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Member postings for Steviegtr

Here is a list of all the postings Steviegtr has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Help. Myford Super 7 threads not equal gearbox chart
09/07/2023 22:43:31
Posted by old mart on 09/07/2023 19:33:34:

If you don't already have a Super 7 manual, it would be worth while getting one from either Myford or Lathes UK.

Or ask me for a PDF copy. P.M if you need one.


Thread: Farm Boy
06/07/2023 22:37:29

Blimey your putting my build to shame. Tortoise & a hare. Great work. Looking good.


04/07/2023 14:54:55

Looking good.


Thread: Repair a small cast bell
02/07/2023 22:24:35

I guess you could just JB weld it. Saves any heat


Thread: Merlin engines
29/06/2023 15:17:26

Just half way through watching a Youtube video from Stapleton 42. He visites mainly race engine builders. This one is about boat racing. Using the Rolls Royce Merlin & Griffin engines . Plus the American copy versions. What is good about the video is the guys are explaining & showing the engine internals & how they get 3000 hp out of them. Quite an amazing video. I think they stopped using them around 2017. Plus they used Helicopter turbine engines as well.


Edited By Steviegtr on 29/06/2023 15:20:33

Edited By Steviegtr on 29/06/2023 15:29:52

Thread: A Touch 'Pestoff'?
27/06/2023 22:32:32
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 27/06/2023 21:30:37:
Posted by Howard Lewis on 27/06/2023 11:31:30:

Surprised that so many are in favour of Red Kites, when they predate so many indigenous smaller birds.

Since they moved into our area, there are very few small birds around.

Shades of rabbits in Australia., and mink.

Seemed a good idea at the time to introduce anon native species!


They are not predators of small birds at all. They may take a crow or pigeon, but they aren't very good at that and aren't nimble enough to take small birds or raid their nests.

The main reason for the decline in small birds (which has been huge) is loss of habitat and loss of insects for them to feed on.

Kites mostly scavenge, and they are a native species to the UK, have never been extinct but did drop to about two breeding pairs at one point.

We have lots os small birds, Sparrows & Thrushes. Never seen them been attacked. On the other hand as said further up the thread , I have seen Crows attacking the Kite's.


Thread: About cutting paste - a comparative test
26/06/2023 18:52:54
Posted by Emgee on 26/06/2023 16:15:56:

Recently I have been using bacon fat collected from the grill pan before washing it up, works well when cutting/ drilling and tapping various grades of aluminium. Probably works as tallow did for threading steel conduit, very similar consistency.

When my RTD bottle became empty last year after 10 or more years of use I replaced it with a much cheaper substitute which works well.
Always a can of Trefolux for use by the drill stand when drilling steel.


I could not use that in the workshop. I would be forever going into the house for a Butty.


Thread: A Touch 'Pestoff'?
26/06/2023 15:05:59
Posted by JasonB on 26/06/2023 14:13:10:

I'm just happy that I got a Red Kite to take food off the lawn yesterday.

I beleive they were let free some years ago at Harewood house near Harrogate. We ride out past there regularly on the Motorcycle & there are lots of them flying around.

We have 2 regulars that fly over our Village most days. On Saturday there were 4 of them, the Crows are always trying to attack them. I guess there territory or nest protecting. They are a sight to behold with a 5 foot wingspan.


Thread: Titanic submersible
25/06/2023 01:19:06

Give it a rest guys. Let the dead lie

Thread: Stationary engine
25/06/2023 00:56:30

Latest video on the hit & miss engine.


Thread: Cure for Tight Nuts
23/06/2023 23:09:28

Watch all CEE vids. The dog takes the biscuit. His wife does fantastic video too. Who said Youtube was crap.


Thread: Titanic submersible
23/06/2023 23:06:17

Well anything on this earth that is going to take any type of strain requires to be Loyds tested. Whatever it is there is a requirement for it to take 1.5 times & sometimes twice it's expected load. Weight, pressure electric etc. This thing as far as I can see was never tested at all.

Apart from in a swimming pool. There whole assets need stripping & given to the poor souls families.


Thread: Steam rocket motorcycle update.
19/06/2023 18:39:37

Awesome. Looks fantastic too.


Thread: Which cutting lubricant
19/06/2023 01:25:38

Clarks, machine mart. 1 litre. I have been using it for 2 years & still have some left. It sometimes smokes a bit but does the job & was not expensive.


Thread: Thread gauge
15/06/2023 22:40:21

I am glad someone asked this question as I have some the same & had no idea what it meant.


Thread: Stationary engine
15/06/2023 02:19:52

Well after having Covid, I am back on track with the Hit & Miss stationary engine. Up to part 9 now. It is a long one so for those wishing to see a 2 min video then it is not for you. But for anyone wishing to kill 45 mins then please feel free to have a quick peak. The picture shown is not mine. As I do not have one yet. 


Edited By Steviegtr on 15/06/2023 02:20:52

Edited By Steviegtr on 15/06/2023 02:21:20

Thread: Shaded-pole motors: failure mechanisms?
14/06/2023 17:08:38
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 14/06/2023 16:47:19:
Posted by duncan webster on 14/06/2023 15:44:37:
Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 13/06/2023 17:39:39

Edit, shorted turns in the coil will cause increased current and thus more torque, not less. So once any excess load is remove the motor will run at normal speed. It will also cause the coil to overheat which tends to be a runaway condition and obvious fault.

Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 13/06/2023 17:44:50

If you have a shorted turn then current goes up but turns goes down, so the magnetism (ampere turns) stays the same?


I've been worrying about this too. The idea that a shorted turn would increase torque feels wrong, but I just don't know!

In an AC motor winding I'd expect a shorted turn to behave like a step-down transformer with a near-zero resistance load, causing high current to flow in the loop at a very low voltage. The loss in watts would be limited. Certainly lots of heat, maybe enough to melt the loop. Though there would be a lot of magnetic flux in a shorted turn too, I can't visualise if it adds to the normal ampere-turns flux, or is out of phase with it.

Every time I think I understand electric motors, I'm proved deficient!

I like Steve's Oxide explanation. It doesn't say much about the quality of the bearings, because oxide can only come from tiny fragments of metal being scraped off. Entirely possible - most of the shaded pole motors I've looked at were, putting it politely, inexpensively made.


My father had an Electrical shop in Leeds many years ago. I sometimes worked there on Saturdays. One of the jobs he left for me was doing the fan heater clean. It was very rare that it was anything else than the shafts needed cleaning & bushes. Most of those type of heaters had self aligning bearings in the end caps. Also they were usually bronze. Remember back then most of those heaters were made in the UK. Not many far Eastern goods came here.

Thread: An expesive day
14/06/2023 00:06:59

There is a guy in the USA called i do cars. All he does is strip wrecked motors down to see why they failed. I have just watched him tear down a 1.0 ecoboost like ours.

Not good. Terrible idea to do what Ford did. If you have 30 mins of your life to spare have a look at this.


13/06/2023 16:21:29

Only by removing the sump.


13/06/2023 14:53:21

Yes it was 5-20 full synthetic. I believe some use 5-15. Our next door neighbour has a fiesta 1.0 ecoboost 2014. It's done 86,000 miles. Serviced by local guy. Never missed a beat. ????.


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