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Scam alert

Unsolicited advise call about pending payment

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robjon4409/11/2019 11:47:18
157 forum posts

Hi all, phone rang this morning, picked up without speaking & was informed that it was a recorded message with regard to a payment soon to be taken from my Amazon Prime account & would I like to press some number keys for more information, alarm bells began to ring not least because I don't have such an account! However, knowing the sophisticated technology these a holes have at their disposal, such as making a cut & paste of anything you say to make it appear that you did verbally authorise the payment I cancelled the call followed by checking that I indeed was not the proud owner of such an account, paranoid I know, but the reason I posted it on here was that there may be those who use our forums who may not know the lengths these creeps use to steal from them.

Cheers, robjon44

Chris Gunn09/11/2019 11:52:03
459 forum posts
28 photos

Robjon, You are right about this scam, there was a warning about it on Moneybox or You and yours on the radio very recently. This seems to coincide with a push by Amazon to sign folks up to a free months trial of Prime.

Chris Gunn

MM5709/11/2019 12:44:03
110 forum posts
3 photos

Yep, had that one, for the first time, earlier this week sad

Graham Titman09/11/2019 12:50:17
158 forum posts
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Over the last two months i have had about a dozen such calls.I block them on bt 1572 and a few hours later a call on a another number.Yesterday i was that fed up with them i got a amazon call back from their customers services and they did not seem the least bit bothered.Graham

Ian Parkin09/11/2019 13:07:15
1174 forum posts
303 photos

I do get a lot of these both the amazon one and a visa saying £600 is being processed

you have to press 1 to speak to a customer service con person

Every time I do press 1 but generally the line goes dead only once has it connected to a person

this was an amazon one....she seemed surprised to be speaking to me but she just said that £39 was being taken to pay for amazon which I replied “Great I love amazon prime and I’m happy to renew”

then the line went dead

I have seen that the scam is you pressing 1 which charges you for a premium rate phone call.

I’ve checked my BT bills and there’s no sign of any premium rate numbers being charged for

I wasn’t aware that a call that you haven’t originated can be charged to you ?

not done it yet09/11/2019 13:13:30
7517 forum posts
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I wasn’t aware that a call that you haven’t originated can be charged to you ?

The modern equivalent of a ‘reversed charge’ call?

pgk pgk19/12/2019 09:14:28
2661 forum posts
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I had to laugh at this morning's call... apparently it was an official one from HM customs who are taking out a lawsuit and arrest warrant against me. I didn't bother pressing 1. The thought of a nice christmas dinner, access to live TV and a warm place for winter with easy access to aromatic herbs might be a novel experience. The showers could be an issue unless I self-identify as a woman.....


Adrian 219/12/2019 09:56:13
104 forum posts
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I had that one pgk. About a year ago there was a warrant out for my arrest, quite persistent too. Just ignore, do nothing.

These low lifes prey on the vulnerable.


Douglas Johnston19/12/2019 10:18:48
814 forum posts
36 photos

Just noticed this thread, I have also been getting these calls saying Amazon was about to take money from my account. This just started up after I bought something from Amazon and they said they were giving me a free trial of Amazon Prime. I did not want the free trial and searched the page at checkout to stop it, but it seemed I could not opt out. I nearly cancelled the order but reluctantly went ahead. I later checked my account with Amazon and found I had not been signed up to Prime and did not need to cancel. Then the phone calls started (about 6 so far ), so it would seem that Amazon has a security problem which I do hope they are taking seriously.


Graham Titman19/12/2019 11:58:22
158 forum posts
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Hi Douglas i have had a lot of these calls about amazon prime and even with the call blocker on i phoned amazon and the operator did not seem the least bit interested.Graham

John Haine19/12/2019 12:14:08
5563 forum posts
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Since the calls are originated automatically and to random numbers they don't need to know anything about your Amazon account. They are just trying to harvest payment information, make enough calls at random and they will get a few mugs that give their details.

SillyOldDuffer19/12/2019 12:42:58
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Posted by Douglas Johnston on 19/12/2019 10:18:48:

Just noticed this thread, I have also been getting these calls saying Amazon was about to take money from my account. This just started up after I bought something from Amazon and they said they were giving me a free trial of Amazon Prime. I did not want the free trial and searched the page at checkout to stop it, but it seemed I could not opt out. I nearly cancelled the order but reluctantly went ahead. I later checked my account with Amazon and found I had not been signed up to Prime and did not need to cancel. Then the phone calls started (about 6 so far ), so it would seem that Amazon has a security problem which I do hope they are taking seriously.


