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oddities embedded in posts

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An Other04/02/2023 08:21:23
327 forum posts
1 photos

In the last two or three weeks, whenever I open a post on the ME site which has a picture embedded in it, instead of a picture I get a "reCapture" page - not the picture - anyone else seen this?

Michael Gilligan04/02/2023 08:26:27
23121 forum posts
1360 photos

No, nay, never


Frances IoM04/02/2023 08:44:53
1395 forum posts
30 photos
possibly an image from one of the 'free' suppliers - not free as the price is the cost of your known IPaddress, browser signature (used to cross-match against other sightings) + interest - the reCapture is often used to check on this and also gain additional info as it forces a Java script enabled access to their site
An Other04/02/2023 09:23:56
327 forum posts
1 photos

Thanks for that, Frances. I'm a bit puzzled by it, for several reasons. As you say, it does seem to be an 'image' - it is not an active reCapture (not possible to enter anything). I'm not too worried even by the 'normal' reCapture having things like my IP - from past experience, I have found out that anyone using my IP to locate me gets pointed to a city that is at least 200km from where I live. I'm more concerned that it may be some kind of 'phishing' attempt.

I also wonder how it is being inserted into the post - assuming the intended picture in the post is saved somewhere in an album on a server belonging to (or used by) this site, then I would guess that if someone references a picture from their album in their post, then presumably local (site) software recovers the appropriate picture and displays it - which raises the question how is the reCapture being inserted instead?


SillyOldDuffer04/02/2023 09:33:02
10668 forum posts
2415 photos

I've not noticed anything like that, yet! A link to an example would help, as it would reveal where it's coming from.

Frances' suggestion gets my vote, but I suppose it's possible A N Other used a Free Hosting site that's installed a 'helper' which thinks he's wants to upload a photo to the forum. And misfires because the forum doesn't support that way of uploading images.


V8Eng04/02/2023 09:48:20
1826 forum posts
1 photos

Never had that (yet?).

Might just be worth running a full security/AV scan on your computer anyway, if you haven’t already done that.

Edited By V8Eng on 04/02/2023 09:49:28

JasonB04/02/2023 10:05:37
25215 forum posts
3105 photos
1 articles

Not had it either, can you post a screen shot.

By way of experiment what do you see below, should be two photos, the first hosted here in an album the other from my Photobucket account

gamages ndc.jpg

peak404/02/2023 13:25:32
2207 forum posts
210 photos

Yes two photos, but with different brightness, the second one is paler.


An Other04/02/2023 17:50:02
327 forum posts
1 photos

Sorry about the delay responding - been busy.

I'm not using a 'free hosting' site (whatever that is) - just the ME URL on Firefox in Linux Mint 21.2.

It also doesn't happen every time. I can open the site in my browser, select and open one or other of the threads that interests me. On several occasions I noticed a post with this "reCapture" in it - it looks like an image of the thing, because nothing happens when I click on it. I realised that a picture should be there because of the post content. It also doesn't seem to be 'reproducible' in that if I close the thread, then re-open it, the correct picture will appear.

I can see both your pictures OK Jason (this time) - but one looks a bit "older" than the othersmiley, as commented by Bill above. (Wish you could still get steam engine kits for 16/- those were the days!)

I will try and post a screen shot if it comes up again - very odd, I think.

Thanks for the efforts to help, and regards.

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