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Member postings for NJH

Here is a list of all the postings NJH has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
10/11/2017 10:51:57

"I heard from Stub Mandrel today.

He received an email from the lawyer of a deceased member of the Mandrel family, asking if he wanted to claim the estate.

Strangely the email address was for another Mandrel family member and did not contain any details of the solicitors involved aside from a name.

Nonetheless Stub awaits great riches for little effort."

I doubt that he will be interested - I understand that he now has a cushy retirement job paying some a handsome salary .....................


An anonymous well wisher

Thread: The true cost of Diesel?
06/11/2017 15:38:14

Alan you say that "I live 5 km from the closest shops" - not just in OZ then !

The nearest fuel ( and shops) to me is 10km away and I live in a rural , but by no means remote, part of Devon.

The greatest problem I can see with recharging is that the power infrastructure in general, and particularly in rural areas, is unlikely to be able to support the kind of demand made by recharging vehicle batteries. It's not just the requirement for building additional power stations but also the need to augment the whole of the distribution network.


Thread: PSA - Daylight Savings: Check Detector Batteries & Extinguishers
05/11/2017 23:11:39

Well I'm all for GMT / BST changes - adds a little variety and excitement into an otherwise dull schedule...........

teeth 2


Thread: blackgates eng
04/11/2017 14:45:54

Well they still have a comprehensive web presence see HERE

Let's hope they are still active!


Edited By NJH on 04/11/2017 14:46:23

Thread: Omega watch
01/11/2017 11:45:37

Ah Clive

"I like a plain functional watch, no day/ date for me"

Just you wait!

With age I've found the date useful for some time but, increasingly, the day is becoming more useful too.

We live out in the sticks and nothing much marks the passing of time ( other than the seasons with the change of landscape) At one time one kept a track to see favourite TV progs but, with the advent of "YouView", pretty much everything is recorded and watched later. I know we go out for "supplies" on Mondays and Fridays so the day IS useful - without it we could starve! surprise


28/10/2017 16:02:07

Ah Clive

Another Omega man!

I had one as 21st birthday present - over 50years ago ( ! ) and it is still going strong ...... except that I keep forgetting to wind it.

For everyday use I have a battery operated Seiko which keeps perfect time and didn’t break the bank to buy ...........

I do still prefer the Omega though!


Thread: BA threads. Why the tpi?
22/10/2017 13:41:27

Hey Jim

BA stands for BRITISH Association none of yer newfangled European stuff here so forget the .81mm and embrace the (almost) perfect symmetry of 31.35!




Edited By NJH on 22/10/2017 13:42:41

Thread: Milling machine taper choice ?
21/10/2017 16:03:59


This has been asked before and the concensus was that R8 was the better option unless you have a lot of MT items that you want to use . The R8 taper has the advantage of being self ejecting hence the “stuck” MT item does not occur ( with the need to belt the daylights out of it to release it - with the consequent risk to the bearings,!,)

Me - well I have a MT version - but the R8 was not available in the distant past when I bought it. If starting out now ( without the load of tooling I have accumulated ) I would choose R8.


Ps Yes seeing your last post the secret is not to be too “Macho” with the spanner !

Edited By NJH on 21/10/2017 16:06:36

Thread: Axminster Engineering Lathe Course - Update
17/10/2017 21:13:11

I’m pretty relaxed about it - a replacement leadscrew for the S7 is about £120 - and I doubt that I will need one in the near future !

My interest is at the “small” end of things and BA sizes are the “norm” so taps & dies are the usual order of the day.


17/10/2017 19:40:53

"Wear on the threading lead screw, for power feeding, is not an ideal situation " -

It's a valid point that, with the Myford, the leadscrew is used for powered feeds as well as for screw cutting - the question is though - how often do you use your lathe to cut screw threads ? In my case hardly ever. On the other hand powered cross and longitudinal feeds I use all the time.


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2017)
16/10/2017 18:20:11

Nice here in Devon ........... but then it usually is! smile d


Thread: Myford ml4
16/10/2017 18:01:50

Hi Colin

Tailstock chuck / arbor ( and lots of other "stuff" ) see HERE

Good luck with your " swarf making" activities!


Thread: Axminster Engineering Lathe Course - Update
15/10/2017 18:39:41


I think you will find that it is Axminster in Devon - the home of Axminster Power Tools. A net search for them will give you a view of all the goodies available and details of courses. I do go over there from time to time ........ but it can get expensive as I always seem to find something that I need!


Thread: Yet Another Martin Evans
11/10/2017 17:33:54

Well my Son - Outlaw is a Martin Evans... not at all into metalwork BUT a VERY accomplished woodworker!

( as were my Father and Grandfather I worked in electronics / management as a career BUT got a retirement job in a mechanical workshop !.... overall a good and satisfying life.



Edited By NJH on 11/10/2017 17:42:44

Thread: Removing mt0 centre?
09/10/2017 14:35:15

Forget the PC and get an Apple ......... although, thinking about it, I seem to recall that an Apple was the cause of all mankind’s problems,😳


Thread: Aircraft General Discussion
06/10/2017 19:51:44


There is an old saying in flying circles that a good landing is one you can walk away from..... whilst a GREAT landing means you can use the aircraft again!


Thread: Quick change tool post
01/10/2017 12:49:28

Well Martin

I certainly find a QCTP worthwhile - but to BE QuickChange you need a few holders - and I have a few!

Comment was also made about the "Tangential tool holder" - a good tool and useful for many jobs - you will see that I have one fitted to a boat for the QCTP. I also have a QCTP on a rear toolpost which is mostly used for an inverted parting off tool ( less traumatic than the usual front tool method!)

(OK I admit it I am a QCTP Fan!)


Thread: Dog poo problem
27/09/2017 17:50:34

I agree let the vet see him - especially if you have not changed his diet recently.

We find a good quality dried food works best for our Staffie <---------- and we have a big enough garden for her to make her "deposits" there .......and we then carry out a regular clean up "poo patrol " - particularly before mowing the lawn!


Thread: moving house & workshop
23/09/2017 17:40:05

When I moved from Oxford to Devon (17 years ago!) the removal firm were happy to shift my ML10, Mill/ Drill , work benches and loads of ME "stuff" as part of the move. All our "stuff" filled two lorries but the entrance to our new property is up a narrow lane. They brought a small lorry that could get up the lane and transferred all the "stuff" to this to ferry it to the house & workshop. The new house had a large double garage and, on the principle that cars are waterproof and could remain outside, I converted it into a nice workshop. I think getting a removal firm local to our NEW property was a good move - lots of narrow lanes and tight corners here and they new the score.

(Yes and 17 years later I'm still coming across "stuff" that I didn't remember that I had!) - I dare not think about another move.


Thread: Something Else Exciting is also on it's way
09/09/2017 17:28:18

Hey Jason

"I keep a tidy workshop "

But think of all the excitement and entertainment that you are missing!!

For ( many? of ) the rest of us every trip to the workshop is an adventure. We go out there and need a "widget" to carry out the work but can't remember just where we saw it last. There follows a search through all the likely ...then increasingly unlikely places - leading us through a comfortable adventure by revisiting all our previous workshop experiences. Many a happy hour can pass this way and, by the time we are through, we have completely forgotten what we went in there for anyway! Never mind the next time we go out there for a different purpose altogether it is sure to turn up........ then we will think " now I was looking for that the other day - I wonder what I needed it for........?

Norman crook

(Of course it may be just ME that operates like this ....... but do any of the rest of you recognise this pattern!)

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