It's us who have the security problem, not Amazon! In this example Amazon's name is used as the hook but very similar scams are operated using Talktalk, BT, Microsoft, the Inland Revenue, Police, Banks, Energy Providers, and others.

The scammer doesn't know if you're an Amazon customer or not. They do know that a percentage of the population will be having some sort of problem with a service provider, or the police, or their computer, or with tax. By calling people at random, the criminals hope that victims will join the dots between a real problem and the fake call. If you happen to be having bother with Amazon due to the way they push Prime, then a phone call from 'Amazon' may seem authentic, and the victim falls for it. Although scams are obvious when they don't line up at all with reality, they coincide often enough to take hundreds of millions per year off the unlucky.

Best thing is to distrust incoming phone calls, texts, and emails. Double-check, and don't forget most of the organisations mentioned never contact customers out-of-the-blue unless it's to make an appointment.

More detail about scams here.


Les Jones 119/12/2019 13:05:10
2292 forum posts
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This is slightly off topic. A short time ago I was ordering an item fro Amazon and I was in no hurry to get it. I clicked on free delivery thinking it was the free about 5 day delivery but it was for Amazon prime one day delivery. I tried to get back to select the 5 day option but nothing I tried worked, I even tried cancelling the free prime trial offer.I ended up cancelling that order and creating a second Amazon account using a different email address. Instead of taking a few minutes to order the item it probably took about an hour.


Swarf, Mostly!19/12/2019 14:01:27
753 forum posts
80 photos

Hi there, all,

A neighbour who works for an engineering/fabrication company told me recently about 'the drill sharpening scam'. I guess this is probably not too much of a risk for hobbyists. However, it's been causing a lot of trouble for engineering businesses.

I won't take up the space to go into more detail here but I suggest any engineering/fabrication professionals might do well to Google 'drill sharpening scam'.

Best regards,

Swarf, Mostly!

Samsaranda19/12/2019 17:49:53
1688 forum posts
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Les, I fell into the same trap with Amazon Prime this week; I tried to cancel the Prime delivery but it wouldn’t play ball so I went into my account and you can cancel the Prime free trial there, the bonus was I managed to cancel, and it is recorded in my account details, but I still received the free next day delivery. Recently received a call about my BT account and problems with my broadband service, soon sorted, I replied that I am not with BT and I don’t have broadband, I do but it’s with Sky. These scam calls are a real pain, especially the 0843 numbers that keep calling, no use blocking the numbers as they change to a different number each time but always with 0843 prefix.
Dave W

Howard Lewis19/12/2019 18:09:24
7227 forum posts
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If some of the calls are to be believed, my internet connection with BT (which I do not have directly ) would have been terminated several times, m,over the last year..

Possibly the subject matter is irrelevant, they just want you to press 1 or 2 so that you can be transferred onto some line, charging a horrendous amount per minute or part thereof. Their prey are the naive, and the gullible.

Maybe they think that our marbles vanish when we get to three score years and ten?

If so, they are going to be very disappointed; or need to set their alarm clocks a LOT earlier in the morning.

The very means of communication with which they try to con us, is the very means whereby we warn everyone of their scam, and how to avoid it. Criminals, in the main, tend not be able to qualify for MENSA membership.

Just Timewasters.


Graham Titman19/12/2019 18:23:27
158 forum posts
28 photos

Hi Dave W the amazon calls are not 0843 i dialed 1471 every time and it was a different area code every time including Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland none were 0843.Graham

Emgee19/12/2019 18:42:57
2610 forum posts
312 photos

When going through the Checkout procedure on Amazon the "continue without prime" button is feintly displayed and deliberately placed away from the detail of the order, just to catch people out as it seems to have done in this case.




added Amazon

Edited By Emgee on 19/12/2019 18:43:39

Samsaranda19/12/2019 19:03:44
1688 forum posts
16 photos

Hi Graham, sorry if I confused you but the 0843 calls that I receive are not connected with Amazon, I was referring to a problem not connected with my initial subject, I do tend to wander onto different subjects, comes with age I suppose.
Dave W

Paul M20/12/2019 08:58:24
86 forum posts
4 photos

I agree that scam phone calls are a major nuisance. My latest one - "this call is about your life insurance policy sir". My standard reply is to ask for their full name, phone number and address they are calling from. They always terminate the call.

Regarding Amazon Prime, I have subscribed for a few years now. I use Prime TV a lot. It has some good programmes not available on terrestrial TV channels. Next day delivery is handy although you can get items slightly cheaper without Prime. My wife, who has her account, found herself with the 30 day trail offer recently. It is a pain sifting through he links to cancel but it can be done. My advice is to Google how to cancel amazon Prime if you get lost in the maze.

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