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Member postings for Watford

Here is a list of all the postings Watford has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Borrowing
18/08/2019 18:57:18

sorry  -  finger trouble.


Edited By Watford on 18/08/2019 18:58:10

Edited By Watford on 18/08/2019 18:59:23

18/08/2019 18:56:35

Some years ago a neighbour asked to borrow my sledge hammer to do some fencing work for his mother. He brought it back after the weekend - fine. A couple of weeks later he borrowed it again, and then again. and again. Return period got ever more extended.

Finally he came to borrow it one day and I was able to say 'Well you could borrow it, but you need to return it from last time first!'.


Thread: Solving Engineering Mistakes
22/07/2019 10:31:40

I also wondered whether anyone had any other tips for solving common engineering mistakes, at least for non-critical parts that aren't under any strain.

Neil .....Perhaps this would make a good series for MEW.


Thread: What are these used for please?
08/07/2019 14:34:23

Are the two on the right possibly for drawing down wires?


Thread: Wobbly slitting saws
30/06/2019 10:44:04

Thanks Jason, you are indeed a star. I was missing some lateral thinking - not unusual for me.sad

Working on an original Jensen kit, purchased in 1949 by a now deceased friend. Rescued from the top shelf of his workshop, and which had had very little work completed.


29/06/2019 22:11:17

On the subject of slitting saws I am having difficulty sourcing a very small example. I need a 1/2" dia. x 1/16"wide saw to produce a key-way in the crankshaft of a Channel Island Special 10cc. I require to get up very close to the crank web without marking it.

Can any kind soul point me in the right direction, please?


Thread: A Very Nice Freebie
12/06/2019 21:36:06

A few years back I picked up a couple of sets of slip gauges in the automobilia section of a classic car auction, for not a lot of money. (Would not have bid else ! )

One set I am keeping, the other is up for grabs to the first contact. I live just north of Winchester. The box without packaging weighs 4lb 10oz on the kitchen scales (or 2.1Kg Napoleon) so probably wants collecting rather than posting. Coffee available.

They are not the prettiest set on the planet, and there are 7 missing, but by careful selection will still do a job. Matrix Pitter slips in a Coventry case.

Missing .1005 .118 .120 .050 .100 .250 .800


PM in first instance

Thread: Help a beautiful lady
20/05/2019 21:33:43

Google Triple A shoe store.


Thread: Ever have one of those days..?
15/05/2019 19:34:46
Posted by mark costello 1 on 15/05/2019 18:56:12:

You Gents are lucky, snapped My Achilles tendon 2 weeks ago. Had surgery and now confined to the recliner for 8 weeks at least. Shop is in basement, 10 feet away and I am not allowed in. Plenty of work as Spring time is here. I get to watch through the window.

Sorry to hear about the tendon Mark. sad

A mate of mine had the same happen to him a couple of years back, on a Saturday evening. Not a good time to require an ambulance. Finally picked up by one from well outside the area. He ended up giving the paramedic directions to the hospital.

Good news is that he made a full recovery. Do so hope you do the same.smiley



Thread: Bore micrometer
10/05/2019 11:21:58
Posted by mgnbuk on 10/05/2019 09:55:06:

Are these not "comparators", rather than "micrometers" ?

To use them, a ring gauge of known size is used to set the zero on the dial gauge on the comparator, then the deviations from the setting gauge in the bore to be checked are read off the dial gauge. The comparator in itself is not an "absolute" device.

Is there much difference when checking an outside micrometer against a slip gauge. Some mic's even come with their own standard gauge in the case.

Or am I being stupid?


Thread: Where's my Dykem blue gone - there's no need to read this
19/04/2019 21:25:18

Would you believe that I've now lost the shop?


Thread: Vickers Bl 8 inch Howitzer cannon of 1917
18/04/2019 15:27:58

It might be steam from boiling water, being used to clean the barrel. It looks as if the guy nearest the breach has some sort of long handled thingie, probably a swab for the same purpose. I don't know if this was how it was done but .303 rifles were cleaned like this after shooting. Might account for the strange bucket as well.


Thread: French Mystery Tool
11/04/2019 18:50:28

Would it fit together with both boat shaped pieces on the same side of the slide? I still don't know what it would be though face 5


Thread: Logging in to forum
11/03/2019 14:31:21
Posted by Andrew Tinsley on 11/03/2019 13:42:15:

Because I read the site, maybe several times a day, I never log off (bad security maybe!). I find that at times I need to log on several times a day and then I will go several months without having to log on at all! This has been going on for years. I don't think any of the explanations cover this observation!


My experience exactly.


Thread: Mechanisms in modern engineering design Artobolevsky
07/03/2019 14:59:07


Wow nerd

Will keep me interested for hours !!!!!!!!! clock


Thread: New coffee maker - disgusting taste!
17/02/2019 12:36:22
Posted by Mike Poole on 17/02/2019 11:09:13:

It seem a novelty these days when a tea shop makes tea in a pot with loose tea and you get a tea strainer, seems a long time ago when this was normal at home.


That's with fresh cream and strawberry jam to go with the newly baked scones I take it?wink

16/02/2019 15:16:19

What ever happened to Lyons Individual Fruit Pies?

Square and singly boxed.


Edited By Watford on 16/02/2019 15:17:07

Thread: Filling defects in slideways
12/02/2019 19:29:13

Which of the vast selection of 'Devcon' products are we talking about here?


Thread: What Wonderful machinery was made back then!
02/01/2019 14:24:15
Posted by Phil Whitley on 02/01/2019 12:59:12:

I think this "home made" lathe takes some beating, both beautiful and scarily accurate!

Edited By Phil Whitley on 02/01/2019 13:42:31

What else but a very loud WOW! can you say about this???


Thread: Angle checker
28/12/2018 19:18:26
Posted by Martin W on 28/12/2018 18:32:59:

It will be in the very last place you think of looking.

Well, its always the last place you look - - - unless you go on looking after you have found it!

Should I leave now???


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