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X2 mini mill way covers

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Robert Munce10/02/2022 06:50:28
12 forum posts
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Has anyone made any way covers for their mill as the ones what come with it are a bit naff

Would love to see your ideas please pictures would help me loads

Thanks in advance

Thor 🇳🇴12/02/2022 05:56:25
1766 forum posts
46 photos

Hi Robert,

My milling machine didn't come with any waycover for the front so I simply used a rubber sheet that I attached with some screws:


You can buy covers/machine bellows.


JasonB12/02/2022 06:59:45
25215 forum posts
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I've always wondered why they put the covers on the smaller mills but not the larger? 15yrs with my uncovered X3 ways and I have no problem with them after a lot of use.

Robert Munce12/02/2022 07:50:40
12 forum posts
8 photos

Hi Jason.

My lead screw is exposed so I'm thinking not only the way covers but also screw cover.

Have you had any problems with your lead screw then.


Thor 🇳🇴12/02/2022 10:04:50
1766 forum posts
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Protecting the feed screw on my milling machine was an important point when I covered the front on my milling machine. So far I have had no problems - the milling machine is a decade old.


Peter G. Shaw12/02/2022 10:22:12
1531 forum posts
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My X2 clone, actually a Warco MiniMill came with corrugated plastic covers for the Y axis. (Is that right? I'm referring to the forward & backwards slide as distinct from the side to side slide.) These quite quickly cracked and split in the folds of the corrugations. I then replaced them with other corrugated plastic stuff supposedly meant for this job but which also quickly cracked and split. In the end, I used an idea by, I think, Harold Hall and that was to use polyurethane varnished cardboard from breakfast cereal packs, lightly scored where I wanted folds. These are lasting much longer than the plastic stuff. The downside is that they are stiff and get in the way when up against the travel limits, mainly up against the column. Hence, as I approach the column, I use a slim rod, screwdriver, whatever just to lift the cardboard such that it then bunches up above the slide.

FWIW, I used two coats of any old indoor coloured varnish, just what was left in the bottom of the can.

Peter G. Shaw

John Hinkley12/02/2022 10:45:45
1545 forum posts
484 photos

I replaced the supplied sheet "rubber" Y-axis way protector on my Warco VMC mill in pretty short order and substituted **LINK** . They are well into their sixth year of use and show no sign of wear or tear. Like Peter, I lift them out of harms way when the table is traversed to its maximum extent towards the column. Highly recommended. No connections, etc.



Edited By John Hinkley on 12/02/2022 10:47:00

Edited By John Hinkley on 12/02/2022 10:47:45

Ron Laden13/02/2022 07:53:06
2320 forum posts
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I,ve never bothered with covers on my Sieg SX2P, its done quite a bit of work in 3 years and never had a problem, just clean it down between jobs.

Andrew Tinsley13/02/2022 10:45:55
1817 forum posts
2 photos

I was looking through the Arc website last night and saw a good few concertina covers for Sieg mills. I have not got a clue if they are any good or even if they fit your mill, but maybe worth you having a browse.


JasonB13/02/2022 12:16:51
25215 forum posts
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1 articles

My X3 screws are not in the firing line so possibly why there are none fitted.

Ron Laden13/02/2022 14:11:20
2320 forum posts
452 photos

Same here, on my SX2 the leadscrews are not open to swarf so its not a worry.

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