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French model Engineers

ME's living in France

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terry callaghan09/05/2019 10:55:56
237 forum posts
10 photos

Hi, I owned a house just outside st-lo Normandy for 15 years, never did meet anyone who was interested in railways. The chap I purchased the house from made Rc boats, but he had to use them in the houses garden pond as there was nothing in the area. There is a good classic motorbike club, and arc aircraft club. Pity because they have lots of open land for a good club. However there are some great clubs in Germany, and I was always made very welcome when I took an engine.

Weary09/05/2019 11:10:07
421 forum posts
1 photos

I have been trying to join two French model/engineering forums without success for some time.

cav-escarbille moderators simply ignore my request to join despite follow-up emails to the 'general enquiry' email address asking them to please authorise my application. won't allow me to apply as it tells me that my email address is 'fake'. Of course the email I am using is correct, and I even set up a yahoo email to try and get my email accepted so that I can complete application. Still no success. Unable to contact moderators as it seems that one has to be a member to do so.

So, stymied on both fronts. Does anyone have any suggestions how to overcome these hindrances or perhaps knows of a French model (engineer) site that might be prepared to accept me?

My objective in joining is to seek clarification over some questions that I have about French Crampton locomotives.



terry callaghan09/05/2019 11:24:32
237 forum posts
10 photos

Phil, if you are not getting feed back from the forums, I would go in person to a meeting. It as to be said that a few french just don’t like brits.

Peter Harris 309/05/2019 11:27:27
9 forum posts


and click on 'Inscription' at the top right

As a forum, it's pretty moribund but you might get the information you want.

Are you located in France?


Weary09/05/2019 12:12:47
421 forum posts
1 photos

Thanks for the prompt feedback.

Mr Harris, tried the 'Inscription' link that you gave me just now.... it tells me that someone with my details already has registered - fair enough, I have tried to join - but then when I try and log-in using the same details I am told that my account/application awaits activation. So, I'll just have to be patient and keep emailing their general 'info' email address every couple of weeks asking someone to please activate my application.

I'm not located in France, so, dropping in on a meeting, probably somewhat menacingly from their point of view( devil!), is not an 'easy' option.

Ho-hum. I'll just remain sanguine and patient.

Thank-you again for the suggestions. I console myself with the thought that the French modellers are too busy 'making' and 'playing' to faff about with forums.



Speedy Builder509/05/2019 15:39:36
2878 forum posts
248 photos

Well well well - Bit of a nasty comment about the French and a bit uncalled for especially on a Forum stream trying to encourage French modelers !

I don't know what "Weary" wants, but there seems to be loads by searching Google:-



terry callaghan09/05/2019 16:44:17
237 forum posts
10 photos

I have lived there, have you?... it’s nothing nasty, just a fact, and I am grown up enough to deal with facts, so unlike many people today.

Speedy Builder509/05/2019 17:27:30
2878 forum posts
248 photos

TC, I wonder why I started this forum stream ? Lived here in France for the last 15 years and well integrated with our community - never had a bad experience. Too bad that you have.


clogs09/05/2019 17:56:12
630 forum posts
12 photos

shame, have also tried for 15 years to get interest in this sorta thing.....with no luck......

even the old car lads seem to stick with their countrymen......

there's def a them and us attitued in the Charente Maritime....been told elsewhere it's not so bad......!!!!!!!!!!

and it's not a language thing either.......

mind they are quite happy to get u to make something.......

Well I'm moving outta here now, just had enough......

Shame cos it's a beautiful place.......

Crete bekons.....hahaha.......

terry callaghan09/05/2019 18:24:27
237 forum posts
10 photos

Speedy, there are many french who like the brits, but some who do not. I just stated a fact.

Daniel09/05/2019 18:48:58
338 forum posts
48 photos

I've lived in France for 20 years, now.


Until now a generally positive life choice. As you've alluded to Bob, integration is key to being accepted as part of the local community

I have had the occasional unpleasant experience, but that would say more about the individual, than their nationality.



Meunier09/05/2019 21:20:48
448 forum posts
8 photos

Just as you say, Daniel, joining in is key. The village and surrounding area 2CV and 4L club had their annual rally a couple of weeks ago and the Maire, knowing I had an old Porsche told us that we had to join in. I said that a Porsche was hardly a Citroen or Renault to which he replied that it was a 3.2l so fitted in nicely between 2 and 4 ! and he expected to see us for the breakfast beforehand. 87km, around 40cars/10bikers(crossroads duty ) and a good day out for all concerned including MrsD and I.
I once asked him if I had somehow offended a certain person and he replied No, don't worry, he was like that with everybody.

