately, until the developer addresses this, you have to click the icon on each new page of the website. For sure there will be other add-ons which can perform a similar function but this one works well..

Edited By Fowlers Fury on 22/01/2019 12:56:55 = failed attempt to get rid of unwanted 'smilie'

Edited By Fowlers Fury on 22/01/2019 12:58:04

Neil Wyatt22/01/2019 17:23:11
19226 forum posts
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86 articles

Try calling HMRC helpline, especially in January. Thank goodness I haven't had to this year!


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