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Member postings for FMES

Here is a list of all the postings FMES has made in our forums. Click on a thread name to jump to the thread.

Thread: Gas detectors
06/12/2017 13:18:24

Hi Bob, Carbon Monoxide is usually the result of incomplete combustion of any hydrocarbon and yes that does include household gas.

It is a totally odour free undetectable gas which will kill you before you are even aware of it, so the installation of a detector is highly recommended.

Normally it would alert you to a faulty boiler flue or blocked chimney.



Thread: Why Brake
05/12/2017 13:47:12


Thread: Anyone been to the Harrogate show yet ?
11/05/2015 12:35:10

I'm so sorry that you feel I'm being critical John S., far from it. I was just making the point that while all you guys were enjoying the show we were not able to.

I try and do most of the shows, work and commitments permitting, but just couldn't manage this one which is a shame.

As for

'4 out of these 5 are in the south so I feel it's very unfair that he criticises anyone in the North for having the balls to host one show ?

Where did you get that from?

10/05/2015 17:29:52
Posted by Nicholas Farr on 10/05/2015 14:47:20:

Hi Lofty76, as far as I'm aware the exhibition at Harrogate has always been at Harrogate. Are you getting muddled up with the Midlands exhibition which used to be at Stoneleigh and then they held it at Castle Donington from 1996, which is now held at the Warwick Exhibition Centre since 2005.


Regards Nick.

Edited By Nicholas Farr on 10/05/2015 14:58:56

Well, its been there since 1994 Nick, we were going to Stoneleigh in the early eighties.

Pretty sure I have a communication somewhere from the Southern Federation telling us about the demise of the Stoneleigh venue with a recommendation for the Harrogate one.

10/05/2015 17:22:29

Ok Neil, got you the first time laugh

I don't think it was as good as the Harrogate show though.

May have changed.

10/05/2015 15:29:04
Posted by Brian Wood on 10/05/2015 12:46:29:


I don't wish to spar with you, but the country as a whole suffers far too much in the way of bias in favour of all things South.

Stoneleigh is a fair haul from up here and the South is already well served with other Exhibition sites that might as well be on the far side of the moon in terms of access for those of us living oop Norf.

As far as I know, there is nothing serving Scotland, why not I ask?

I for one would be deeply saddened to see this excellent and well attended Exhibition relocated to the South on a whim having run at the Harrogate location for the better part of 25 years

Brian Thirsk North Yorkshire

Not a spar at all Brian, it just means that we personally are not able to easily travel that distance, as are many other members of Southern clubs.

The Stoneleigh show was the best for us, the London one mainly seemed to concentrate less on live steam and more on model aircraft et al and was much more crowded.

10/05/2015 12:27:41

It really is unfortunate that since the relocation of the show some years ago, it's not viable to travel with the associated rail costs and overnight accommodation.

Stoneleigh was relatively accessible after a 2 and a half hour drive from the south coast and we used to attend every year.

I can't remember why the venue was altered, but it was mooted that previous venue was too far south for more northern visitors to attend.

Thread: Whats going on with this drill?
04/05/2015 18:35:53
Yes you could convert it to double insulated. Not easy though.

You need to put it an insulated housing so that in use you cannot touch any part of its metalwork. It will be quite difficult to actually use it, unless you make an extension shaft (out of insulating material) that passes through the housing wall so that the chuck is on the outside. You will also need to make an insulated extension to the trigger switch.

Good news bit is that you only need a two core cable!wink

Or you could wear thick rubber gloves while using it.!

Seriously though most older stuff will sail through a pat test if properly maintained, the only thing thay will need replacing is what looks like rubber cable.

04/05/2015 09:58:46

Hi Rainbows,

A lot of American tooling is 110 volt and will need a transformer in order to be used on UK supplies.

What is worrying is the presence of a 13amp plug being fitted, giving suspicion that it has been used on a 240v system.

It would be prudent to have it tested properly before use as it is obviously getting on in years.

Thread: Vertical Tailstock Alignment
29/04/2015 17:50:55
Posted by David Cambridge on 29/04/2015 12:57:13:

Just by eye I can see it’s just a tiny fraction of a mm out in both the horizontal and vertical.


How about checking it properly rather than by eye?

The eye can see light through a virtually immeasureable gap so it would be better to get a between centers parallel and check it with a DTI over a set distance.

Might not be out as much as you think.

Thread: Reaming question
24/04/2015 21:42:07

3.658 = No27

Edited By Lofty76 on 24/04/2015 21:43:36

24/04/2015 20:31:25

Julian, may I recommend purchasing a set of Zeus tables **LINK**

You'll never regret it.

24/04/2015 13:45:36

Depends on the actual size of the mild steel bar.

If it is 4mm then a drilling of 3.8/3.9 mm will give you a press fit without reaming. but check what size your drills are actually producing - most drill slightly oversize.

We normally drill 3.8mm for a 4mm reamer to H7 clearance on 4mm ground mild steel.

Thread: Making a table saw from Wickes grinder
23/04/2015 20:51:56
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 23/04/2015 20:12:03:

My only concern is that these do run quite hot as they don't have a cooling fan.

Try to avoid repeated starts or extended use (a bit of a 'caught both ways' there).


Cured that easily Neil, no problem with long runs.

23/04/2015 17:56:41

I reckon it would be ok on a smaller blade, having said that I made a very useful topslide grinder for my lathe using a similar motor.

The the only thing I found I had to do was add a cooling fan as the motor was not meant for continuous use.

It runs quite happily for an hour or more now spinning a 8 x 1/4 white wheel, shown here grinding the main bearing jiournals for the R & B.

rb gas engine 246.jpg

Thread: Reading a drawing - Radius
23/04/2015 08:34:53

Personally, as these are only cosmetic radii, I would have extended the straight lines to a point and then used a correct sized piece of rod/tubing to draw round after lining up with the straight lines.

Its easier to do than describe.

Thread: TLC on an old compressor
19/04/2015 19:31:03
Posted by Capstan Speaking on 19/04/2015 18:38:43:

Actually the manufacturers' test regime is 1.5 times the design (rated) pressure. As they often run at less than that a wider test margin would be recommended.

Actually in this instance it's academic as any test would be purely for the confidence of the user.

19/04/2015 18:23:26
Posted by Steven Vine on 19/04/2015 17:58:42:

Following on from XD351's reply, does anyone know if a receiver like this can be reliably tested for soundness using the water test method used for model boilers?


That's exactly how it is done Steve, but I wouldn't want to try and apply the content of PSSR 2000 to it **LINK** but a simple hydraulic test to prove the integrity of the pressure vessel would be prudent.

If its not a home made unit it should have an original set of test markings on the tank somewhere, usually near the outlet (but not allways) which will give you the required test pressures normally 1.5 times working pressure.

Just remember it was on the scrap pile for a reason, you need to find out what that reason was.

All the best


Thread: very low temp solder
14/04/2015 22:12:12

I've used ordinary electrical flux cored solder to good effect on brass tanks and tenders.

Thread: Flux shelf life
14/04/2015 09:20:01

I haven't tried mixing with detergent as I would have thought there would be a small amount of burnt residue to contaminate the joint.

What I HAVE tried is mixing a few drops of methylated sprit to the flux which I find helps cut any residual oil/grease (fingerprints etc) .


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