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Member postings for Watford

Here is a list of all the postings Watford has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Workshop going into storage - Rust Prevention?
21/11/2022 12:33:44

I have just returned to my workshop after some eighteen months and found that a number of items, tools and machinery, have aquired a hopefully light coating of rust. My fault, I should have taken better precautions prior to having the surgeon take a Dremmel tool to my spine. He did a fine job but now I have to get the workshop back in commission. Any prompts as to an easy and quick way to wipe away this beastly surface rust would be a bonus.

Cheers chaps and chapesses.


Thread: Need to cut long thin strips of steel (& plastic) - e.g. with an angle grinder?
19/01/2022 12:03:26

Dare one ask just what these very precise strips, from sundry materials, are destined to be used for?

(Or have I missed something?)


Thread: To Cap It All
28/08/2021 12:25:05
Posted by Speedy Builder5 on 28/08/2021 10:22:31:

What vehicle radiator ?? British / American will use TPI and most others will be some form of metric generally.

37mm is about Austin 7 size. which I believe is 1 1/2" and the thread would be Whitworth form and any TPI the maker chose.

Bob (1932 Austin 7)

and 1929 Chummy at 1 1/4" by 13tpi


28/08/2021 11:01:51

Nobody has yet brought "Metal-threads" into the discussion. A term used in (at least some of) the vehicle bodybuilding industry implying a fully threaded screw probably with a countersunk head.


Thread: Tea Spoons
23/03/2021 10:40:44

I have a drawer full of stainless steel cutlery and a lot of it, particularly the tea spoons, have become rather (very) stained. It looks like tea may have been the culprit. Trying to remove it I have tried CocoCola but this has made no impression, even after a two day dip.

Any recommendations chaps?


Thread: Yet another scam lathe sale on ebay to be aware of
06/01/2021 19:26:58
Posted by Ivy on 06/01/2021 19:23:06:
Posted by Pete. on 06/01/2021 19:10:54:

He's popped up on another account, 4 listing, 2 cnc lathe type machines, instructions PayPal is not accepted, hope it's OK to post a link in the interest of stopping people being scammed.


That looks genuine to me.

Business name and address, a member since 2016 and not really that remote, Norfolk.


Google 'little man' shows address to be an office block amongst other posh office blocks. Not a workshop in sight.



Edited By JasonB on 07/01/2021 09:31:21

Thread: vinyl wrap
22/12/2020 12:19:47

Probably have all these liveries so that Hornby can sell more train sets !!!


Thread: Newton's 3rd Law
30/10/2020 18:51:30

Who is going to be the first here to try it out?

face 1


Thread: Virtual Meet Ups
13/10/2020 19:17:32

Yes please Neil. Thanks for getting this off the ground.nerd

Thread: Arc eurotrade missing from front page ?
29/09/2020 21:54:35
Posted by Ketan Swali on 29/09/2020 21:05:19:

Thank you Steve and Mike,

Happy to be back - advertising.

Mike: ARC used to sell BA taps and dies about ten years ago. Demand was too low for us to stock the range, and cost prices kept increasing from our suppliers. So we discontinued. Few years later, similar story developed for BSW/BSF, so, once again, these were discontinued. There are about three different sizes of BSW/BSF taps left in clearance.

Ketan at ARC

Thanks for that explanation Ketan.


29/09/2020 10:49:16
Posted by JasonB on 29/09/2020 10:10:35:
Posted by Watford on 29/09/2020 09:58:07:

I wonder if they will be restocking model engineer's BA and Imperial requisites once again?

I don't recall them ever doing BA or ME and they have always tended to be more Metrically orientated.

ME you are no doubt correct Jason. My mention of "model engineer's" was in respect of requisites for a model engineer!

There are clearance BSW and BSF items on sale today.

So maybe I have answered my own question. Ketan at ARC?


29/09/2020 09:58:07

At last Arc Euro are back advertising on this site.

Nice to see them back.


Yes, indeed, plus one to that.

I wonder if they will be restocking model engineer's BA and Imperial requisites once again?


Thread: Miracles do happen
29/08/2020 18:23:15
Posted by Jager on 29/08/2020 17:27:31:

Many years ago a neighbours young child decided to look at daddys watch, took it out into the garden and promptly lost it!

A search party was mustered all to no avail and the errant timepiece declared well and truly gone.

Many years passed until one day the same neighbour was turning a flower border when he unearthed the watch.

After washing it under the tap he gave it a qujck wind and a shake - to his surprise it still worked.

It says a lot for that Omega Seamaster.

The same child whilst cruising on a foreign holiday said to the father "Is a thing lost if you know where it is?"

Rather after the manner of Captain Mainwaring father retorted "Stupid child, of course not."

" That's good " said the child, "Because I know where your watch is - I just dropped it over the side."


Thread: Help identifying "garter type" oil seals
12/07/2020 21:15:34
Posted by Kiwi Bloke on 12/07/2020 05:53:35:

In this application, the seal is keeping oil in, therefore the lip side of the seal should face the oil. If the aim were to keep muck out (as in a wheel hub), the lip would be on the outer face. It's not uncommon to find wheel hubs in which 'mechanics'(?) have installed the seals the wrong way round...

The oil seal in a vehicle hub is to keep the oil/grease in, when it gets warm and fluid. This saves it from escaping to lubricate the brake linings. Slippery linings are not a good thing.


Thread: Concrete Garages, Shelving and Catastrophe
17/06/2020 10:16:37

Never mind about you, what happened to the precious tooling??? face 5

Thread: Whats the chance.....
03/06/2020 18:01:29
Posted by clogs on 03/06/2020 16:43:50:

would it be poss to use other photos on the forum start up page.......??

must be some other interesting projects......

Plus one for that ..............yes

Thread: J.T.Slocombe micrometer very old
27/05/2020 09:50:08
Posted by Sam Stones on 27/05/2020 01:50:29:

Perhaps not of the same vintage as your Slocombe Barrie, but close.


The micrometer is still in my toolbox.



I keep mine in my desk draw!! Does yours have 1/64"s on the reverse of the frame?


Thread: Clarkson Autolock Mystery Tool
06/05/2020 18:17:07
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 06/05/2020 17:26:11:

Aha !!

Thank you ... I will experiment this evening

[ currently on garden duty ]


Splendid mental picture of Michael gardening with a well engineered bracket on the spade holding his laptop rose


Thread: MEW Special edition 2008 Cherry interview
04/05/2020 15:01:07

Is there any news of Mrs.Hill ?


03/05/2020 18:48:41


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