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Member postings for Paul Rhodes

Here is a list of all the postings Paul Rhodes has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: What is EN58 used for?
01/10/2023 20:06:23

Are we not getting ourselves confused?

Andrew did not post “M” but records a stamping “magnetic”

What I am unclear on is whether the metal has been tested as magnetic.

Thread: Gib Adjusters and the English Language!
21/09/2023 14:22:21

As in all language there is not a correct pronunciation, merely one in common usage which often alters through time.

Gibraltar was originally a Moorish colony named after its conquerer as Jabel Tarik...Tarik's mountain. So easy to see the corruption to Gibraltar with a soft G or J.

For what it is worth I in my ignorance employ a hard G as in Gibb.

Thread: Layout Square
11/07/2023 13:26:58

Viv, my reading of the reviews is counter to yours.

The recurring theme of penny-pinching on a plastic thumb wheel will be because it is inexpensive. Rectifying would make a nice wee workshop project I would guess.


Thread: Soundproofing my 3D Printer
30/04/2023 17:55:20

With an enclosure I found temp build up/ control a complication.

Placing the printer on a high density coarse felt ( a bit like carpet underlay) ,made a massive difference. I think it came from the packaging of a new washing machine.

Anyway I recommend you experiment ( cheaply) along these lines.

Thread: Pinstriping Tool in MEW
15/03/2023 10:56:35

I agree with KWIL’s advice. I have had success with J Tape and 3 M tape. Both can be used to apply multi coloured parallel lines . Avoid the budget tapes however as much more difficult to achieve sharp edges.

Thread: Drilling Stainless Steel
04/03/2023 09:08:50

Good one Hopper!

Thread: Who is SMAC?
22/02/2023 16:46:26
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 22/02/2023 14:46:00:


… perhaps

Beat me to it…..( sorry).

Thread: Is a bath sponge suitable as temporary fix for car air filter?
18/01/2023 14:41:25

I will third what John says!

Thread: Removing a stuck chuck.
17/01/2023 12:15:47

Interesting thread ( non engineering term).

I was taught/ told never to oil the chuck thread as it promoted sticking.and attracted dirt and debris. Moreover I always remove a chuck after use and put a nose protector on the headstock.

I have never in the last 30 years had a chuck stick on my Boxford.

This seems to be contrary to most of the tips offered previously ,but in my experiment with n=1 it seems to work.


Thread: Hydrogen
16/01/2023 21:12:21

SOD an interesting assessment.

I am aware that the average mileage had declined over the last 20 years. Of course more people own cars and are doing these miles ,so arguably more driving overall. Where did you source these numbers and are they Covid artefacts do you think?


Thread: Another stepper motor powered rotary table
10/01/2023 15:56:54

Nice work Mike.

Thread: Hydrogen
08/01/2023 22:01:55

On this topic members might be interested in looking up the continuing partnership between First Bus et al. in Aberdeen. A former coal depot/marshalling yard, houses the largest hydrogen refuelling facility in Europe.

Oh and an electricity sub-station, fit for a small town.

Thread: Chinese diesel heater
02/01/2023 16:08:10
Posted by Harry Wilkes on 02/01/2023 15:37:48:


Illegitimi non carborundum
or.. Luceo non uro perhaps?

02/01/2023 14:03:09
Posted by Stuart Smith 5 on 02/01/2023 12:21:28:


I don’t have one of these and don’t plan to get one, but when you say they are subject to building regulations, does this still apply to a free standing structure (ie detached garage in your garden)?



As this is the internet, take my comments with a pinch of salt.

Some years since I last looked into the subject, but a free standing( > 1 metre distant) single story garage , mainly constructed of non flammable material, of less than 30 m sq is not subject to building warrant, though planning consent may be required. , Local rules may differ. Good sense would be to enquire of your insurer if this protects your home policy. Penny wise pound foolish may otherwise be the consequence.

I would be interested if any contributors could share the results of such an enquiry.


Thread: Bob Reeve's Differential Demonstrator
06/12/2022 18:16:12

Nice job.

Thread: You Couldn't Make It Up
19/11/2022 17:43:20

Great danger in comparing statistics in criminology( and other spheres) between countries. Sweden and Norway have vastly different social structure to USA. Per capita income, social support, drugs and educational standards, almost defy comparison.

Contrary to some assertions there is good evidence that increasing sentencing reduces crime. The problem is that the payback of expensive incarceration is very poor and non linear. So 10% increase in sentence may produce but a 2-4% reduction in overall crime.

We all conflate the feckless and socially inept criminal who make up the majority with the small number of nasty and socially unacceptable bad @@@@ards.

The former should be offered every support to encourage rehabilitation. Currently they may leave prison on a Friday evening with uncertain digs and no money. The system has done its job. Are we surprised that they nick a car or gravitate to the known source of money viz drugs?

The smaller group of bad bad people should not be given such consideration as I believe that, say with paedophiles, that the leopard does not change its spots.

There is good evidence that the certainty of being caught and punished is a much better deterrent than the length of incarceration. The criminal never thinks he will be caught.

So I would advise governments to improve detection rates , be more realistic in who poses a real threat to society and to recognise that rehabilitation does not stop at the prison gate.

Thread: Multifix toolholder Vendors
17/11/2022 13:57:34

Create tools certainly have gone dark. My website enquiry two months ago and my direct email to Nina Wang received no reply. Thank you for the alternative suggestions.

Thread: Eccentric Engineering UK shop gone
02/11/2022 15:28:04

I think it was his sister who ran the UK end. Perhaps returned to Aus?

Thread: My cruise
07/10/2022 17:17:04

Bill sorry your cruise is postponed, hope you get better soon.
I suspect everyone is very quick to blame the cruise ship owners if they get food poisoning or Covid whilst on the ship and certainly I would be displeased if my cruise was ruined by someone who lied and subsequently infected their table by coughing all over them.

So well done for being straight in your responses.

Thread: Allendale-Ultrasonics
07/10/2022 14:44:09

For what it is worth my Walker Industries ultrasound (10'x4"x4" approx) produces 46DbA at 10inches ...according to the app on my I phone. I suspect JD2 that there is something wrong with your unit.

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