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The Ass is out of the stables

Keep them in their stables

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Malcolm Parker-Lisberg26/10/2015 12:28:32
22 forum posts
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Reading the Southern Federation of Model Engineers newsletter I came across a paragraph detailing proposed legislation with worrying implications for model engineers. The government, have issued a consultative document, “Consultation Paper No 224, FIREARMS LAW, A Scoping Consultation Paper

To quote from the newsletter:

"The two specific proposals are …

PP13 “We provisionally propose the law be amended to focus on the ready availability of the tools necessary to convert an imitation firearm into a live fire-arm.”

PP14 “We provisionally propose the creation of an offence of being in possession of articles with the intention of using them unlawfully to convert imitation firearms into live firearms.”

The first seeks to control the supply side and would potentially affect commercial traders, but it would, most likely, also affect the sale of second-hand tools.

The second seeks to control the actual possession, though it does appear to require that “intent” be proven before an offence had been committed!

So it would seem that if you have A book about WW2 SOE devices on the bookshelf with a mill, lathe and carbide tooling in the workshop, would according to my interpretation be enough to result in conviction and most model engineers could require cakes with diamond cord saws delivered to their cell.

Put the halter on the Asses and write to your MP to stop these loonies



Nick_G26/10/2015 12:43:43
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Posted by Malcolm Parker-Lisberg on 26/10/2015 12:28:32:

according to my interpretation




Ahhhhhh, that's it then. ........................ We are all doomed.!


Howard Lewis26/10/2015 13:40:23
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PP13 Taken to the extreme would make it illegal to manufacture, sell, or use hand or machine tools.

MANY years ago, when at school, one of my schoolmasters used to make cross bows and pistols for hobby of hunting rabbits. In today's world he would be a dangerous would be terrorist.

PP14 Gives the "state" the ability to read minds. (Another addition to cast of charlatans who claim such ability)

Both are typical of the stupid, unrealistic mindset of civil servants who lack any real knowledge or experience of life, who are blinded to practicality by either good intentions or ideology.

My protest is winging its way to my MP, pleading for some common sense to be used.


Edited By Howard Lewis on 26/10/2015 14:05:32

Diane Carney26/10/2015 13:58:47
419 forum posts
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Following some research today there will be a comment about this in Smoke Rings, issue 4521 (30th October) but in light of this discussion I may post something earlier than that on this thread.


Nick_G26/10/2015 14:15:30
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Posted by Diane Carney on 26/10/2015 13:58:47:

Following some research today there will be a comment about this in Smoke Rings, issue 4521 (30th October) but in light of this discussion I may post something earlier than that on this thread.




"Research". - Would that be by asking the advice of someone actually fully qualified to give opinion in this area of the law.?

It's important that this information is taken with that in mind and not from some well meaning self appointed legal-beagle who has everyone running round like scalded cats.

My 2 pence worth is that the vital and key word is 'intent'. But then I only work serving Barristers and QC's, I ain't one.! So my 2p is probably broken biscuits in value.



Edited By Nick_G on 26/10/2015 14:16:21

Neil Wyatt26/10/2015 14:23:27
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My reading of the consultation is that the sale or possession of engineering equipment is NOT going to be controlled, but their ready availability makes the existing law an ass. In short, you don't need specialist equipment to modify firearms (as any roadside AK47 maker in the Khyber Pass region would tell you).

The consultation states:

6.40 It might be thought that such an offence would criminalise everyone who is in possession of any drill, vice or other common tools. This is not the case, however. An individual would only commit our proposed offence if the prosecution proves he or she was in possession of an article capable of being used in the unlawful conversion of an imitation firearm and he or she had the intention to use it for that purpose.

6.41 For example, section 6 of the Fraud Act 2006 potentially criminalises anyone in possession of a pen and paper. The reason it does not do so is that it requires an intention to use those articles for an unlawful purpose. The Court of Appeal has confirmed that requiring the prosecution to prove intention ensures that those who are in innocent possession are not criminalised.17 This same interpretation would apply to our proposed offence.

6.42 The requisite intention would be capable of being proved if, for example, an individual was in possession of articles and instructions on how to convert imitation firearms into live firearms.

6.43 Such an offence, therefore, would ensure that only those who possess tools and equipment with the intention of using them unlawfully to convert imitation firearms into live firearms commit an offence. This proposal would also ensure that an individual who only possesses such tools for carrying out maintenance on his or her home would not commit an offence.

I think the real issue is making sure it is recognised that the combination of being a model engineer and having an interest in firearms is not seen as prima facie evidence of an intent to carry out modifications. For example, I have some American magazines that contain some articles on gunsmithing; I have no idea if they would help me convert a replica pistol and I would be aghast if the combination of these and my lathe got me into trouble.

