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Member postings for NJH

Here is a list of all the postings NJH has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: have a good christmas
24/12/2016 17:06:26


One of the best this year .......... good grief ! - that could be a picture of me.......!

Seasons greetings to all - don't go too mad with the cooking sherry.


Thread: sealing polished mild steel
19/12/2016 18:07:14

You could change your mind and make it out of brass - that way she would think of you every time she had to clean it! wink

If you do continue with the steel - careful cleaning, degreasing and a cold laquer should be OK.


Thread: Is This Key Grinder Worth Buying?
16/12/2016 17:04:36


I suspect that you know the answer - if you can't see an immediate use for it then you don't want it.

( Oh how I wish I had followed that example throughout my life !)


Thread: 1000 Hours in 12 Minutes
15/12/2016 21:14:04

Nice to hear from you Sam and all Good Wishes of the Season to you and yours! Nice to hear that it is sunny there - my No.2 son is still there and enjoying it. He did manage a trip home in the summer, which we enjoyed, and he, of course, has now managed two summers in 12 months!


p.s. Progress on my clock, I' m afraid, is zero!

Edited By NJH on 15/12/2016 21:16:53

Thread: Simplex 0-6-0
15/12/2016 20:45:33

Just enter "Building Simplex Locomotive" into your browser. Lots of information is available. Many years ago a friend of mine built one - it went very well and he allowed me to drive it sometimes - good fun!


Thread: help with William needed
15/12/2016 12:29:06

Hi Guys

I have a part built William ( frames, cylinders, part motion and boiler ) but long put on "hold" I'm afraid. Moved into the wilds some years ago so D-I-Y and other "stuff" took over. I will be interested to see your progress. I liked the look of William when it first emerged and it did seem to be a more "usable" loco than Rob Roy.


Thread: VAT criticisms?
14/12/2016 21:50:41

"So VAT was introduced in 1973 and no one has noticed yet that armchairs were included ?

That should affect most on this forum."

Don't worry John you too will, one day, qualify for admission to the band. I should warn you though that the qualification comes with many duties that you workers can't even dream of.... and all these duties are unpaid! What is more they are supervised almost continuously. As an example today my duties were to drive the "boss" into Exeter, kick my heels for an hour whilst she had her hair "done", and then drive all the way back. This put out my daily duties, which you laughingly refer to as "armchair" sessions, considerably. What is more it disrupted the dog's schedule too. Workshop time? I can't even find the key to get in there. Well here it is 9.50 pm and I'm about to take to my armchair - where are you?

Norman face 4

14/12/2016 16:56:50

Yep - I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes - so it's not a new concept!

The money you earn is taxed, the money you spend is taxed and the interest you earn on any money that you save is taxed. ( although if you look at the rates of interest on savings accounts at the moment neither you nor the government makes a lot from that!)

Hey there is nowt that you can do about it so just relax, try not to worry and enjoy life whilst you can.


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
14/12/2016 16:30:57

Oh dear Richard - a tale of woe indeed!

I wish I could inject an optimistic note - but they do say that things often come in threes! crook

Maybe go back to bed, pull the bedclothes over your head and wait until Christmas is all over.


Thread: WIN10 on new Laptop.
12/12/2016 20:41:46

Clive - I feel your pain!

Some years ago I bought a new p.c - which came with Win 10 installed - for my wife to use. Eventually we did get it to work with some resemblance to our previous computers. She is now Ok with it to carry out her stuff. Having experienced the saga I did what my Kids have been telling me to do for years - and bought a Mac. Best move I've ever made. We are now an orchard of apples - we each have an iPad , I have an iMac and an iPod and all is going well. ( However there are a few probs with her Windows pic at the moment!)


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
10/12/2016 23:26:36

"My Dad did quite a lot of [optical quality] fabrication with Perspex, and I'm pretty sure he used chloroform as a solvent adhesive."

Quite right Michael - I worked in a lab for a while - we made lots of experimental apparatus from perspex using chloroform to weld the assemblies. Very nasty stuff though and extreme care needed.


Edited By NJH on 10/12/2016 23:27:51

Thread: Building Stuart Victoria
10/12/2016 16:59:36

Hi Jordan

Try here:-


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
08/12/2016 21:22:34

Good - O Michael - three cheers for the NHS .... again!


Thread: Forward reverse barrel switch
08/12/2016 14:53:04


It is important to have an NVR ( Stop/Start ) switch which, in the event of a power cut, will disconnect the circuit and ensure that the machine will not restart when the power is restored ( and you are either far away or fiddling with your fingers in the works.) The reverse function I've yet to find a use for and you can safely put off purchase of that until you do have need of it.


Edited By NJH on 08/12/2016 14:55:24

Thread: Should I Be Able To Do This?
07/12/2016 18:17:31

As Graham says - it's really best to LOOK at what you are doing! cool


Thread: What Did You Do Today (2016)
04/12/2016 23:39:49


LAMPS always used to be :-

London Area Mobile Physiotherapy Service. !


04/12/2016 23:02:25

Come on Neil - surely everyone knows those gliding related terms!

Perhaps Andrew will take you for a little ride - he might even demonstrate a few aerobatics disgust


02/12/2016 10:29:17

Good oh Martin

Nice to hear your satisfaction with the brand and service. I have vaguely considered an inverter drive for mine - one day maybe!


Thread: 3 jaw independant chuck
01/12/2016 17:27:35

There is, of course, the 3-Jaw Grip-Tru chuck which allows some adjustment of the POSITION of the chuck on the backplate but the jaws still act together so irregular work is not catered for.

The Grip-Tru is good - especially if you need to re-chuck round work - but I find it a bit of a snag to get right - maybe I've not used it enough!

As far as irregular castings go then the 4-jaw independent should cope with Neil's castings.

( In fact I have heard it said that " why do folk need self centring chucks when a 4-jaw independent will do it all! "


Thread: Production drilling in the lathe.
30/11/2016 17:40:48


I have one of those little tailstock drillholders.Not used all that often but very useful when using very small drills as it is possible to "feel the drill" in - something not possible when winding in with the tailstock handle.

Found mine in a S/H tool shop if I remember correctly


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