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Member postings for FMES

Here is a list of all the postings FMES has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Imperial v Metric Measures
09/04/2022 04:19:24
Posted by Colin Whittaker on 09/04/2022 01:53:55:

I went to my local wood shop in Phuket Thailand.

I'd like some 2cm thick planks says I. She pulls out a ruler squints and says OK 3/4 of an inch.

Right thinks I that makes my 20cm wide plank 6 inches. By 6 inches wide says I.

Out with the ruler again and she says that's 20cm.

I give her a funny look and say 2.5m long? Success!

It's a weird mish mash of length units out here. But the hard wood is very cheap and very pretty when stained/varnished.


20cm is 6inches?

My ruler must be well out.

Thread: Harrison M250
04/06/2021 20:20:01

Anyone know if one from an M300 would fit?

Thread: Cutting copper tube square
22/12/2020 07:33:00

Clamping very gently in lathe and going at it with a bench grinder by hand is perfectly acceptable also.


Non- ferrous on a grinding wheel? - shame on you!

Thread: Car says catalyser is blocked
23/10/2020 09:23:39

Apologies on the reference to Adblue, I ony have cars with either a seperate FBC tank or none, and incorrectly assumed that the Adblue additive had the same purpose.

Sorry. embarrassed

22/10/2020 11:18:39
Posted by old mart on 21/10/2020 21:26:07:

The trouble with revving the engine in a low gear is that only a tiny amount of throttle is needed.

There is no actual 'Throttle' on a diesel engine unlike its petrol counterpart.

The amount of air drawn through the combustion system is directly related to the rpm of the engine, not how hard you tread on the loud pedal.

As I referred earlier, a full active DPF clean needs temperature, gas flow and the addition of a fuel bourne catalyst (adblue, or a more potent - and highly nasty to handle chemical like Eolys).

It doesn't really matter what 'speed' you are doing as long as the pumping action of the engine is high.

Many older cars have non-active DPFs which do not need a fuel bourne catalyst additive - when they block the only recourse is to visit one of these specialist DPF / Catalyser cleaning firms that are popping up nowadays, or replacing the whole unit.

Fun this, isn't it?

21/10/2020 18:04:08

Hi Clive, apologies for not seeing this post before.

If I may suggest, the way to clean a DPF is high temeperature in the exhaust system and a higher than normal gas flow.

40mph in your car in top gear is not nearly pulling enough revs to adequately provide the oxygen required to burn off the DPF.

During a regeneration, which will only start when the exhaust temperature reaches a set point, the ECU will inject additional fuel into the exhaust along with any regeneration fluid (some vehicles have seperate tanks for this) normally an eolys fluid which will combine with the fuel and additional oxygen in order to raise the exhaust temperature still further and effectively regenerate the DPF.

So, in essence you need revs, temperature and distance, revs should be 2000 - 2500 (40mph in top willl be well below this) , temperature - runnng at fully warmed up on the temperature gauge will normally be enough, and distance - 30 - 40 miles.

Go out for a decent drive and get theengine up to temperature, if possible get on a motorway or fast A road, select a gear that allows the required rev range without intimidating plod, and keep it there.

I normally do around 60 mph in third for the requred distance.and my old peugeot van (146000Miles) needs this every month or so.

Hope this helps, and goodluck.

Thread: windoze 10
18/10/2019 17:20:28

Well, fwiw, Its only MICROSOFT that is ending support for windows 7, all of the other suppliers are still supporting it in the main, Antivirus programs are still available and in some cases better, and drivers for specialist equipment still seems to be available from their original suppliers too.

I have no difficulty getting Antivirus support for Windows XP and 7 from Avast etc including firewall protection.

So, whats the problem?

In my case, the regular updates in windows 10 that can only be posponed to a point before the machine forces you to update - in my case right in the middle of a rather fiddly engraving job, where the machine suddenly decided to reboot and dump the program even after I had clicked the box to postpone !!!

Don't seem to have that problem with XP and 7

Thread: Metrication of models
06/10/2019 12:25:01

This topic never ceases to amaze me at the amount of discussion it generates.

I think I have mentioned before, that having previously taught EDF Energy apprentices in the age range of 16 to 22 we have had to spend some time teaching imperial measurement, mainly due to the fact that the majority of nuclear reactors currently operating in the UK ar indeed imperial, and will continue to be so for the future as the decomissioning life still has to be addressed with repairs and replacements of the non-metric variety.