What would be very useful would be for someone who has the ear of a sympathetic MP asking them to gain suitable and public reassurances that this legislation will not be used to limit the legitimate practice of model engineering or the collecting of replica firearms in isolation or together.

It would also be sensible to seek clarification that that making non-functional replica weapons must not been treated as an offence and that official guidance on how to ensure such replicas cannot be readily converted would be welcomed.

Ady126/10/2015 14:27:51
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Had to happen eventually

Anyone who can make stuff and doesn't do it in a controlled supervised environment is a threat to society

Stand by for the beeb to run a report on how you can make mini-nukes and 120mm mortars on a Cowells lathe

Ady126/10/2015 14:36:35
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Remember comrades:

The government knows everything and will protect us and always tells the truth

Regulations set you free

Long live the peoples democratic eutopia !

Now get back to work citizen, we've got another 3 million tractors to produce

John Stevenson26/10/2015 14:45:56
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So it will need a total change to the law then as at the moment other than barrels and receivers ANYONE can make the rest of the parts with no paperwork at all.

This is not hearsay as some while ago I was approached to make triggers for Heckler and Koch machine pistols by Nottingham Royal Ordinance of all people. When I queried what was needed paper wise to do this job I was told nothing, only the order to do the work.

Did these for about 4-5 years, in total well over 10,000 until ROF closed and the job went back to Germany I presume.

Ady126/10/2015 15:02:03
6137 forum posts
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Breaking news:

Police raids today resulted in the confiscation of 50 super-adept lathes and the arrests of their owners who were all on a secret register of subversive lathe users which fell into the hands of the authorities...

Steven Vine26/10/2015 15:21:25
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Posted by Ady1 on 26/10/2015 15:02:03:

Breaking news:

Police raids today resulted in the confiscation of 50 super-adept lathes and the arrests of their owners who were all on a secret register of subversive lathe users which fell into the hands of the authorities...

Ady - 25 of them got off and had the lathes returned, as the owners could prove they were only being used as door stops. The other 25 got off because the police believed it was impossible to make anything on them.


Martin Kyte26/10/2015 15:39:55
3445 forum posts
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Are we not missing the mitigating evidence of all the clocks, steam engines, boats etc in complete or partially built state to indicate the legitimate use of the workshop? You don't really get accused of shoplifting when you have just bought £100 worth of groceries particularly if you have been using the same shop for the last 50 years or so.

I would have thought it far easier to prove legitimate use than imagined illegality. Most of these laws seem to be sabre rattling and judging by reports often don't get used anyhow as existing legislation is more than adequate.


KWIL26/10/2015 16:43:52
3681 forum posts
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<edit> Original post removed

Much as I appreciate the point Kwil is making, posting links to 'how to make your own sub-machine gun' books is just the sort of thing that (even in jest) can cause problems down the line when wilfully misrepresented by those with an axe to grind.

I am minded to recall Liam Byrne who has been dogged by his 'no money left' jest for five years...



Edited By Neil Wyatt on 26/10/2015 18:06:22

KWIL26/10/2015 16:48:23
3681 forum posts
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There was case a few years back of a Garden Shed workshop south of Reading where replica conversions were taking place. Press pics at the time showed a pillar drill and a well known brand of lathe etc, it was found by accident I think.

John Stevenson26/10/2015 16:49:24
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It's OK, clearly states "For academic study only."

Enough!26/10/2015 17:04:37
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Posted by Martin Kyte on 26/10/2015 15:39:55:

I would have thought it far easier to prove legitimate use than imagined illegality.

Now that's thinking outside the box. Proving your innocence rather than expecting someone else to prove your guilt.

I like it! This could lead to a whole new concept of justice.

Bazyle26/10/2015 17:31:50
6956 forum posts
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6.42 above is why they want to snoop on your internet use.

It doesn't need actual intent, just the government claiming intent. Remember what happened to Matrix Churchill.

David Clark 126/10/2015 17:56:45
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I see there is a book about making a sub machine gun as well. Surely this legislation will tell everyone that it is possible to make or modify a gun? Also the act seems to say modify the replica. Does it say you can't make one by scratch building it?

Mike Poole26/10/2015 18:22:56
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As has been discussed before, the Sten gun lends itself to being made with a fairly minimal workshop, as usual the good guys get all the pain and inconvenience and the illegal gun maker will carry on without bothering to obey the law. Obtaining illegal weapons does not seem very difficult to criminals.


Speedy Builder526/10/2015 18:30:04
2878 forum posts
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I suppose we add 3-D printers to that list then ? Surely intent to manufacture would have to be proven by bits of guns being present. Would those with firearms certificates be exempt and what would the Air Rfifle brigade who modify their rifles be in trouble?

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