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Member postings for Dalboy

Here is a list of all the postings Dalboy has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Anyone in the Bristol Area
11/09/2023 21:55:29
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 11/09/2023 19:23:20:

… although the tree looks nothing like Laburnum to me.

Edited By Michael Gilligan on 11/09/2023 19:30:56

There may have been a Laburnum tree at one time but got the chop and the name just stayed the same probably some woodturned had itdevil

Thread: Courier problems
06/09/2023 21:53:39
Posted by duncan webster on 06/09/2023 21:38:54:

This says having a house number is mandatory. It also says there should be street names, presumably this is a council responsibility. If the council haven't assigned numbers I suggest you contact them and tell them to get their act together.

What it says is

" It is a legal requirement that all streets and houses must have a clear house number sign or house name, "

Note the word OR in the sentence. So you can have either yes it would be nice to have both

Thread: Ignition Electrodes
04/09/2023 20:38:10

If I remember correctly the workshop paraffin/diesel heaters use to have electrodes which once lit stayed in the flame. Would they be of any use not knowing the size of yours just a wild guess.

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
04/09/2023 20:23:26

Drilled 45 holes and started the threaded holes on the mill to finish the tapping by hand in the plate and have tapped the first 9 holes still another 36 to finish before making a start on the clamps

Thread: What are they?
04/09/2023 17:03:15

I would not thought that it is part of a centrifugal clutch mechanism as they do not have any means of attaching a spring to hold it in to return them to the resting position when RPM lowers

Thread: Farm Boy
02/09/2023 19:14:57
Posted by noel shelley on 02/09/2023 18:54:01:

Is the ball race in the rocker arm a good idea ? The radius is very small on the valve stem. Noel.

This is what shows on the plans but will not know until it is assembled with the springs in place. I have seen one running with no problems.Check from 4:22

02/09/2023 17:52:30

Made a couple of pins for the rocker arm.

Then onto the conrod which after three failed attempts I have now managed to get further. I made up a set of filling buttons to do the small end. As well as that I need to shorten the the big end cap to remove the centre hole when the outer edge was turned

con rod (3).jpg

con rod (4).jpg

Then managed to get most of it complete except for some machining to lighten the rod which means making a fixture to machine those. They are the two cut outs along the side of the rod.

con rod (1).jpg

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
02/09/2023 17:31:23

Yet again another side project this time a plate to fit in the mill vice to hold parts which can't be held directly in the vice. This is the start which I did a while back so now need to complete it by drilling and tapping a few holes. This is the second time I have had to come off the Farm Boy build to make a jig or fixture and sure it will not be the last, at least they will also be hand for future work as well.

I will also need to make some small clamps for this as well.


Thread: Machinery Handbook
30/08/2023 14:11:00

Thank you all for your input on this. For the moment I will leave it and if I find that I am desperate I will invest in one. Many that are advertised on the net seem to have to come from America.

I do use my Zues chart a lot as well as my Model Engineers Handbook by Tubal Cain.

Thread: Spam in the Classifieds
30/08/2023 14:06:16

They are persistent as they have now added another three spam ads.

Thread: Machinery Handbook
30/08/2023 11:23:39

What are your thoughts on having a machinery Handbook is it worth it.

I have been looking at them on the net and they range greatly in price from the latest addition to very old ones.

I would not think that buying the latest one personally I would not get the use out of it to warrant e price.

If it is worth getting which number addition would be best to get

Thread: Dasqua tools?
28/08/2023 23:19:27

You would need to buy two Dasqua micrometers from Chronos 100mm-125mm and 125mm -150mm.



Thread: Belt/disc sander
25/08/2023 12:05:49

Going back many years I was also taught not to use the grinder for ali because of the dangers of possible hazards. Not only that but as stated it does clog the discs up.

24/08/2023 08:54:20

Does any one use a woodworking style bench disc/belt sander for their metal working. If so how does it stand up to being used on metal with all the sparks.

Many are advertised as being only for wood and say do not use for metal.

I do own a small one but will keep that for my woodworking as I do not want to mix wood and metal tools the only exception is my 3 disc grinders as all three are really used to sharpen shape woodturning tools so no cross contamination

Thread: Microsoft works
23/08/2023 16:15:55

Thank you all will have a look at those mentioned

23/08/2023 12:55:23

Has anyone found a free equivalent to microsoft works, especially Word and Publisher.

I do not use them enough to warrent paying for a package that I will only use three or four times a year.

If I was to use them a lot of the time then paying would not be a problem

Thread: Warco WM250V : Tray Cleaning Questions
21/08/2023 13:46:28

Like Jason I use a shallow tray but only one as I find that is where most of the swarf ends up. I can just slide it along for jobs which are longer. Any loose small swarf that misses the tray I just vac up.

tip time (1).jpg

Edited By Dalboy on 21/08/2023 13:48:06

Thread: What did you do today? 2023
20/08/2023 18:35:08

I needed to make a second sign to go with the one I made the other week as well as a small one for someone who lost their cat. Between doing these(Waiting for finish to dry) I tried to cross drill two pins for the Farm Boy and being a very small hole I made no progress as I had to take it easy.

I did wonder if it was a case of trying to drill very small hole into stainless steel so have turned some silver steel instead, hopefully try and drill that tomorrow.

no parking.jpg

Thread: Is a hammer on a surface plate worse than leaving a chuck key in?
19/08/2023 14:09:40

Don't shout at me but I use my cast iron surface plate to put wet and dry one so I can clean pieces of metal on it.

OK I confess it was one I brought very cheap and I use a granite one for my marking out no where near that one

Thread: Arceuro
17/08/2023 08:46:54

There are a lot of companies that get their products out on time, I do not judge them on that but how they deal with any problems that may arise.

Most of the time delays are caused by the delivery system that is used.

There are too many companies to list that get stuff out on time but only a few delivery companies that let them down which give them a bad name

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