In addition the majority of older and still in comission American ships and aircraft,,still require a knowledge of the imperial system.

I refuse point blank to 'metricate' a set of drawings as the possibility of error is high and believe whole heartedly that for steam in particular, everything should be imperial. - just my point of view.

Incidntally, when introducing the EDF apprentices to Imperial measurement ( and all of the little engines they made in our workshops were on imperial drawings) , it only took them about half a day to grasp the concepts and by the end of the day working happily with supplied imperial drawings.


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2019
22/09/2019 11:53:05

Well, As usual prepped the Loco for its regular Sunday afternoon club run out. Trouble is the weather looks to be letting us down at the moment, just waiting for the go ahead.

We haven't missed many days this year, and its always a shame when the kids ( and parents) don't get their weekly rides.

Still, it might clear up


Edited By FMES on 22/09/2019 11:53:41

Thread: Dumb question from a none driver
21/09/2019 09:22:54

First of all I feel I must apologise for trying to be helpful and creating a post that was not only mis read, (Mainly by my initial omission), and giving the barrack room lawyers a field day.

I was clearer in my second post that I was referring to the VIEW OF THE DVLA, I have never mentioned anything else about ownership.

Didn't stop all those people trying to find fault though did it?

To answer Neils last post on the subject - and I asked local plod about this- if you are stopped by the police you will normally be asked 'Is this your vehicle' NOT are you the owner, a small difference admittedly but they will already have done / be doing an ANPR to check for the Registered keeper, and they are looking for that data to match up with proof of identity being required.


06/09/2019 06:58:15
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 05/09/2019 14:12:41:
Posted by FMES on 05/09/2019 11:40:47:
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 31/08/2019 10:17:21:
Posted by FMES on 31/08/2019 08:11:10:

Simply, the OWNER is the person that originally purchased the car from new at first registration.

Everybody else that puts their name on the V5 is the REGISTERED KEEPER.

In your case, your sons name should be on the V5 with him being responsible for obtaining the Vehicle Excise Duty or Road Tax, for want of a better definition.

YOU will never be the OWNER of that vehicle.


No, that's patently absurd. When you buy a car and take it away ownership is legally transferred to you. It's nothing to do with V5 although a receipt is a good idea to help in any dispute...

Ownership is chiefly proven by possession and control.

You buy the car and drive it away, it's yours. You don't legally need a receipt to prove it.

Allow your son to be the keeper and ownership becomes a question of his word against yours if there is any dispute and there is no written agreement.


'Patently Absurd'?? Whos name needs to be on the V5 on taking up posession of the vehicle?, who will get the notification to tax.

I was advised from Swansea, some years ago admittedly, that the 'owner' was the person purchasing the vehicle as new (as declared at first registration on the V5) and paying the relevent purchase taxes / VAT etc, secondary transactions between private individuals are not recorded in the same way hence the description of 'Registered Keeper'.


They do not track those transactions, as they are only interested in the registered keeper, but that doesn't stop the person buying a car being the new owner. Ownership per se is absolutely nothing to do with DVLA which is why the V5 clearly states it does not prove ownership.

I'm sure that if the police helpfully stop me and ask "Are you the owner of this car, sir?" then telling them "No the 'owner' was the person purchasing the vehicle as new (as declared at first registration on the V5) and paying the relevant purchase taxes / VAT etc." is unlikely to end well...


OK, so playing devils advocate here, what would happen if you were stopped and told the police you were not the owner of the vehicle?

What would their actions then be?

05/09/2019 11:40:47
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 31/08/2019 10:17:21:
Posted by FMES on 31/08/2019 08:11:10:

Simply, the OWNER is the person that originally purchased the car from new at first registration.

Everybody else that puts their name on the V5 is the REGISTERED KEEPER.

In your case, your sons name should be on the V5 with him being responsible for obtaining the Vehicle Excise Duty or Road Tax, for want of a better definition.

YOU will never be the OWNER of that vehicle.


No, that's patently absurd. When you buy a car and take it away ownership is legally transferred to you. It's nothing to do with V5 although a receipt is a good idea to help in any dispute...

Ownership is chiefly proven by possession and control.

You buy the car and drive it away, it's yours. You don't legally need a receipt to prove it.

Allow your son to be the keeper and ownership becomes a question of his word against yours if there is any dispute and there is no written agreement.


'Patently Absurd'?? Whos name needs to be on the V5 on taking up posession of the vehicle?, who will get the notification to tax.

