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Member postings for Trevor Drabble

Here is a list of all the postings Trevor Drabble has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Wanted: Shaper
06/10/2019 13:31:43

James , would suggest you have a word with David at Quillstar . He is currently advertising both a bench mounted shaper as well as a floor standing unit . I have no connection with the company . Good luck . Trevor.

Thread: Silent compressor problem
24/09/2019 23:14:20

Have you tried talking to Bambi in Birmingham ?


Thread: Water Lifter Hose
19/09/2019 15:25:07

As per Jason's suggestion , Blackgates also sell a selection of suitable hose in different diameters.


Thread: Spring Tapping Guide
14/09/2019 11:06:25

Vic , Are the ones from Arceuro not suitable ?


Edited By Trevor Drabble on 14/09/2019 11:07:22

Thread: Heartbroken!
16/08/2019 16:19:54

My suggestion would be either carbide drill from M A Tooling on Attercliffe in Sheffield on 07973843152 or a carbide burr from J B Cutting Tools in Dronfield on 01246 418110 . I got some minature burrs from J B at last year's Midlands show , and they are very good . Also , if you visiting Meadowhall in the near future , Took Shed in The Lanes has a small stock of Proxxon carbide burrs . Hope t all helps . Please post your progress so we may all learn . Trevor.

Thread: Tracy Tools
11/08/2019 23:42:34

Paul , Good to hear there are a number of such good companies out there in these turbulent times . Would you care to share details of those you would recommend please in order that both the rest of us and they may potentially benefit ?


11/08/2019 07:44:18

Just want to praise Tracy Tools for their excellent service . Ordered a couple of taps from them around lunchtime on Friday and they arrived by first class post on Saturday . I believe such companies deserve all the support we can give them both directly and at the shows .


Thread: Locking Levers
07/08/2019 11:34:31

Vic , Thanks for the valuable info . Have bookmarked the page . Trevor


05/08/2019 11:24:11

Vic , I use Axminster Power Tools . They have them in both male and female variants . Also believe they do similar range in castellated knobs . No connection with company , just a satisfied customer . Trevor

26/07/2019 07:23:05

I use J B Cutting Tools from Dronfield and they usually attend the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition in October .


Thread: Advice for a mini milling machine
25/07/2019 17:28:05

Michael , Yet ANOTHER senior moment I'm afraid . Thank you for the correction , and yes , l agree , it certainly does .


25/07/2019 15:00:07

Alex , FYI There are presently a number of Aciera F1 machines listed on ebay , e.g. item numbers 283511350510 and 153576605420 , at £2200 and £1800 respectively , with the F3 offering by Rotagrip ( item number 282519985212 ) at £5940 .


Thread: First Project
20/06/2019 14:30:54

Puffa , Axminster Power Tools do a very good one week basic training course. Usually taken by a chap who served his time at Colchester lathes . Even though not cheap at around £600 , the courses are well supported . I've done two courses there and thoroughly enjoyed both . Trevor.

Thread: New drill-1PH to 3PH wiring
10/03/2019 13:52:09

David ,

Sent you a PM .

Trevor .

Thread: Tube Notching
04/03/2019 14:49:15

Sorry , forgot to say , the tube should obviously be supported by inserting wooden dowelling inside it in order to prevent distortion during cutting .

04/03/2019 14:27:34

Suggest careful use of a tube cutter such as items 59799 or 27996 from Toolstation.

Thread: Bench Grinder
25/02/2019 23:14:39

Bill , yes ,you're right they have but don't know why I'm afraid . Perhaps "buy one and you don't need to buy another " doesn't make good sales sense ? Believe Cromwell and Gate Tools still sell them .

25/02/2019 22:24:34

Mike , I have a Creusen 7200 , purchased MANY years ago from Axminster . I originally wanted the better model , but after a fruitful discussion with the lady at Axminster , I settled in this one , and I have to say , she was exactly right in her comments , bless her . Plus , she saved me a significant amount of cash . The machine is mounted on Creusen's own angle stand , has obviously well out-lasted it's long guarantee , and still uses its original and we'll-used vibration free wheels , as well as still taking around 2 mins to come to a stop . It still starts and runs like a dream and barely slows under load .

Here , I must confess a bias . I generally believe you get what you pay for , and I have no regrets whatsoever with this purchase and consider it well worth every penny .

So Mike , if you can afford one , go for it . The quality remains long after the price has been forgotten .

Thread: Skyhooks - an overhead solution
26/01/2019 17:51:52

That's where I put my working drawings , held up by masking tape for obvious reasons . In this way , they don't take up bench space , are kept fully open , are well lit and don't get damaged .

Trevor .

Thread: Is it just me?
22/01/2019 08:23:54

Paul , Regarding your 4DP cutters , would suggest you try Abbco of Beeston , Nottingham . They are adjacent original Myford factory . They do have a basic web page and can be contacted on 0115 9290700 or 07954907929 or [email protected] I have no connection with the company .


Edited By Trevor Drabble on 22/01/2019 08:24:32

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