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Peter Seymour-Howell24/06/2021 14:37:17
125 forum posts
25 photos

Hi guys

Please forgive me if this has been covered before, if so I can't find it?

Each time I visit the page or refresh the page I have to log in. Is there a wsy to be automatically signed in with each visit? I have clicked the 'remember me' tab many times but it seems to do nothing.

I'm hoping that this is possible..thanks in advance


mechman4824/06/2021 14:57:33
2947 forum posts
468 photos

I have the same problem as well as keeping things that I type in to the reply box,when I have to move on to another site, or even looking in 'my albums' involves losing all the typing I have done. I have had to resort to highlighting the text then 'copy' 'save' on to a word doc to paste back after I have inserted anything from another source, or copy to clipboard & paste it back. Once I leave the reply box all text disappears that's what I would like to resolve. It only happens on this site !


Emgee24/06/2021 15:06:27
2610 forum posts
312 photos
Posted by Peter Seymour-Howell on 24/06/2021 14:37:17:

Hi guys

Please forgive me if this has been covered before, if so I can't find it?

Each time I visit the page or refresh the page I have to log in. Is there a wsy to be automatically signed in with each visit? I have clicked the 'remember me' tab many times but it seems to do nothing.

I'm hoping that this is possible..thanks in advance



I think it may be due to your computer settings, if you are set to remove Cookies when leaving the internet you will have to sign in every visit. You need to change the settings so your computer remembers the ME site by not deleting the site info/cookie.

Someone with more computer know how will I'm sure correct my statement if it is wrong or off track.


JasonB24/06/2021 15:08:42
25215 forum posts
3105 photos
1 articles

The usual problem is accessing the site on more than one device or leaving it open on say a mobile that will keep logging you in and wiping you off anything else.

I don't get the problem unless I do the above so it's possibly a user setting somewhere like add blockers or security settings.

Peter Seymour-Howell24/06/2021 15:29:23
125 forum posts
25 photos

Thanks for the replies it is possible not to have to sign in each visit? I do indeed switch from PC to mobil sometimes, but then I do that with all the forums that I'm registered too and have no problems with those?

I'm no IT expert but fail to see how my settings would only affect this site?

Perhap's I'll get my IT son to take a look next time he visits...he reads multiple types of code better than I can read plain English...🤣🤣



SillyOldDuffer24/06/2021 16:41:38
10668 forum posts
2415 photos

Touch of the mysterious about remembered logins on this site! They just work for some, whilst others have endless bother. It appears there are several causes including:

  • On the client
    • Browser cookie policy
    • Browser bug or version mismatch with server
    • Security Software policy
    • Time-outs due to slow network or slow computer
    • Corrupt cookie
  • At the server
    • Load shedding due to overload. (Note the server supports all MyTimeMedia's websites, not just this one, so heavy activity on 'Patchwork and Quilting' might disrupt Model Engineering. ) Heavy activity could be caused by users, a search engine spider, virus scanning or other maintenance.
    • Web server bug or version mismatch with client
    • Time-outs due to network congestion.
    • Logging out when multiple devices connect to the same account.
  • In the network.
    • Routing errors
    • Cookie invalidated by re-issue of Dynamic DNS addresses by the client's ISP (not sure this website compares IP addresses, some do)
    • Lost, corrupt or duplicate packets (system normally recovers automatically from transmission errors but nothing works perfectly all the time...)

Been several attempts to pin down the problem. Doesn't appear to be operating system or browser specific, but there may be a correlation between chaps with older equipment, who also use more than one device, and have a slow network connection. Oddly, many members never see the problem at all, while others get it in clusters.

Generally speaking, it's not best practice to leave a computer logged in to anything. Remembered login facilities encourage bad security habits and waste computer resources, which mattered 45 years ago when I was taught not to do it! As the security objection is still good, I still always log in and out: doing so refreshes all things computer between me an Once in a blue moon I'm logged off the site mid-session: since getting 50Mbits/s broadband this has always been obviously associated with a network problem.

Keep trying, and if anyone proves what causes it, please report back! I think it's combinations of the problems I listed above, not a single easy to fix tweak.


norman valentine24/06/2021 19:38:20
280 forum posts
40 photos

I used to have the same problem but for the last several months I stay logged in for over a week at a time. I am not aware of having changed anything.

martin perman24/06/2021 20:30:08
2095 forum posts
75 photos

Until recently I have stayed logged on indefinitly but now im logging on several times a day and I've changed nothing.

Martin P

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