Daniel09/05/2019 21:53:47
338 forum posts
48 photos
Posted by Meunier on 09/05/2019 21:20:48:

Just as you say, Daniel, joining in is key. The village and surrounding area 2CV and 4L club had their annual rally a couple of weeks ago and the Maire, knowing I had an old Porsche told us that we had to join in. I said that a Porsche was hardly a Citroen or Renault to which he replied that it was a 3.2l so fitted in nicely between 2 and 4 ! and he expected to see us for the breakfast beforehand. 87km, around 40cars/10bikers(crossroads duty ) and a good day out for all concerned including MrsD and I.
I once asked him if I had somehow offended a certain person and he replied No, don't worry, he was like that with everybody.

thumbs upthumbs up

martyn nutland06/09/2020 12:22:24
141 forum posts
10 photos

Not a modeliste, but build vintage Austin Sevens from boxes of bits in what used to be Picardie, now Hauts de France. Lathe and mill a bit in a very modest sort of way to make small parts for them. Like others here find vintage engineering outfits hard to find but buy materials and tools from the most excellent company RC Machines in Luxembourg who will deal in English and have no silly automated credit card insistence.

I'm in Gueschart which no one's ever heard of, nor can find on the map. But it does exist and lies between Auxi-le-Chateau et Crecy-en-Ponthieu, or, if you prefer Abbeville et Hesdin!

4, Place de l'Eglise, 80150 GUESCHART (don't you just love succinct French addresses), website [email protected]

Best and many thanks for the opportunity to reveal this.


Simon036207/09/2020 17:03:27
279 forum posts
91 photos

I missed this thread first time around but let me add myself to the French based list - based just north of Aix en Provence (13760) for the last 5 years, been in France permanently since 2007.

Apart from meeting up with Raymond a few times at his local exhibition and in contact with the small local group run by Jacque Maurel, VAP (Vaporistes Amateurs de Provence,, I know of no other light/model engineers in the region.

Pretty self contained here but would be happy to hear from anyone local.


Rolster08/09/2022 09:40:16
19 forum posts

Hi maybe a small resurection of this thread. Another one to add for France, i am still working full time and spend my weekdays in Roquebrune cap Martin 06190.

I have lived in france now for nearly18 years but only recently bought a house big enough to bring all my workshop equipment over from storage in the U.K too.

I am in the process of setting up a small workshop in my home garage in Tourtour 83690. I have an interest in live steam models both stationary and 5 inch gauge railway engines (steam and electric).

Future plans are resurecting a 5" gauge speedy (not been run in a long time) and planning to set up some raised track in my garden.

I see Raymond is near me in Lourges which i pass through on my way to Tourtour.

BR Roland

J Hancock09/09/2022 14:25:30
869 forum posts

Rolster , do pass on my regards to Philip de Clerq and Rita if you meet them in the vicinity of Tourtour.

John Hancock/ ex-Synthomer.Belgium.

Speedy Builder509/09/2022 15:19:30
2878 forum posts
248 photos

Just a line or two. My 5" gauge SPEEDY is all but finished. Its passed its stage 1 boiler certification and now must pass the second stage. I am now a member of my "local" club "Le petite train de Grenard" (only 2 hour drive away) - but they run 71/4 inch track !! However I have found an extensive 5" private track where we can have meet ups and arrange for boiler testing. A super bunch of friendly vapourists.

We live in the Lot region dept 46 SW France and model steam locos are like chicken's teeth which is strange as in our nearest town, there are 2 large aircraft component factories - plenty of engineers there !

Roister (BR Roland) You are way down south of me - our nearest town is Figeac 46100. Contact me if you have SPEEDY questions or just want a chat


Rolster09/09/2022 15:23:14
19 forum posts
Posted by J Hancock on 09/09/2022 14:25:30:

Rolster , do pass on my regards to Philip de Clerq and Rita if you meet them in the vicinity of Tourtour.

John Hancock/ ex-Synthomer.Belgium.

Hi John, Philip and Rita are not known to me but if our paths cross, i will be sure to pass on your regards.

BR Roland

Rolster09/09/2022 15:31:51
19 forum posts
Posted by Speedy Builder5 on 09/09/2022 15:19:30:

Just a line or two. My 5" gauge SPEEDY is all but finished. Its passed its stage 1 boiler certification and now must pass the second stage. I am now a member of my "local" club "Le petite train de Grenard" (only 2 hour drive away) - but they run 71/4 inch track !! However I have found an extensive 5" private track where we can have meet ups and arrange for boiler testing. A super bunch of friendly vapourists.

We live in the Lot region dept 46 SW France and model steam locos are like chicken's teeth which is strange as in our nearest town, there are 2 large aircraft component factories - plenty of engineers there !

Roister (BR Roland) You are way down south of me - our nearest town is Figeac 46100. Contact me if you have SPEEDY questions or just want a chat


Hi Bob, yes you are north west of me there and many thanks for the invitation on speedy questions. Once i have the workshop fully unpacked and set up i may just take you up on that.

BR Roland

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