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Member postings for David Clark 1

Here is a list of all the postings David Clark 1 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Model Engineers Workshop Lost The Plot
11/06/2017 09:08:11

Posted by John Flack on 10/06/2017 12:57:51:

I find David Clarks remarks unpleasant. The MEW editor has advised the forum that he has neither time, budget or skill to check the content of the magazine. Nuff said???

Where was this posted? I could do with a laugh.

10/06/2017 12:56:47

Unlike previous editors, I do not get the magazine for free so as I am paying for a subscription I feel I can criticise it.

10/06/2017 12:04:15

Should have read cockup, damn autocorrect on IPad. Admins please change.

10/06/2017 12:01:57

I have just received the latest Model Engineers Workshop.

On page 7 it says coming up in our next issue MEW 257 will be another rewarding read.

Then there is a photo of a Sino digital readout.

Does this mean we are getting an article on how to read a digital readout?

On page 38 it says next issue. I assume this is for Model Engineers Workshop as this is the magazine it is in.

It says:

ENV Aero Engine

Rosebud Grates


The Doncaster Exhibition


I would have thought this was a next issue for Model Engineer not Workshop.

Oh, I have just seen page 62 Next issue for Model Engineers Workshop.

And here was me thinking it was just two bits of carelessness and could not be bothered when in reality it was just plain lazy as regards page 7 and a cock on page 38.

Also on page 7 bottom right it mentions a Myford 2545 lathe. Is this similar to a Myford 254S?

Thread: Abuse of the word "free"
31/01/2016 14:04:26

Hi Mike it is a lot less than thirty seconds. It is about 8 seconds.

Thread: Milling HSS
22/01/2016 13:16:56

I expect Thorntons turn their cutters before hardening. Diamond is usually for non ferrous.

22/01/2016 12:13:25

I would not try this.

Thread: What do you think of MEW as a magazine
20/01/2016 09:37:35

Neil, when you preview the next issue as mentioned above can you include on sale date in the preview?

Thread: Workshop too cold and want to make something
18/01/2016 20:26:28

As well as the Vat on the parcel they include it on the postage and charge an £8 admin fee as well.

Thread: Cast Iron cutting depth
18/01/2016 19:30:17

No more than 10 thou on a Stuart casting. They are very close to size. Use an end mill with a 45 degree chamfer on the teeth. This will spread the load and protect the bottom edge of the cutter from any hard spots. You can put the chamfer on by hand, they don't need to be exact.

Edited By David Clark 1 on 18/01/2016 19:32:32

Thread: London MEX 2016 Photos
17/01/2016 10:51:04

Hi Clive India I was not complaining about the wide post, merely mentioning it so a moderator can sort it out. Where you got the idea this was a bigoted post from I can't imagine. I enjoyed looking at the photos.

16/01/2016 17:08:56

It I far too wide on my iPad. About 3/4 inch wider than the right side column.

16/01/2016 15:51:56

Post is too wide.

Thread: over arm supports?
16/01/2016 10:56:41

The green one looks like it may be Adcock and Shipley.

Thread: Web Browsers
15/01/2016 10:36:35

Firefox seems best. Make sure your computer clock is correct as this can cause errors and invalid certificate errors.

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
14/01/2016 18:52:04

Inspection does not always work. A lathe turner had to produce a batch of twenty 2" or so tubes with a 1/16pitch thread. All were finished and inspected using thread rods and went to the main factory where they were inspected again. Then they went out to the subcontract grinders, came back and passed final inspection and were sent to the customer. They came back, the turner had cut a two start thread and no one spotted it until the customer could not assemble it.

Another company I worked at got rid of all the inspection staff and we had to do self inspection. There were various problems, one of which was a batch of 50 shafts ground to a fraction of a thou tolerance. All were exactly 10 thou undersize.

When the company ran out of work they asked the parent aerospace company for work. No chance, we did not have an inspection department.

At many placesI worked it was not unusual to sit around for 4 or 5 hours waiting for the inspection department.

Thread: How does this work.?
14/01/2016 10:40:42

Just drill hole a bit undersize and finish with a slot drill.

Thread: Missing posts
13/01/2016 15:16:33

It is the same IPad I have been using for a long time.

13/01/2016 14:26:58

I think Warco Major was Martin Cottrell and turning tool was original poster. Nothing controversial about turning tools. Did not see post about warco Major.

13/01/2016 13:38:51

I have noticed two posts are missing. The first one from turning tool asking about pcbn tipped tool holders and the last one about Warco Major mill where the last time stamped post 12.54 has disappeared. Any suggestions what is going on?

Edited By David Clark 1 on 13/01/2016 13:39:54

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