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Member postings for Lambton

Here is a list of all the postings Lambton has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Myford ML7 using Super 7 parts
29/10/2016 12:02:56

Have a look at pages 194 - 196 iof "Myford Series 7 manual" by Ian Bradley that detail the design changes from ML7 to Super7

Thread: New lathe owner from south west wales
26/10/2016 16:15:53


Have a look at this site. **LINK**

Thread: Any other Barker lathe owners out there?
26/10/2016 16:14:56


Have a look at this site. **LINK**


Thread: Myford super7
25/10/2016 07:39:05

There is second oil nipple that need attention when using back gear it is located in the largest pulley of the headstock,.also enthusiastic over lubrication of the rear headstock bearing can produce some strange noises.

Thread: Russian aircraft carrier in the channel
22/10/2016 14:25:57

Surely all nuclear powered ships and submarines have steam turbines as the reactor only produces heat as in power station.

Thread: Inverter with motor needed
20/10/2016 14:26:48


Gavin Oseman
01684 574966

[email protected]

Thread: Removing cross slide Super 7
14/10/2016 10:16:46


Please obtain a copy of the Myford Super 7 manual as it is very comprehensive and informative. Free PDFs are available on line.

Thread: M8 tapping drill
13/10/2016 09:27:40

Iain asked for some simple advice and he has received it - along with a lot of confusing and sometime conflicting posts. Surely it is time to conclude this thread.

12/10/2016 09:35:01


You have received a lot of advise that may be a bit confusing. The truth is there is no absolutely correct tapping size for any particular thread. This is explained very well by Tubal Cain in excellent book Drills, Taps and Dies ( No 12 in the Workshop Practice series). Also have a look at this site which shows the range of tapping sizes for all normal screw threads in an informative and interesting way: **LINK**

Thread: Coke bottle rocket
09/10/2016 09:40:13


With the bottle partly filled with water the compressed air cannot escape quickly and so it pushes a jet of water out which in turn produces upward thrust until all the water has gone. The time taken for this to happen allows the bottle to shoot into the air.

With a bottle filled with compressed air only the air will escape immediately producing little or no thrust.

I am sure all the scientific explanations are correct but it is often better to apply Occam's razor (KISS) to such problems

Thread: Myford Lathe
30/09/2016 17:21:56


All change wheels for screw cutting on a Super 7 have the same bore of 5/8". Yours sounds like an odd-ball gear not intended for screw cutting on a Myford lathe.

Look at page 33 of the handbook for the piture JS refers to i.e. set up 2.

Thread: A flight of fancy ?
24/09/2016 15:41:06


Probably a design intended to improve the power and smoothness of a locomotive by providing 4 cylinders without having to resort to a crank axel. Back in the days before metallurgy was fully understood and inspection techniques such as X-rays existed, crank axels frequently failed in a catastrophic way resulting in serious accidents. Robert Stephenson used double framing on his Planet type locos that had crank axels thus providing 4 bearings to each axel. If the crank axel fractured each half of the axel would still be supported by two bearings so the loco would safely remain upright on the track.

Thread: Clarke lathe in classified
23/09/2016 16:38:20


Whether you are a quiet type or a loud one all you have to do is click on the title of the advert and all the details drop down.

Thread: Gaskets
19/09/2016 11:42:16



They sell plain gasket paper as follows.

"Suitable for mineral oils, hydrocarbons and cold water not suitable for acids and steam. Maximum temperature 120'C Available in 0.25mm, 0.5mm, 0.8mm and 1mm thick all from 1 metre wide rolls".

For cutting holes I use a revolving leather punch e.g. Clarke CHT489 about £8 from Machine Mart. It has punches 2,2.5,3,3.5,4 & 4.5 mm diameter. For larger hole I use wad punches.

I hope this is of help.

Thread: magazine
08/09/2016 06:43:40

My copy of MEW 246 arrived by post yesterday. I have not had a chance to read any of the articles yet but they look very good and interesting.

What really pleased me was the inclusion of Arc's catalogue 10 which is excellent. My old issue 9 is now very dog-eared and out of date. These Arc catalogues are the best that I have ever seen for model engineers - full of good and reliable kit and very informative. I particularly like the new pages at the back giving essential data for the identification of the various tapers etc. Thank you MEW and Ketan.


Thread: Having difficulty in removing a For Sale advert.
04/08/2016 12:39:11

Thank you Jason.

03/08/2016 17:15:10

I have two for sale adverts that I cannot remove using the "manage my adverts - delete" procedure. I have used this procedure successfully in the past however the two adverts in question are ones that I edited to amend them a little. It appears that making these amendments prevents the removal of the advert.

Can anyone tell how to delete these amended ads. please..

Thread: Repetition of articles.
22/07/2016 10:17:07

Surely the author should get repeat fees?

Pay the man twice as it is not his fault the article has been duplicated and the owners of the magazine have received full payment from the buying public for both magazines.

Thread: Milling facility on my Myford ML7?
19/07/2016 06:42:05

When contemplating a mil drill ensure the one selected has the facility for a draw bar as this is essential for milling. Any chuck, drill or collet. mounted on a taper shank will quickly become detached from the spindle due to the action of the milling cutter if not secured by a draw bar.

Thread: ARC-Safety Concern - 80mm 4 Jaw Independent Chuck-China
02/07/2016 12:21:46

Very well done Ketan! I only wish that other suppliers to the model engineering fraternity would publically engage with their customers who frequently raise issues on this forum. Don’t tell me that they do not look at the forum as I am sure they do. They rely heavily on our custom and should be prepared to answer general issues publically just as Ketan does. This is the main reason that I buy all that I can from Arc and only consider the others if Arc cannot supply my needs.

Arc also sell Zyther chucks from India, a manufacturer with a high reputation for making quality products . Zyther chucks are very reasonably priced compared with PB or Tos

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