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Member postings for Adrian 2

Here is a list of all the postings Adrian 2 has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: making tee nuts
27/11/2021 12:54:53

Lots of advice and opinions here but no mention of allowing plenty of clearance. Don't be tempted to make them a snug fit, jammed nuts and frustration will result.


Thread: Availability of a T33 & T34 Myford Change Gears?
16/11/2021 14:55:23

David, treat yourself to Brian's book, crammed with information . A 'must have' for the Super 7 owner in my opinion.


Thread: An Uninvited Guest!
26/10/2021 17:30:32

Bamboo is another invader to avoid. I had a shoot grow up inside the studwork framing of my workshop, first I knew of it was when it hit the roof turned and pierced the insulation growing back downwards.

It has taken several years to get rid of but I am winning.


Thread: Super 7 questions
14/10/2021 10:28:01

I agree about the grinder being close to the lathe, perhaps it just lives there out of the way and gets used elsewhere .

I always try and do any grinding outside and never in the machine workshop .


Thread: Ball Turning Tool
12/10/2021 10:43:38

Squarepeg, it sounds like you want to screw the tool down utilising two tee slots which would be best I think.

However can it not screw down into just one slot ie two screws into the one tee slot ? You will be taking light cuts I would think.

Just a thought.


Thread: Routing
07/10/2021 19:03:38

John, I think you are looking for scribing cutters. The rails of a door might be scribed over the matching moulds on the stiles ( side uprights) which fit under the rail uninterrupted.

Hope this helps.


Thread: New Workshop Progress
18/08/2021 14:33:47

Hello Neil,

My experience of painting a concrete floor is not a happy one. It can condensate badly.

Moisture that the concrete could previously absorb and release lays in puddles on the sealed surface. Every situation is different of coarse, if I were to do it again (unlikely) I would paint a small test patch and see what happens through the winter.


Thread: The shed may not be dead!
05/08/2021 20:23:00

Yes ,I always found Lindsay very helpful and pleasant to deal with. She will be missed.

Enjoy tour retirement Lindsay.

Adrian F.

Thread: Myford Gear Spacers
25/07/2021 17:00:19

These spacers are fitted to the ML7R and S 7 lathes. I don't know if they are common to the ML10, could be ? Worth an ask.

Beautifully made . smiley


Thread: What Did You Do Today 2021
19/07/2021 11:37:16

Iroko, also known as poor man's teak. The dust from this timber is an irritant , it's like pepper, catches in the throat and induces coughing.


Thread: Powder coating quality of finish
10/07/2021 15:58:03

My Norton commando frame had been heavily powder coated ,the finish was mostly ok. One down tube however was very poor, forget orange peel , think more like golf ball.

Powder coat can be over sprayed with cellulose which is what I did. Once flatted it provides a good base to overspray.

Thread: Grease Gun
16/05/2021 19:05:25

I have a tecalemit plunger type gun, the spring is strong. If stored with the spring extended the grease will gradually find its way past the piston and fill up the cavity behind it. Next time the spring is compressed , grease is ejected out the wrong end of the gun. You know how I know this !! angry

It goes against the grain to store it with the spring compressed but that solves the problem and saves a hell of a mess.


Thread: Soft soldering clearance.
01/04/2021 20:14:45

Very helpful thank you John.


01/04/2021 18:23:14

I am making an oil pipe fitting for a motorcycle which basically comprises a steel pipe slipped inside another steel pipe. There is no loading or pressure to resist so I think soft solder will be fine.

How much clearance should I allow for the solder to penetrate between the two parts ?

Bore of outer sleeve 9mm x 20mm long.

Thank you,


Thread: T slots
09/03/2021 17:04:34

This cover works a treat , just lifts off. I forget to replace it sometimes then really appreciate what a good job it does.


Thread: Picking up the thread.
11/02/2021 20:09:15

That's it Brian, just as you say. My being unable to see properly was the problem.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,


11/02/2021 15:31:07

Thanks again to everyone, all is well now. As mentioned there is not much day light up inside with the threading tool entered. Interpreting what was going on looking at an angle was not easy .

The reason for screwcutting and not using a tap is that the thread on the valve I intend to screw in is undersize to the extent of being unacceptably sloppy .


10/02/2021 19:34:31

Thank you to everyone. The method you all describe is the one I adopted before posting my question. Having carefully engaged the tool in the thread I then backed it out clear and cranking by hand I watched its path as it travelled into the bore. It was clear to see that it did not follow the thread but was very soon going its own sweet way.

I assumed this to be because of the use of the 29 tooth mandrel wheel and the 'timing' of my original set up has been lost. Certainly had it been a thread readily available straight from the gearbox there would have been no problem.


10/02/2021 17:21:07

I have screw cut an internal 3/8" BSP thread on my Myford super 7. It is an American export machine with no 19 TPI gearbox setting.

Brian Wood's excellent book Gearing of Lathes for Screwcutting tells me to use a 29 tooth mandrel wheel and gearbox setting 23.

Cutting the thread was completed without disengaging the leadscrew . The job was removed from the lathe and the standard mandrel wheel replaced , half nuts released.

I now find I need to ease the thread a little moresad . My question, is it possible to reproduce my original set up so that the tool will continue to follow the same path and not produce a double thread? If so, how?

Over to you perhaps Brian.

Thank you .

Thread: Over wintering Motorcycle battery .
14/12/2020 20:59:47

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, very helpful.


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