I was advised from Swansea, some years ago admittedly, that the 'owner' was the person purchasing the vehicle as new (as declared at first registration on the V5) and paying the relevent purchase taxes / VAT etc, secondary transactions between private individuals are not recorded in the same way hence the description of 'Registered Keeper'.


31/08/2019 08:11:10

Simply, the OWNER is the person that originally purchased the car from new at first registration.

Everybody else that puts their name on the V5 is the REGISTERED KEEPER.

In your case, your sons name should be on the V5 with him being responsible for obtaining the Vehicle Excise Duty or Road Tax, for want of a better definition.

YOU will never be the OWNER of that vehicle.


Thread: Can Anyone Help Me to Identify This Very Old Boiler Please?
16/08/2019 06:11:23

I don't think it was for steam, looks similar to the old Geyser hot water boilers - large tea urn??


Thread: good service Arc eurotrade
01/08/2019 19:11:08

I guess the postal service may have played a large part in that success devil


Thread: Laser cut plates
01/08/2019 11:19:50

Hi Bill,

Its so that the dimensions can be entered directly into the computerised cutting machine whithout the company having to do any design work.

Only problem is, if there is a mistake its the CAD artists fault and not the cutters.


Thread: Upgrading to fibre optic broadband
31/07/2019 12:17:57

Can recommend Virgins' 200 Mbps fibre, regularly getting over 200 Mbps DL and over 20 Mbps up

Ping ranges depending of time of day. but usually about 10 -12 in the evenings


Thread: Warco GH600
24/07/2019 11:36:17

Hi Jed,

Check with Warco, when I had my GH1330 and Supermajor mill delivered they transported it on an electric pallet truck all the way down the drive and put them in the workshop where I wanted them.


Thread: Surplus subjects learnt at school.
23/07/2019 11:40:02
Posted by Mike Poole on 23/07/2019 10:23:25:

I struggle to learn things that do not interest me, do the people who rack loads of exam qualifications have an interest in all of them or just soak stuff up because they are presented with it? One of my sons had an inspirational history teacher and for that year was interested in history, the Kids didn’t get enough exam passes and the teacher moved on. I think I would prefer my son to be interested in history which provides a lifelong interest in what surrounds us and what has happened to us and how we arrived in our present position. Unfortunately when you leave education your exam achievements are the first crude sift to the next stage. As I had a fair idea where I wanted to go the subjects that interested me came easily but I had to put in some effort to get enough to get started on the next stage. Luckily I have been offered every job I have ever applied for but that is only 4 and I took 3 of them. It doesn’t seem so easy these days, a friend has applied for 200 jobs since Christmas and not been successful yet, glad I’m retired.


Working today in engineering education with young people, the most common attitude of the learners is in the main ' Fire and Forget' in other words they cram hard for an exam to be able to pass it, but a few weeks down the line 'skill fade' sets in with little or no memory of the subjects taught.

We used to split our machining courses up into theory and practical, with an exam at the end, in some cases it could be quite a few weeks between the two parts being completed.

We had to stop doing that because the majority of learners had virtually no recollection of the earlier part, and even when told to revise before cominig in to the exam, expected to be given the answers on a crib sheet before going in - a school policy in some cases in order to keep pass marks up.

I too am an Calisthenic (may be the wrong word) Learner - I learn by 'Doing' I cannot sit and listen to someone ramble on for ages as it gets boring. in addition I'm mildly dyslexic, so Secondary School (Yes failed the 11+ too) was a total pain, but nobody back in the 60's knew what was going on - words were just a mess to me - it took a massive amount of effort just to be able to learn to read and write properly, let alone learn Latin et al.

Left school for a mechanical engineering apprentiship, getting in by submitting my CSE project - a Suart 10H which I built in engineering class over three years. I don't profess to being brilliant in any way shape or form and sometimes i do wonder if the phrase ' Can tell you the square root of a jar of pickles, but can't get the lid off' is applicable to some of the writers on this forum.

Perhaps one set of lessons that should never be classed as suplus within education is 'Equality and Diversity'


Edited By FMES on 23/07/2019 11:59:56

Thread: Western Steam
23/07/2019 11:15:06

Hi Puffa.

You need to call them, Helen and Geoff are very helpful, and as Dave says they quote virtually on a daily basis due to the copper price vaiation.

I did initially contact them by email, and got a quote back virtually straight away, they will also discuss the way forward with unobtainable sheet sizes.

BUT, please be aware that quality takes time and there is quite a long delivery forecast.


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